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Showing 92 items

Scientific paper • 2014


100% Money and Vollgeld, no Solution for a Stationary Economy

By: Benedikt Weihmayr

Abstract: In the post-growth debate a rising number of authors advocate for monetary reforms, which intention is to prevent banks from deposit creation and establishes the central bank as the sole issuer of money. This paper examines the expected macroeconomic consequences and reviews the proclaimed benefits. In the analysis, I consider especially the assertions of authors, who argue that such ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ethical Banks – Professional Biography and taking critical distance in ethical Banking and Finance

By: Sarah Lenz

Abstract: The segment of empirical reality chosen for the presentation is dedicated to ethical or sustainable banking. Though rather small still, this segment has been expanding rapidly. Contrary to conventional banking, this segment has constantly been gaining legitimacy since the collapse of global finance. Building on the assumption that institutions do not only depend on the acceptance and ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Wealth, Virtual Wealth, and Capitalism

By: Gabriel Lombard

Abstract: Modern economists have accustomed us to put different things under the words wealth. Some authors of the past tackled more thoroughly the question of the nature of wealth and the correlated question of the role of money. We present three prominent examples of different periods but of a common spirit: the Physiocrat François Quesnay, in 18th. century France, the art-critic John Ruskin ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Theoretical considerations on growth imperatives in a monetary economy

By: Oliver Richters, Ferdin, Wenzlaff, Christian Kimmich

Abstract: If an ongoing growth is considered impossible or undesirable, the growth dependence of man-made structures such as social security systems have to be carefully revised. In the post-growth debate, the monetary system based on credit money combined with positive interest rates is often criticized and accused of causing a growth imperative. The contribution refutes this oversimplified in...

Scientific paper • 2014


Rethinking the Role of the Economy and Financial Markets

By: Tony Greenham, Josh Ryan Collins

Abstract: The financial crisis is as much a crisis of economics as of the financial system. Inherent flaws in the modern monetary system overlay and magnify conceptual flaws in prevailing neo-liberal economic policy that rely on frameworks ill-suited to the current context of ecological and social problems. Our response therefore needs to address both the reform of the financial system and a fu...

Scientific paper • 2014


Money, debt, and the end of the growth imperative

By: Thomas H. Greco

Abstract: The global, interest-based, debt-money system is the primary driver of unsustainable growth, economic inequity, and environmental destruction. Almost all of the money in existence in the world today is created by banks when they make loans. The accrual of interest on these loans over time, causes the amount of debt to always exceed the means for its payment, so new loans must continua...

Scientific paper • 2014


How does the monetary system work, does it require economic growth, and are there monetary policy options allowing degrowth?

By: Christoph Freydorf

Abstract: Degrowth strategies are not only depending on political decisions, but also on concepts of economic orders which permit the expectation to be stable and prosperous without the necessity of nominal or real (throughput of natural resources) growth rates. One important aspect is the monetary policy, which is widely suspected to play a crucial role for both, the necessity to growth as wel...

Scientific paper • 2014


Sustainable Finances for Society: The consideration of a Certification Program

By: Blanca Fernandez

Abstract: Sustainable development is an ongoing process based on a set of principles that have to continue to spread throughout all economic activities. Looking at the current economic scenario, the transformation of the financial sector appears crucial. I first define a working definition of sustainable finances. Powerful drivers towards sustainable practices in strong profit-oriented markets ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ecological monetary economics: A post-Keynesian critique

By: Louison Cahen-Fourot, Marc Lavoie

Ecological macroeconomics ; Ecological monetary economics ; post-Keynesian economics ; steady-state ; degrowth

Scientific paper • 2014


financial crisis explained by the theory of Freigeld

By: Peter Brass

Financial crisis explained by the theory of Freigeld

Scientific paper • 2014


Building a social and ecological economy through a social accounting model of banking

By: Raymond Aitken

Abstract: Building a social and ecological economy imbued with the aspirations of democratic governance and cultural renaissance that the degrowth movement aspires to, requires linguistic precision and rigorous observation of economic phenomenology, to expose and address pernicious monetary fallacies. Words like “growth”, “money” and “debt” need unambiguous requalification. Such elucidation exp...

