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Showing 153 items

Scientific paper • 2014

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The Proposal of Degrowth and the Energy Issue: A Fabulist Presentation of the Literature Review

By: Sandrine Cuvillier

Abstract: This article revisits the famous fables of Jean de La Fontaine to illustrate key concepts and proposals of degrowth and its close ties with the energy issue. Through the curiosity of a hummingbird, we question the dominant paradigm reflected in unsustainable existing patterns of energy production and consumption. We introduce, in a simple way, the main ideas and references of current ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Human Scale Development – the case of energy cooperatives.

By: Salina Centgraf

Abstract: Energy cooperatives (EC) are an increasingly important player for the transformation processes of current energy systems towards sustainability and decentralization in Germany. In 2012 approximately 750 EC existed which mostly produce wind and solar energy. The democratic organisation of EC, related to the source of their financial assets, makes them a special actor for creating publi...

Scientific paper • 2014


Energy, Complexity, Democracy ... Collapse?

By: Marisa Beck, Thomas Homer-Dixon, Michael M. Lawrence

complexity; collapse; peak oil; energy; resilience

Scientific paper • 2014


Primary Energy Analysis: A New Approach beyond Extant Growth Theories (revised version)

By: Hidekazu Aoki, Nobuo Kawamiya

Abstract: A best possible indicator to represent the whole economic activity should be not the GDP but "the whole industrial production (WIP)" because the former represents only the added value sector of an economy, while the latter comprises both the GDP and all intermediate throughputs in the economy. The historical change of WIP compared with the primary energy supply (PES) in Japan revealed...

Interview • 2013


„Zivile“ Atomkraft war auch in Deutschland und Schweden ursprünglich mit Option zum Bau von Atombomben verbunden

By: Alyn Ware

Die Nutzung von Kernkraft zur Energiegewinnung sei in vielen Ländern weltweit eng mit der Option zur Entwicklung von Atomwaffen verknüpft, so Alyn Ware. Auch die Atomprogramme von Deutschland und Schweden sollten ursprünglich die Möglichkeit zum Bau der Bombe offen halten – bevor beide Länder 1969 davon Abstand nahmen. Aber auch für die zivile Nutzung sei Atomkraft die größte denkbare Fehlinves...

Report • 2013


Ausnahmeregeln für die Industrie bei Energie- und Strompreisen

By: Swantje Küchler

In dieser Kurzanalyse wird ein Überblick über die geltenden Ausnahmeregelungen für das Produzierende Gewerbe bei Energie und Strompreisen gegeben. Zudem wird die Entwicklung des finanziellen Umfangs seit 2005 dargestellt und für die Jahre 2013 und 2014 geschätzt. Die Angaben zu den finanziellen Volumina beruhen auf offiziellen Angaben und Berichten von Regierung u...

Scientific paper • 2013


Die Energiewende aus wachstumskritischer Perspektive

By: Benjamin Best, Gerolf Hanke

Abstract: In diesem Artikel diskutieren Gerolf Hanke und Benjamin Best die Energiewende aus wachstumskritischer Sicht. Der gegenwärtige Versuch, eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung vorrangig mit technischen Lösungen zu ermöglichen, die das wirtschaftspolitische Wachstumsparadigma und die damit verbundenen, auf materielle Wohlstandssteigerung ausgerichteten Lebensstile und Konsummuster unangetats...

Report • 2013


Wachstumsverzicht oder moderates Wachstum?

By: Ulrich Busch

Zum Disput zwischen Ökonomen und Nichtökonomen. Reihe «Analysen». Von Ulrich Busch. Kritik an Degrowth Ein ökonomisches Missverständnis Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Angesichts knapper werdender Ressourcen und sich dramatisch zuspitzender Umweltprobleme wird über die Notwendigkeit einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung und den Übergang zu einer ressourcensparenden Produktions- und Lebensweise immer h...

