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Showing 7 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Auswege aus der zunehmenden Flächenkonkurrenz

By: Christian Hildmann, Uwe Scheibler

Abstract: Die Konkurrenz um Flächen verschärft sich sowohl international als auch in Deutschland. Steigende Pacht- und Kaufpreise für landwirtschaftliche Flächen unterstreichen dies deutlich. In Deutschland werden bereits über 110% der landwirtschaftlichen Flächen für die Nahrungsmittelversorgung benötigt. Die Steigerung der Flächenproduktivität ist für viele Prozesse bereits weit ausgereizt. S...

Scientific paper • 2014


Human Scale Development... away from bullets and machines

By: Soledad Granada

Abstract: The expansion of the modern state implies the continuous conquer of territory, and people, in order to access to resources. This conquer expresses as the continuous substitution of production models from peasant self-sustainable to agro-industrial and/or extractive, resulting in the territorial homogenization of production. This substitution, associated to different conceptions of dev...

Scientific paper • 2014


Peasant agriculture or agribusiness: what production model would lead to degrowth?

By: João Luís Homem de Carvalho

Abstract: There is a dispute between two agricultural models in Brazil: the agribusiness and the peasant agriculture. We need to discuss which agricultural model is more to our proposed degrowth. This paper aims to show that peasant agriculture in Brazil produces more food for the local population, occupies more manpower, uses fewer natural resources and emits lower amounts of greenhouse gases ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Towards a re-evaluation of the land sparing vs. land sharing debate from the perspective of peasant farming systems

By: A. Cristina de la Vega-Leinert

Abstract: Worldwide agricultural land is a scarce and degraded resource, while the commoditisation of natural resources spatially decouples the environmental and societal impacts of production, trade and consumption. Sustainability, increasingly an explicit political and social desirable norm, seeks to reverse Nature'S degradation, while fostering human well-being in a fairer society. An often ...

Educational paper • 2013

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Terra Preta. Die schwarze Revolution aus dem Regenwald

By: Ute Scheub, Haiko Pieplow, Hans-Peter Schmidt

Untertitel: Mit Klimagärtnern die Welt retten und gesunde Lebensmittel produzieren Der Verlag: Terra Preta do Indio lautet der portugiesische Name für einen Stoff, dem man wundersame Eigenschaften zuschreibt. Die Presse überschlägt sich mit Berichten über das "Schwarze Gold", die Wissenschaft glaubt mit der Schwarzerde aus dem Regenwald zwei der größten Menschheitsprobleme lösen zu können - de...

Scientific paper • 2012


Toward the soil as common good

By: Giuseppe Caridi

No abstract available Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012.

Scientific paper • 2012

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Evaluating land consumption and soil functions to inform spatial planning

By: Elisabetta Peccol, Elisabetta Peccol, Alessia Movia, Alessia Movia

Abstract: The European Union, in the European Soil Thematic Strategy (EC. 2006a), recognises the need to improve the integration of measures to prevent soil consumption and degradation, in spatial planning and in those sector policies such as transport, tourism, commerce etc. that have a major influence on land use change. Indeed, there is a growing awareness at many territorial levels (Europe,...