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The climate crisis: a struggle for economic power and leadership


The climate crisis is a consequence of our economic system. Economic solutions, like carbon trading were supposed to be a problem solver. Despite such efforts, CO2 levels kept rising. Should we consider changing our economic system instead? And which role do environmental NGOs play in the battle for climate justice?

Joanna Cabello, activist and researcher on environmental justice and part of the Carbon Trade Watch collective, speaks about false solutions and grassroots activism. Joanna´s blog article "Where to begin with climate justice" is available here.

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Dragon Dreaming and Degrowth

By: John Croft, Julia Kommerell

Dragon Dreaming offers simple, objective and playful tools for visionary processes, planning, implementation, evaluation and celebration to make our dreams come true. Thus it helps building a degrowth society. We have a world economy where eight men have a wealth equivalent to more than 50 per cent of the world’s people, while three billion try to live on less than three dollars a day. We ar...


Why Sustainable Development and Radical Alternatives are not Compatible

By: Ashish Kothari

By Ashish Kothari, Federico Demaria and Alberto Acosta André Reichel’s very thoughtful piece ‘Retaking sustainable development for degrowth’ raises several very important issues. We start by acknowledging that we and Reichel are clearly on the same page in criticizing current models of ‘growth’ including in its ‘green’ and ‘eco-modernist’ forms. We concur also on the need for the world to move...


Post-Development-Diskurs: Lektionen für die Degrowth-Bewegung (Teil 2)

Von Lasse Thiele Im ersten Teil dieses Beitrags wurde in entwicklungskritische Diskurse eingeführt, in denen seit Jahrzehnten das westliche Wohlstands- und Wachstumsmodell dekonstruiert wird. Die Anknüpfungspunkte zwischen Entwicklungs- und aktueller europäischer Wachstumskritik – und den im nächsten Schritt formulierten Alternativvorschlägen – sind zahlreich. Im Folgenden sollen nur einige be...