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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2017


Pope Francis and Degrowth: A Possible Dialogue for a Post-Capitalist Alternative

By: Roberto Puggioni

Keywords: Laudato Si’; Ecology; structural change; Degrowth; Pope Francis; economic crisis

• 2017


Capitalism, democracy, and the degrowth horizon (Part I and II)

By: Leandro Vergara-Camus

Summary: In the third post of the Ecology after capitalism series, divided in Part I and Part II, Leandro Vergara-Camus argues that the root causes of the socially and ecologically destructive character of capitalism is not to be found in growth, but in capitalist accumulation. He suggests that growth can be greened in a post-capitalist society if the institutions and dynamics that force capita...

Scientific paper • 2017


Looking to food sovereignty movements for post-growth theory

By: Antonio Roman-Alcalá

Keywords: food sovereignty, La Vía Campesina, peasantries, agonistic democracy, praxis

• 2017


Ethischer Welthandel: Eine Alternative zu Freihandel und Protektionismus

By: Christian Felber

Author zum Buch: Die Krise der internationalen Handelspolitik ist eine Chance, das aktuelle System aus WTO, bilateralen Investitionsschutz- und Freihandelsabkommen (BITs) und Handelsschiedsgerichten (z. B. ICSID) grundlegend zu überdenken. Christian Felber entzaubert in seinem neuen Buch die „Freihandelsreligion“ und schlägt eine vollständige und kohärente Alternative vor. Ethischer Welthandel ...

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth, anthropology, and activist research: the ontological politics of science

By: Ulrich Demmer, Agata Hummel

Key words: ontological politics, activist research, degrowth, alternatives to modernity

• 2017


Kohleausstieg 2025: Technisch machbar und klimapolitisch notwendig

By: Andrea Vetter

6 Thesen zur laufenden Debatte um den Kohleausstieg in Umwelt- & Klimabewegung  Die Debatte um den klimapolitisch notwendigen Kohleausstieg wird seit Jahren ohne Ergebnis geführt. Die Politik duckt sich bisher aus Angst vor den Reaktionen aus den betroffenen Regionen weg. Sie ignoriert dabei, dass die jahrelange Verzögerung der aktiven Gestaltung des Strukturwandels die Ausgangslage der

• 2017


Degrowth: the case for a new economic paradigm

By: Riccardo Mastini

Introduction: Unbridled growth appears to be at odds with social well-being and environmental sustainability. How might we develop a model that reduces the imperative for growth while maintaining economic stability?

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth-compatible environmentalism in Europe – a cross-national empirical analysis

By: Mladen Domazet, Branko Ančić, Logan Richardson

Keywords: Degrowth, environmentalism, attitudes survey, comparative, Europe

Scientific paper • 2017


Future green economies and regional development: a research agenda

By: David Gibbs, Kirstie O'Neill

Future green economies and regional development: a research agenda. Regional Studies. The past 30 years have seen an explosion of interest and concern over the detrimental impacts of economic and industrial development. Despite this, the environmental agenda has not featured substantially in the regional studies literature. This paper explores a range of options for regional futures from a ‘cle...

• 2017

Text Image

movum - Heft 15: Kultur

By: Kai Niebert, Andreas Troge, Jörg Sommer, Olaf Zimmermann, Ulrich Matthes, Susanne Götze, Michael Sommer, Johano Strasser, Bernd Sommer, Harald Welzer, Susanne Schwarz, Sandra Kirchner, Eva Mahnke, Daniela Schmidtke

Heft 15 des Magazins movum zum Thema Kultur. Kurzbeschreibung: Unsere Kultur kann nicht von der Natur, sondern nur mit der Natur leben. Für die nötige Transformation brauchen wir einen neuen Gesellschaftsvertrag. Das Heft als PDF Das Plakat als JPG

Scientific paper • 2017


Postwachstum als nachhaltige Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung - Eine Untersuchung im Raum Dresden

By: Elisa Dauben

Zusammenfassung: Klimawandel, Verknappung von Ressourcen, Finanzkrisen oder soziale Krisen werfen die Frage danach, wie sich unsere Welt nachhaltig entwickeln kann, vehement auf. Die Ansätze für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung sind vielfältig. Die Postwachstumsidee kritisiert in diesem Zuge das gängige Streben nach Wirtschaftswachstum und bringt neue Ansätze für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung hervor...

• 2017


Entscheidung im „Anthropozän“: Profite oder Zukunft?

By: Redaktion von linkswende.org

Einführung: Über der modernen Zivilisation schwebt das Henkersbeil und der Henker heißt Kapitalismus. Die Erde ist in eine neue erdgeschichtliche Epoche eingetreten. Als Bezeichnung wird sich wahrscheinlich das Zeitalter „Anthropozän“ durchsetzen. Damit will die Wissenschaft deutlich machen, dass menschliche Einflüsse dafür verantwortlich sind, dass wir die zivilisationsfreundliche Epoche des ...

• 2017


The Good Life Beyond Growth

By: Various

Many countries have experienced a decline of economic growth for decades, an effect that was only aggravated by the recent global financial crisis. What if in the 21st century this is no longer an exception, but the general rule? Does an economy without growth necessarily bring hardship and crises, as is often assumed? Or could it be a chance for a better life? Authors have long argued that mon...

Scientific paper • 2017


Wicked Dilemmas of Scale and Complexity in the Politics of Degrowth

By: Stephen Quilley, Kaitlin Kish

Highlights • Entanglement of socio-ecological systems is described from a historical perspective. • Entanglement of traditional growth economics, the sanctity of the sovereign individual and complexity is analysed. • We present five cherished norms and dimensions of progressive modernity and how limiting growth economic may change them. First Page Preview

Interview • 2017


Civilizational Transitions / EnvJustice Vocabulary - Arturo Escobar

By: Arturo Escobar

Arturo Escobar, University of North Carolina, explains the term "Civilizational Transitions", its relationship with degrowth and environmental justice as well as the crisis of the current civilizational model and alternatives to that, such as "Buen vivir". Youtube-channel EnvJustice Vocabulary

• 2017


Postgrowth and Wellbeing - Challenges to Sustainable Welfare

By: Max Koch, Milena Büchs

The publisher: This book presents a detailed and critical discussion about how human wellbeing can be maintained and improved in a postgrowth era. It highlights the close links between economic growth, market capitalism, and the welfare state demonstrating that, in many ways, wellbeing outcomes currently depend on the growth paradigm. Here the authors argue that notions of basic human needs des...

Scientific paper • 2017


Sharing, togetherness and intentional degrowth

By: Helen Jarvis

Keywords: association, degrowth, intention, sharing, social phenomenology, togetherness

• 2017


Degrowth and Feminism

By: Corinna Dengler, Birte Strunk

How a feminist degrowth approach can alleviate ecological and gender injustices Is it possible to reconcile sustainable development, a fair distribution of both paid and unpaid work among genders, and an economic strategy based on growth? In our article “The Monetized Economy versus Care and the Environment? Degrowth Perspectives on Reconciling an Antagonism”, a contribution

Scientific paper • 2017


Value, Growth, Development: South American Lessons for a New Ecopolitics

By: Eduardo Gudynas

KEYWORDS: Degrowth, ecosocialism, developmentalism, Buen Vivir