Logo degrowth


The ASA-Programm invites project proposals around degrowth


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ASA is an educational programme that supports  young and dedicated people to expand their skills and to contribute to sustainable global  development based on respect for human rights and cultural differences since more than 50 years

Currently, the programm is looking out for suitable projects for the 2015 ASA-cycle with particular focus on the areas of degrowth and/or urban gardening which has been chosen as "topic of the year 2015" by last year´s participants. Applications can be submitted until 15 September in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese language.

In the context of these projects, ASA offers  a scholarship and a one-year qualifying programme. After attending two training-workshops in Europe, participants start their internship with organizations in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Near East and South-East Europe. During their internship, they carry out a three-month-project developed by the partner organization.  The objective of the projects is to enable the participants to better understand global interdependencies and development-policy issues - and at the same time to support the partner organizations through qualified contribution.

Further details on the ASA-Programme and the requirements for projects and partner organizations are available here

For further questions, please contact Kristin Czyborra (kristin.czyborra@engagement-global.de, phone: 030/25482-353) oder Miriam Müller (miriam.mueller@engagement-global.de)

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