• 2013


Enough Is Enough - Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources

By: Rob Dietz, Dan O'Neill

It’s time for a new kind of economy We’re overusing the earth’s finite resources, and yet excessive consumption is failing to improve our lives. In Enough Is Enough, Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill lay out a visionary but realistic alternative to the perpetual pursuit of economic growth — an economy where the goal is enough, not more. They explore specific strategies to conserve natural resourc...

• 2013


The Heretic's Guide to Global Finance – Hacking The Future Of Money

By: Brett Scott

Popular anger against the financial system has never been higher, yet the practical workings of the system remain opaque to many people. The Heretic's Guide to Global Finance aims to bridge the gap between protest slogans and practical proposals for reform. Brett Scott is a campaigner and former derivatives broker who has a unique understanding of life inside and outside the financial sector...

• 2013


Lohnverteilung und 1:12-Initiative

By: Jacqueline Badran, Hans Baumann, Franziska Bender, David Gallusser, Lorenz Keller, Urs Marti, Samira Marty, Mattea Meyer, Lea Pfäffli, Beat Ringger, Jean Christophe Schwab, Florian Vock, Tanja Walliser, Cédric Wermuth

Niemand soll in einem Jahr weniger verdienen als der bestbezahlte Manager im gleichen Unternehmen in einem Monat. Diesen einfachen Grundsatz will die 1:12-Initiative in der Verfassung verankern, um Abzocker endlich zu stoppen und eine gerechtere Verteilung der Löhne zu schaffen. Die Initiative ist eine Antwort auf die wachsende Ungleichheit in der Schweiz: Während sich ein paar Abzock...

• 2013

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Economix - Wie unsere Wirtschaft funktioniert (oder auch nicht)

By: Michael Goodwyn

Das Wirtschaftsbuch fur Einsteiger. Alle sprechen von Ökonomie, aber was versteckt sich hinter all den hochtrabenden Worten und Theorien? Was mussen wir wissen, um verstehen und mitreden zu können? Diesen Fragen hat sich Michael Goodwin gestellt, und er gibt Antworten. In Economix fasst er die Geschichte der Ökonomie verständlich zusammen und uberpruft die Realität sowie das Funktionieren oder ...

• 2013

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Das Lexikon der Wirtschaft

By: bpb

Wirtschaftliche Prozesse und Entwicklungen unterliegen einer hohen Dynamik. Stichworte wie Globalisierung, Shareholder-Value und Vernetzung zeigen, wie die internationalen ökonomischen Verflechtungen immer mehr zunehmen. Hier bietet das Lexikon der Wirtschaft einen allgemein verständlichen Zugang. Die Themenpalette umfasst das gesamte Feld der Wirtschaft in zwölf Kapiteln: Grundlagen, Mikroökon...

Scientific paper • 2013


Theses on Financialisation and the A mbivalence of Capitalist Growth

By: Julian Müller

Zusammenfassung: Das Working Paper beleuchtet die Ambivalenz kapitalistischen Wachstums und Akkumulation, d.h. ihre gleichzeitige Kombination dynamischer und restriktiver Tendenzen. Auf der abstraktesten Ebene wird diese Ambivalenz auf drei verschiedene Formen des Kapitalkreislaufes bezogen. Auf einer konkreteren Ebene wird das Akkumulationsregime des finanzialisierten Kapitalismus umrissen. Im...

• 2013


Das dienende Geld: Die Befreiung der Wirtschaft vom Wachstumszwang

By: Harald Bender, Norbert Bernholt, Klaus Simon

Der Verlag: Was macht die Zahlen auf unseren Konten eigentlich zu Geld? Wenn Geld der Gegenwert unserer wirtschaftlichen Leistungen ist, warum wachsen mit den Geldmengen dann immer auch die Schulden? Weshalb muss selbst der Staat sich verschulden, wenn er für zusätzliche Leistungen neues Geld in Umlauf bringt? Solche Fragen geraten bei der Betrachtung unserer Wirtschaftsweise gewöhnlich nicht ...

• 2013


Das Moneyfest

By: Helge Peukert

Untertitel: Ursachen und Lösungen der Finanzmarkt- und Staatsschuldenkrise Der Verlag: . . . Im Unterschied zu den vielen anderen Streitschriften, die oft eher beliebige und einseitige Reformempfehlungen aneinanderreihen, werden hier zunächst die derzeit vorherrschenden Finanzmarkt-Theorien kurz, kritisch und auch für den Nichtfachmann verständlich unter die Lupe genommen. Auf dieser Basis ste...