Position paper • 2013


Big Business Emissions Trading

By: Ulrich Brand, Jutta Kill, Michael Müller, Ulla Lötzer, Michael Popp

Against the Financialization of Nature. Policy Paper 02/2013 Rosa Luxemburg Foundation: The work of the commission of the German Parliament (Bundestag) on “Growth, Prosperity, Quality of Life – Paths toward a sustainable economy and social progress in the social marketplace” concluded in mid-April. One of the commission’s five project groups was titled “growth, resource consumption, and tech...

Scientific paper • 2013


The distributional impact of the Irish public service obligation levy on electricity consumption

By: Niall Farrell

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: We analyse the distributional impact of financing renewable energy policies via levies on domestic consumption, focussing on Ireland’s flat-rate public service obligation (PSO) levy. We find that switching Ireland’s flate-rate charge to a unit-based regime results in a trend of reduced regress...

Scientific paper • 2013


The Impacts of Spatial Planning on Degrowth

By: Petra Wächter

degrowth; spatial planning; settlement structures

Scientific paper • 2013


Household work and energy consumption: a degrowth perspective. Catalonia’s case study

By: Claudio Cattaneo, Giacomo D ’ Alisa

Time use analysis; Energy analysis; Paid work; Unpaid work; Societal metabolism; Catalonia; Degrowth

Scientific paper • 2013


Degrowth: from theory to practice

By: Giorgos Kallis, Filka Sekulova, Francois Schneider, Beatriz Rodríguez-Labajos

Degrowth; Work; Sufficiency; Social enterprises; Energy

Scientific paper • 2013


‘Sustainable de-growth’ in agriculture and food: an agro-ecological perspective on Spain’s agri-food system (year 2000)

By: Manuel González de Molina, Juan Infante Amate

De-growth; Life cycle analysis; Agri-food system; Ecological economics; Organic farming; Agro-ecology

Scientific paper • 2013


The energetic metabolism of societies and the degrowth paradigm: analyzing biophysical constraints and realities

By: Alevgul H. Sorman, Mario Giampietro

Energetic metabolism; Societal metabolism; Net energy; IPAT; Degrowth

Scientific paper • 2012


The Valley that accepts to drown but not to die – Environmental and social (in)justice along the Narmada River (Central India)

By: Daniela Del Bene

From the text: This paper is being written as a non-violent struggle is occuring in the Narmada Valley in Central India, where hundreds of villages face the threat of being flooded by the reservoir waters of the Omkareshwar Dam. More than 10 activists have been staying in the Narmada waters over the past ten days with water up to their necks. They are shouting slogans like “We will fight, we wi...

Scientific paper • 2012


Participation "Big Style": First Experiences with the German Citizens’ Dialogue on Energy Technologies for the Future.

By: Julia Hahn

From the text: The project “Bürgerdialoge“ (“citizens’ dialogues”) initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research aims to incorporate the perspectives of citizens regarding future technologies. Germany’s highly discussed withdrawal from nuclear energy and the accompanied fundamental changes in energy production were subjects of eight regional dialogues (with about 100 partic...

Scientific paper • 2012


The Geography of Energy Transitions. The emergence of local contexts as main actors of a sustainable turn

By: Luigi Gaudio

Abstract: Since the 1973’s oil crisis everyone on the planet was well aware of the economic development’s dependence from fossil fuels supply and their producers. Nowadays, just like then, an economic and energy crisis has once again highlighted this unsolved dependence. Dealing with such a complex dynamic implies a substantial shift in every country’s societal structure aspects: economic, poli...

Scientific paper • 2012


On the Cusp of Global Collapse?

By: Graham M. Turner

Herausgeber_innen: Global data continues to confirm The Limits to Growth standard run scenario, which forecasts an imminent collapse in living standards and population due to resource constraints. Further, the mechanism underlying the simulated breakdown is consistent with increasing energy and capital costs of peak oil. The diversion of energy and capital away from industrial, agricultural, a...