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Showing 116 items

• 2015


Das Ende der Megamaschine - Geschichte einer scheiternden Zivilisation

By: Fabian Scheidler

Das Ende der Megamaschine legt die Wurzeln der Zerstörungskräfte frei, die heute die menschliche Zukunft infrage stellen. In einer Spurensuche durch fünf Jahrtausende führt das Buch zu den Ursprüngen ökonomischer, militärischer und ideologischer Macht. Der Autor erzählt die Vorgeschichte und Genese des modernen Weltsystems, das Mensch und Natur einer radikalen Ausbeutung unterwirft. Dabei demon...

Interview • 2015


Degrowth – Was steckt hinter der Idee?

By: Barbara Muraca

Interview im Rahmen der Degrowth Sommerschule 2015: Degrowth konkret - Klimagerechtigkeit Barbara Muraca: Degrowth – Was steckt hinter der Idee? Barbara Muraca gibt eine Einführung in das Thema Degrowth, dabei spricht sie über Grenzen das Wachstums. Es geht planetarische, aber auch soziale Grenzen. Dabei spricht sie über Ausbeutung durch eine Verschiebung von Grenzen. Zudem stellt sie dar...

Scientific paper • 2015


Prosperous Descent

By: Samuel Alexander

Subtitle: Crisis as Opportunity in an Age of Limits The publisher: Calling for a sufficiency-based culture of 'simple living' to underpin a macroeconomic framework of 'degrowth', Samuel Alexander draws on a remarkable breadth of economic, political, ecological, and sociological literature to explore the radical implications of living in an age of limits. Written with clarity, rigour, and insig...

Report • 2015


Piketty’s ecological missing link

By: Dirk Holemans

capital, capitalism, economics, green economy, growth, Picketty, productivism

Report • 2015


Economics for a Full World

By: Herman Daly

The essay starts with a profound growth critique and then goes over to explain three approaches to integrate economy into the ecosystem. The first one the author calls economic imperialism. It is the concept of integrating the whole ecosphere into the economy by financialization, the second is an ecological reductionism and the 3rd is to create a steady state economy. The author is in favour of...

Scientific paper • 2015


In search of lost time: the rise and fall of limits to growth in international sustainability policy

By: Erik Gómez-Baggethun, José Manuel Naredo

Earth summits, Ecodevelopment, Economic growth, Green economy, Market-based instruments, Sustainable development, Planetary boundaries

Interview • 2015


Die Grenzen der Megamaschine: Globale Krisen und der Kampf um echte Demokratie

By: Fabian Scheidler, David Goeßmann

Your browser does not support the video tag. Mit Fabian Scheidler, Buchautor ("Das Ende der Megamaschine. Geschichte einer scheiternden Zivilisation"), Mitbegründer von Kontext TV Kontext-TV über den Beitrag: Nach mehrjähriger Recherchearbeit hat Kontext-TV-Redakteur Fabian Scheidler sein Buch "Das Ende der Megamaschine. Geschichte einer scheiternden Zivilisation" vorgestellt. David Goeßm...

Scientific paper • 2015


Imaginaries of Hope: The Utopianism of Degrowth

By: Giorgos Kallis, Hug March

economic growth, limits, scarcity, scale, utopias

Report • 2014


Enough Is Enough – Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources

By: Tom Bliss

Enough Is Enough lays out a visionary but realistic alternative to the perpetual pursuit of economic growth—an economy where the goal is enough, not more. Based on the best-selling book by Rob Dietz and Dan O'Neill, the film explores specific strategies to fix the financial system, reduce inequality, create jobs, and more. Drawing on the expertise of Tim Jackson, Kate Pickett, Andrew Simms,...

Report • 2014


Peak Oil - Herausforderungen für Thüringen

By: Norbert Rost

Unsere Energieversorgung ist nach wie vor hauptsächlich vom Import fossiler Energieträger abhängig. Beim Ölbedarf liegt diese Abhängigkeit in Thüringen sogar bei 100 Prozent. Ob auf dem Weg zur Arbeit oder beim Beheizen der eigenen vier Wände: Öl spielt für über 200.000 Haushalte und viele Unternehmen in Thüringen eine wesentliche Rolle. Europas Ölförderquote hat sich jedoch seit 2002 halbiert....

Report • 2014


Life in a ‘degrowth’ economy, and why you might actually enjoy it

By: Samuel Alexander

From the article: What does genuine economic progress look like? The orthodox answer is that a bigger economy is always better, but this idea is increasingly strained by the knowledge that, on a finite planet, the economy can’t grow for ever. This week’s Addicted to Growth conference in Sydney is exploring how to move beyond growth economics and towards a “steady-state” economy. But what is a...

• 2014


L'Âge des low tech - Vers une civilisation techniquement soutenable

By: Philippe Bihouix

The publisher: Face aux signaux alarmants de la crise globale ? croissance en berne, tensions sur l’énergie et les matières premières, effondrement de la biodiversité, dégradation et destruction des sols, changement climatique et pollution généralisée ? on cherche à nous rassurer. Les technologies « vertes » seraient sur le point de sauver la planète et la croissance grâce à une quatrième révol...

Report • 2014


Are there „natural“ limits to growth? An interactive debate

By: Unbekannt

Documentation of the event "Are there „natural“ limits to growth? An interactive debate" at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. From the conference programme: In this workshop we engage in a critical discussion on approaches of “natural limits”. The following questions will guide our discussion: Are there natural limi...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Resource Cap Coalition - Advocating for policy tools, which set limits to unsustainable consumption and production

By: Veronika Kiss

Abstract: The Resource Cap Coalition - Advocating for policy tools, which set limits to unsustainable consumption and production Special Session: Respecting planetary boundaries while enhancing the well-being of all Today we face growing global competition over resources and price increase, which hits the poorest the most mainly in impoverished countries, but also in the rich. Policy efforts ad...

Scientific paper • 2014


The relevance of the phenomenon of Peak-Oil for the Degrowth paradigm

By: Christian Kerschner

Abstract: This paper is part of an effort to compile a vocabulary for Degrowth. Such a collection of concepts for the paradigm is important for the creation of a common language and knowledge base. This article is the first one, which tries to offer a universal definition of resource peaks and explains de main basics behind such phenomena. Peak-Oil is one of the most central elements in the bio...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and payments for ecosystem services: highlighting the tensions

By: Rodrigo Silva

(De)commodification of nature; Society-nature relations; Planetary boundaries and environmental justice

Scientific paper • 2014


How should degrowth address the issue of “planetary boundaries”?

By: Tone Smith-Spash

planetary boundaries, intrinsic value, democratic decision-making, objective knowledge, critical realism

Scientific paper • 2014


An Elephant in the room called overpopulation

By: Merel van der mark

Abstract: Today we have far exceeded the earths carrying capacity with over 7 billion people. But despite the fact that about half of the population daily suffers from hunger, many still believe that Malthus was wrong. Agricultural production has greatly increased due to the green revolution, but production will drop once fossil fuels run out. There seems to be a taboo on the discussion of popu...

Scientific paper • 2014


On the effectiveness of grassroots movements and civil disobedience for the global North's transition toward a sustainable quasi steady-state world economy

By: Jan C. Zoellick

Abstract: This essay summarises a widespread critique of “sustainable growth” from the perspective of peak everything. By doing so, this essay adds peak waste capacity to the discussion as another important limiting factor to human economic growth. Assuming all mentioned peaks to occur under continued sustainable growth the “ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Brundtland-Rep...