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Video: Degrowth Summer School & Climate Camp 2015


The Degrowth Summer School 2015 took place at the climate camp in the Rhineland. The Rhineland is one of the biggest lignite mining regions, the biggest source of CO2 in Europe. To protest against climate-damaging industry and resource extraction, different movements which have a lot in common and share ambitions get together and work on alternatives and a social transformation. A video by Raute Film. Degrowth Summer School & Climate Camp 2015 from Marc Menningmann on Vimeo.

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Post-Development Discourse: Lessons for the Degrowth Movement (Part 1)

Post development

By: Lasse Thiele

By Lasse Thiele Is degrowth only conceivable in the context of “oversaturated” industrial societies while the global “South” remains dependent on growth? In two installments, this article questions such assumptions. In this first part it introduces positions critical of development which refuse to adopt the Western model of prosperity; the second part will focus on the analysis of these positi...


Video: What does degrowth mean to you?

What does degrowth mean to you? By Marc Menningmann In this video, some of the scientists, activists and ordinary other participants who gathered at last year's Degrowth Conference in Leipzig share their personal understanding of degrowth. It shows how many different facets degrowth can have. Now we have added English subtitles to it which can be activated by clicking on the little green b...


Degrowth and Radical Ecological Democracy: A View from the South

By Ashish Kothari As it becomes abundantly clear that humanity as a whole has crossed the ecological limits of the earth, and that countries like China and India are fast joining the already-industrialised nations in stressing the planet even more, the search for radical alternatives is humanity’s most urgent quest. There is no doubt that, as [...]