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Call for the 6th International Degrowth Conference!


The Call for the 6th International Degrowth Conference is now open. The international conferences on degrowth are central landmarks and moments of convergence of the international degrowth intellectual and social movements. They offer an unique opportunity for bringing together scholars with other members of civil society and demonstrating a different way of organizing conferences. A central feature of the conferences has been direct participation and collaboration among participants. Research & Degrowth (R&D) together with the Support Group (SG) offers to facilitate and sustain the organization of the Sixth International Conference (foreseen for 2018). Please find more information on website of Research & Degrowth (R&D)

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The coronavirus pandemic IS ecological breakdown: different tempo, same song

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By: Vijay Kolinjivadi

COVID-19 is both one and the same as any other ecological crisis (such as climate change) because its emergence is rooted in the same mode of production that has generated all other ecological crises and social inequalities of our times. In late 2019, a novel coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) emerged from a wet market in Wuhan in the province of Hubei in China. It has so far resulted in cases ov...


Feminist degrowth reflections on COVID-19 and the politics of social reproduction

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By: Feminisms, Degrowth Alliance (FaDA)

The crises provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic have revealed for all what many have long known: the foundations of the wealth and well-being of the world rest upon the sphere of social reproduction and the labor of care. This work is performed primarily by women and, more generally, by people whose work and lives are under-valued and marginalized by sexist, racist, classist, homophobic and ableis...


Postgrowth Europe: The Next Big Civilization Experiment?

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Europe is exhausted. It is exhausted after long years of what is labeled as the Eurozone crisis. It is exhausted after years of economic success and – now – prolonged years of political failure. Every single attempt of deepening the political union of Europe after the enactment of the Maastricht Treaty in 1993 and the [...]