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Showing 110 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Conservation Through Radical Ecological Democracy

By: Ashish Kothari

Abstract: Globalised development and centralised natural resource governance have seriously threatened the ecological security of countries like India, with rapid loss of ecosystems and biodiversity. Official responses to such loss have mostly been top-down, undemocratic protected area systems and conservation laws. However, across the country as in other parts of the world, communities and civ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Democratic values as a debatable legitimation of growth

By: Tobias Vogel

growth legitimation by democracic values, comparison of status, unequality, cultural enforcement of growth, consumption

Scientific paper • 2014


Theorizing Rebound-Effects in A Pragmatist Manner

By: Stefan Laser

Abstract: Debating socio-economic issues and practical strategies how to solve them habitually results in two opposing statements: (a) an economic-driven solution which almost blindly builds upon efficiency or (b) an overall critique of the growth-paradigm which specifically emphasizes unpredictable “rebound-effects”. Here, I suggest, one has to bring these two conflicting parties together by r...

Scientific paper • 2014


Need and Use of Participatory Procedures to ensure Compliance and Legitimation of Codes of Conduct for Governing Nanotechnology's Risks

By: Beate-Josefine Luber

Abstract: The contribution problematizes the need and use of democratic procedures to ensure compliance and legitimation of voluntary self-imposed corporate norms of behavior. The starting point of this argument is the challenge of regulating nanotechnology's risks that are not adequately governed by governmental policy instruments. Corporations try to absorb the risks of manufacturing nanotech...

Scientific paper • 2014


Radical Ecological Democracy: A South Asian Quest for a Sustainable and Equitable Future

By: Ashish Kothari

Abstract: The impressive growth seen in the last two decades of ‘globalisation’ in countries like India has been predatory of nature and of already marginalised people. There are clear signs of ecological unsustainability and increasing inequities. A number of resistance movements are questioning the model of development and growth that they have been subjected to. Urgent steps are needed to fo...

Scientific paper • 2014


A historical exploration of ruralist ideology in Spain and its importance for the degrowth and democracy debate

By: Santiago Gorostiza

degrowth, autonomy, democracy, fascism, ruralism, Spain

Scientific paper • 2014


Accountability, Democracy, and Post-growth: Civil Society Rethinking Political Economy and Finance.

By: Lorenzo Fioramonti

Economic crisis, civil society, social change, accountability, degrowth

Scientific paper • 2014


Commoning in the new society

By: Gustavo Esteva, Irene Ragazzini

Posdevelopment, radical democracy, postindustrial socety, convivial reconstruction

Scientific paper • 2014


The Analysis of Libertarian Municipalism

By: Cagri Eryilmaz

Abstract: The aim of this paper to analyze political proposal of social ecology that Murray Bookchin and Janet Biehl’s studies are reviewed. Social Ecology, developed by Murray Bookchin provides a coherent and radical critique of environmentalism as a discourse of capitalism. The solution of ecological crisis cannot be granted by environmental actions, projects and campaigns, green production &...

Scientific paper • 2014


Peoples Sustainability Treaties: A Platform for a Common Narrative, Agenda and Movement

By: Uchita de Zoysa

Abstract: Given the inequities and unsustainability of the present model of development, the world needs profound transformations in the fundamental values and organizing principles of society. The challenge is to recognize the legitimacy of the global polity as an outer layer of the nested system of affiliation that reaches across regions and places, and to build the processes of democratic gl...

Scientific paper • 2014


Growth, Domination and Democracy. Shortcomings of the (De-)Growth Debate

By: Ulrich Brand

degrowth, domination, democracy, Marxism, feminism

Position paper • 2014


Das konvivialistische Manifest

By: Les Convivialistes

Übersetzung des 2013 in Frankreich erschienenen und von 40 frazösischsprachigen Wissenschaftler_innen und Intellektuellen initiierte »Manifeste Convivialiste«

Art contribution • 2014



By: Degrowth Conference 2014

In the run-up to the conference monthly videos were published on the conference homepage, dealing with different aspects of degrowth.

• 2014


Mehr oder weniger?

By: Stephan Lorenz

Zur Soziologie ökologischer Wachstumskritik und nachhaltiger Entwicklung Der Verlag: »Mehr oder weniger?« Ökologische Wachstumskritik richtet sich gegen zerstörerische Dynamiken moderner Industrie- und Überflussgesellschaften, die ein gutes Leben gefährden. Auch Konzepte nachhaltiger Entwicklung halten oft allzu optimistisch an modernen Mehr-Versprechen fest. Jedoch bietet auch die bloße Hin...

Position paper • 2013


Manifeste Convivialiste

By: Les Convivialistes

From the English book: "A different kind of world is not just possible; it is a crucial and urgent necessity. But where do we start when it comes to envisaging the shape it should take and working out how to bring it about? The Convivialist Manifesto seeks to highlight the similarities between the many initiatives already engaged in building that world and to draw out the common political philo...

Scientific paper • 2013


From economism to autonomy: A Greek economic emergency and the transformative vision of degrowth

By: Panos Petridis

Economism, autonomy, Greece, crisis, democracy, degrowth, transformation

• 2013


Rotes Grün

By: Hans Thie

Der Verlag: »Grüner Kapitalismus« ist kompatibel mit den Mächtigen, sorgt für das Flair ökologischer Modernität. Aber er ist keine Antwort, wenn es um fundamentale Zukunftsfragen geht. Wer Ökologie für alle will, muss die Wirtschaftsordnung ändern. Sattes Grün verlangt kräftiges Rot. Strom nur mit Sonne und Wind, neuen Speichern und intelligenten Netzen. Kaum noch Autos in den Innenstädten. ...

Scientific paper • 2013


Zeit für die Wohlstandsdebatte!

By: Felix Wittmann

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Erschienen in Zeitwohlstand – wie wir anders arbeiten, nachhaltig wirtschaften und besser leben, Hrsg. Konzeptwerk Neue Oekonomie, München: oekom, 2014. Aus dem Text: Halten wir uns vor Augen, worum es bei der Suche nach gemeinsamen Wohlstandskriterien überhaupt geht, wird deutlich, wie problemati...

Scientific paper • 2013


Degrowth, Democracy and Autonomy

By: Giorgos Kallis, Viviana Asara, Emanuele Profumi

Degrowth, autonomy, direct democracy, revolution, Castoriadis, democracy, social imaginary