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Our Library is now online – have a look and explore!


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After almost a year of tireless work we are proud to present our degrowth library. Here you can find various materials related to the transition to an economy independent from economic growth. The library already contains almost 700 entries, from introductory videos to newspaper articles and scientific publications in different languages. Diverse search options and an extensive list of themes make it easy to filter the existing material.

With the library, the team of the degrowth web portal hopes to make existing media easily accessible and to support the degrowth movement which is currently gaining momentum. The library will remain up to date as more materials are continuously added. We wish you much fun exploring the library!

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Universal Basic Income in India – a promising experience

Ubi india 1

By: Brototi Roy

In recent years, the debate around universal basic income has gained much popularity and coverage. The many successful models of basic income, both universal and targeted such as Alaska, Iran and Brazil (Bolsa ) along with an active movement in many European countries to adopt pilot experiments, made researchers and social workers in India enthusiastic to try out similar studies in the country ...


Critical Self-Reflection as a Path to Anti-Capitalism: The Degrowth-Movement

By: Dennis Eversberg

Although growth-critique is currently in vogue and degrowth is mentioned favorably even by the pope in his most recent encyclical, there is as yet almost no scientific research on degrowth as a social movement. We can now present the first empirical findings on the character of this movement, based on a survey we did at the 2014 Degrowth-Conference in Leipzig, in which 814 conference participa...


Degrowth – an anticapitalist movement?!

Degrowth conference 2014 demonstration foto danyonited climate justice leipzig

By Ulrich Schachtschneider A new star is born in the sky of the social movements: the degrowth-movement. The traditional left, however, observes this novelty somewhat critically – degrowth being a path that seems possible without the traditional left. Marxist, feminist and anti-racist analyses were largely missed at the latest Degrowth-Conference and where they were present, participants eyed ...