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Showing 106 items

Scientific paper • 2014


THANCS – a process to address tensions that emerge in/with a transition towards sustainable development

By: Ines Omann, Felix Rauschmayer

ustainability transition, needs, tensions, sustainable lifestyles, quality of life

Scientific paper • 2014


How degrowth can improve life quality: Using NonViolent Communication

By: Felix Rauschmayer

sustainability transition, needs, NonViolent Communication, sustainable lifestyles, quality of life

Scientific paper • 2014


Economic growth and human needs satisfaction across-socio economic groups in Peru. An illustration using the Human Scale Development Approach

By: Monica Guillen

human needs, international development, wellbeing, economic growth, values

Scientific paper • 2014


Linking resource efficiency to new measurement of well-being

By: Vera Freyling

Abstract: The presentation is part of the special session “Resource efficiency Beyond GDP”. Improving resource efficiency generally means maximizing produced value, while minimizing pressures and impacts of economic production. In the GDP-era we wholly consider produced value in quantifying gains of economic activities, in other words, praising the quantities of all produced final and intermedi...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Francesca Gardiol

Abstract: Today the frantic search for well-being seems to be a social must: living well has become the new imperative, sadness, anger, anxiety, are feelings to be deleted. Subjective well-being is actually a normative construct, that is the product of the values and core principles in a culture. In the consumer society the most important aim is a "happy life"; the necessary condition for being...

Scientific paper • 2014


Education for well-being

By: Jochen Dallmer

Abstract: Well-being is an important concept for revisiting ideas of a what a good life is and finding pathways towards a less materialistic and hence less production/consumption oriented society. But how and where do we learn about well-being? In education the concept of well-being is almost completely absent. Singular educational concepts work on happiness and well-being and give some promisi...

Scientific paper • 2014


A post-growth society for the 21st century - Does prosperity have to wait for the return of economic growth?

By: Lucas Chancel, Damien Demailly, Henri Waisman, Céline Guivarch

Abstract: A post-growth society for the 21st century - Does prosperity have to wait for the return of economic growth? To respond to this dissatisfaction with the current political and media discourse on growth, this report attempts to answer – as far as possible – the two following questions: 1. Can we have any certainty about the future of growth? 2. Assuming that the coming decades will be a...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Thierry Brugvin

Abstract: The working class and poor can set an example to the richest in the context of their cultural practices based on voluntary simplicity. This sobriety is usually constrained in the lower classes, but it can become a way of virtuous life to personal, social and ecological buen vivir or the happy sobriety. Between the excesses that are charitable or liberal policies on the one hand and po...

Scientific paper • 2014


Social sustainability practice in local government

By: Mark Boulle

Abstract: This paper presents the findings from doctoral research into social sustainability practice of Australian local government. It is argued that the social pillar of sustainability has received less attention in research and practice than environmental and economic pillars of sustainability. The research contends there is a leading role for local government to play in incorporating socia...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Stefano Bartolini, Francesco Sarracino, Luigi Bonatti

hyper-consumerism; working time; negative externalities; happiness; growth rebalancing

Scientific paper • 2014


Do people care for a sustainable future? Evidence from happiness data.

By: Stefano Bartolini, Francesco Sarracino, Laurent Theis

Abstract: While the various streams of environmentalism agree in claiming that the current patterns of economic activity are unsustainable for natural resources, they disagree in answering the following question: who is the responsible? Two different answers have been provided: the people or the socio-economic system. The first answer claims that people are inter-temporally greedy. Unsustainabl...

Scientific paper • 2014


Happy for How Long? How Social Capital and GDP relate to happiness over time

By: Stefano Bartolini, Francesco Sarracino

Abstract: What does predict the evolution over time of subjective well-being? We correlate the trends of subjective well-being with the trends of social capital and/or GDP. We find that in the long and medium run social capital largely predicts the trends of subjective well-being. In the short-term this relation- ship weakens. Indeed, in the short run, changes in social capital predict a much s...

Art contribution • 2014

Image Text

Der kluge Fischer

By: Emile Bravo, Heinrich Böll

Der Verlag: In einem kleinen Hafen macht ein Fischer morgens seine Siesta. Ein Tourist weckt ihn durch das Klicken seines Fotoapparats und fragt, warum er nicht aufs Meer fahre. Der Fischer antwortet, er sei schon draußen gewesen. Warum er nicht noch einmal hinausfahre, fragt der Tourist. Mit der größeren Ausbeute könne er Schiffe und eine Fischfabrik kaufen. Am Ende wäre er so reich, dass er n...

Scientific paper • 2014


Potentials for prosperity without growth: Ecological sustainability, social inclusion and the quality of life in 38 countries

By: Max Koch, Martin Fritz

Prosperity, Steady-state economy, Ecological sustainability, Social inclusion, Wellbeing, GDP

• 2014


Glücksökonomie: Wer teilt, hat mehr vom Leben

By: Annette Jensen, Ute Scheub

Verlag: "Forscher sind sich einig: Lebensfreude hängt immer weniger von Geld und Besitz ab. Wichtig für persönliche Glücksgefühle sind soziale Fähigkeiten wie Kooperieren, Teilen oder sich für andere einsetzen - und sie finden immer öfter Eingang in unsere Arbeitswelt und Gesellschaft. Erfolgreiche Unternehmer, die bevorzugt Alleinerziehende beschäftigen oder sich selbst weniger Gehalt ausbezah...

• 2013


Enough Is Enough - Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources

By: Rob Dietz, Dan O'Neill

It’s time for a new kind of economy We’re overusing the earth’s finite resources, and yet excessive consumption is failing to improve our lives. In Enough Is Enough, Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill lay out a visionary but realistic alternative to the perpetual pursuit of economic growth — an economy where the goal is enough, not more. They explore specific strategies to conserve natural resourc...

Scientific paper • 2013


Die Postwachstumsgesellschaft - Neues Wachstum, neues Wohlergehen

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Irmi Seidl

Herausgeberinnen: Verbreitete Vorstellungen über Bedürfnisse, Glück und ein gutes Leben haben mit der heutigen Berufs- und Konsumwelt wenig gemeinsam. Die Große Transformation bietet die Chance, das herrschende Wachstumsprimat durch sinnvolle Tätigkeiten, eine gerechtere Arbeitsaufteilung und mehr Zeit für Engagement und Muße zu ersetzen.

Report • 2013


Den Wachstumsimperativ unterbrechen

By: Christa Wichterich

Eine feministische Antwort auf das Versagen der Enquetekommission Anfang des Textes: Nach Hannah Arendt besteht das »Wunder der Freiheit« darin, dass Menschen Prozesse unterbrechen und einen Neuanfang machen. Die Enquetekommission »Wachstum, Wohlstand, Lebensqualität« hat den entscheidenden Schritt der Freiheit nicht getan: Sie hat Wachstum als materielles und metaphysisches Organisationspri...

Scientific paper • 2013


Happy degrowth through more amateur economy

By: Jørgen S. Nørgård

Degrowth economy; Amateur economy; Labor productivity; Work sharing; Happiness; Sustainability