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Showing 130 items

Presentation • 2014


Degrowth technologies – global experiences

By: Michel Bauwens, Arianna Ferrari, Alice Hooker-Stroud, Nguyen Thu Trang

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Alice Hooker-Stroud, Nguyen Thu Trang, Michel Bauwens Facilitation: Arianna Ferrari Alice Hooker Strout about Zero Carbon Britain Nguyen Thu Trang: Examples for Green Transformation in Vietnam Michel Bauwens talks about a techno-social-Proje...

Position paper • 2014


FabLabs, 3D-printing and degrowth – Democratisation and deceleration of production or a new consumptive boom producing more waste?

By: Charlotte Knips

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Technology and Production.

Position paper • 2014


How to produce for degrowth? Rediscovering manual skills and peasantry

By: Sylvain Fischer

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Technology and Production.

Position paper • 2014


A normative framework for the development and use of technologies in the degrowth context

By: Linda Nierling

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Technology and Production.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Technology and Production

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Technology and Production at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Can hightech be produced democratically & sustainably in a degrowth society? Vision > Open source learning spaces > > Open educational resources, open source software and open source hard ware in schools > > Tinkering & Do-It-Yourself learning ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Value and Values: The Political Economy of ICT Enhanced Collective Behaviour for Sustainable Degrowth

By: Robert Rattle

collective behaviour, values, sustainability, Internet and communication technologies

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth, Commons and Convivial Technology

By: Victor Petit

Abstract: For many people, the way of degrowth supposes to leave the urban lifestyle. Instead, we would like to show that it is possible (and more realistic) to understand the degrowth in an industrial context. For this, we will follow two objectives. The first one is to answer to the critics of the concept of degrowth, through the current reflections on the so-called commons ; the second is to...

Scientific paper • 2014


Designing an energy scarce world – Transition Engineering

By: Oliver Richters, Susan Krumdieck

Abstract: History of society is strongly influenced by the energy supply available and energy is an important economic production factor. It's coupled with extraction of natural ressources and the emission of pollutant particles and heat, surpassing the ability for regeneration of our ecosystems. Society has to face the question how to reduce energy demand. Transition engineering offers a roadm...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and Climate Engineering

By: Frederike Neuber, Barbara Muraca

viable technologies; conviviality; Climate Engineering; climate change;

Scientific paper • 2014


Meteorological Considerations in Energy and Livelihood from Strange Attractors of Wind

By: Matt Ji

Abstract: Renewable energy has some challenges due to its variability and incompatibility with the modern electricity grid. However, novel methods of extracting valuable fractal behavior of wind speeds show very powerful spatially and temporally correlated features. Further investigation shows that energy can be quite readily quantified given this approach and its implications are deep reaching...

Scientific paper • 2014


Non-renewable energy entitlement scheme for Europe

By: Veronika Kiss

Abstract: Non-renewable energy entitlement scheme for Europe – a policy tool to fit our consumption within planetary limits Special Session: REDUCTIONS: Reducing Environmental Degradation & Unsustainable Consumption Trends & Impacts On Nature & Society The non-renewable energy entitlement scheme is a means to achieve an absolute reduction of nonrenewable energy use at EU level with ...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Potential of Complementary Currencies: Boon or Bane for Degrowth?

By: Rolf F.H. Schroeder

complementary currencies; alternative economy; boundaries; monetarism; payment technologies

Scientific paper • 2014


Acceptance of Mobile Phone Return Programmes for Increased Resource Efficiency by Young People—Experiences from a German Research Project

By: Alexandra Seibt, Julia Nordmann

Abstract: The need of recycling obsolete mobile phones has significantly increased with a rapidly growing worldwide distribution of mobile phones (Geyer, 2010; Hagelüken, 2010). Mobile phones have a high environmental impact throughout the whole value chain; so far, individual use and recycling behaviour do not show any trends towards more sustainable patterns. Most communication measures for s...

Scientific paper • 2014


Components of the energy system for the transition to sustainable degrowth

By: Petra Wächter

Abstract: Energy as the basis for daily activities on an individual level and for economic activities on a societal level gives fundamental importance to our lives. Components that have to be considered for a successful energy transition include energy technologies, policy framework, behavioural changes, changes of institutional settings, and system dynamics. Critical issues in the field of ene...

Scientific paper • 2014


Information technology, decoupling and networked commons - a conceptual overview

By: Till Westermayer

Abstract: Starting at the idea that information technology leads to a dematerialization of economy and thus to a decoupling between growth and material, environmental impacts and resource use, the paper discusses various concepts related to this idea, loosely following the framework of first, second and third order effects (Hilty 2008). It comes to the conclusion that information technology, es...

Scientific paper • 2014


Grassroots digital commons for a bottom-up transition towards sustainability

By: Adrien Labaeye

Digital commons; Sustainability transition; Niches; Self-organization; Innovation

Scientific paper • 2014


Need and Use of Participatory Procedures to ensure Compliance and Legitimation of Codes of Conduct for Governing Nanotechnology's Risks

By: Beate-Josefine Luber

Abstract: The contribution problematizes the need and use of democratic procedures to ensure compliance and legitimation of voluntary self-imposed corporate norms of behavior. The starting point of this argument is the challenge of regulating nanotechnology's risks that are not adequately governed by governmental policy instruments. Corporations try to absorb the risks of manufacturing nanotech...

Scientific paper • 2014


Towards a methodological luddism for ICTs

By: Lanka Horstink, José Luís Garcia

Abstract: This proposal stems from the need for an experimental and reflective method - which we call “methodological luddism” - that will allow us to reevaluate the structure of humans' relationships with information technologies. Luddism as a method should not be confused with its original meaning - destruction of machines and equipment -, but understood as a means to examine the conditions t...

Scientific paper • 2014


Technology Assessment and Degrowth: how can they come together?

By: Julia Hahn

Abstract: TA with its strong focus on technological development and what it means for our society can offer helpful insights for degrowth regarding the strong connections between technological development and economic growth as well as problem-oriented approaches. Participatory TA for example aims at incorporating the values and experiences of lay people into the decisions on and designs of tec...