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Movements for social and environmental justice worldwide: a degrowth.info blog series

By: The degrowth.info editorial team


Collage with tracer effect plus green filter plus leaf filter

Image source: degrowth.info

One of the best aspects of the degrowth.info blog is the wide range of topics that are addressed in the submissions we receive. We publish writing on degrowth conferences and events, theoretical arguments, lived experiences, book reviews, interviews, and a whole load more.


However, from time to time, we like to provide more of a steer towards a certain theme that we believe needs to be uplifted. It’s been a while since we concluded the last blog series we ran on degrowth and strategy. We were delighted at how that series led into a much wider conversation throughout the degrowth movement, with even a conference dedicated to the topic!


This time, we want to focus on ‘movements for social and environmental justice worldwide’. This may sound quite broad; perhaps everything on our site could come under this topic. However, we recognise that certain voices are often marginalised within the degrowth discourse, especially those in the global south and, hence, our particular aim with this series is to boost the visibility of grassroots movements, struggles, and campaigns around the world. Such movements may not explicitly identify with degrowth but align with its values and politics, and deserve more attention within degrowth discussions, which often remain very white, middle class and eurocentric.


Through this blog series we hope that the degrowth movement can learn about, and from, other social movements and build bridges with different struggles around the world. This could even create space for internationally collaborative projects.


We will be publishing articles on a rolling basis over the coming months, and we will add a link to each piece at the bottom of this page as they are released. If you would like to submit a pitch for the series, please see the instructions here – we would love to hear from you. Thank you for engaging with degrowth.info, and we hope you enjoy the series!


Overview of pieces of the series:

1. Farmers of La Via Campesina: we globalise struggles and hope! An interview with small-scale farmer Jean Thévenot.

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