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Blog • 07.11.2016

Why the proposals for the US economy might not be the right selection

By: Mark H Burton

It is great to see an attempt to put degrowth ideas into a straightforward form that can be taken into political debate.  However, the selection of points is critical and I am not convinced that this is the right selection. I'll just take issue with two: 1. Zero bank-debts “No bank should lend more than its deposits. Banks cannot be allowed to create money out of thin air, while all the re...

Blog • 31.10.2016

Five Proposals for the U.S. Economy

By: Giorgos Kallis

We at Research & Degrowth are repeatedly being told that our framing won't work. That we are preaching to the choir by the way we frame our proposals, and that we will never convince the broader public. So, here are our policy proposals re-framed in the language of the U.S. elections. Dedicated to all you framing aficionados out there.   Oil-funded tax breaks Abolish all inc...

Blog • 26.10.2016

Wirtschaftswachstum steht einem guten Leben für alle entgegen

Escape capitalism

By: Matthias Schmelzer

Aktuell gibt es in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung eine Kontroverse zu Wachstumskritik. Vor einer Woche hat Rainer Hank unter dem Titel „Wachstum im Schneckentempo ist in" in der FAZ einen sehr kritischen Beitrag zur „Degrowth-Bewegung" geschrieben. Darauf antwortete Matthias Schmelzer in einer Replik, die in gekürzter Fassung am 23. Oktober 2016 in der Frankfurter Sonntagszeitung e...

Blog • 20.10.2016

Some more Reflections on the Budapest Degrowth-Conference

By: Adrián Beling

The signs from the Degrowth-Conference having disappeared from the walls of the portentous building of Corvinus University, and the streets of Budapest emptied from the stalls and the babble of the Degrowth-Week, the time is ripe for another evaluation-round. The conference can be assessed from diverse perspectives – with disparate outcomes, I suspect.  Even if I am relatively new to the Degrow...

Blog • 11.10.2016

„Degrowth in Bewegung(en)“ - Wo stehen wir und wie geht’s weiter?

By: Matthias Schmelzer

Seit Anfang September sind alle Texte, Videos und Audiobeiträge des Multimedia-Veröffentlichungspojektes „Degrowth in Bewegung(en)“ online. In diesem Projekt schreiben Menschen aus 31 sozialen Bewegungen und alternativeökonomischen Strömungen – von der Anti-Kohle-Bewegung über Commons bis zu Gewerkschaften und Urban-Gardening – über ihre jeweilige Vision, ihre Aktivitäten sowie ihr Verhältnis z...

Blog • 11.10.2016

D.E.growth: A Small Change in the Slogan with Large Benefits

By: Miklós Antal

In a recent article with Stefan Drews, we discussed why degrowth might be an unfortunate name and slogan for the alternative economics movement. We listed several expressions that could possibly be better, but we were also upfront about their disadvantages. Here I propose a new term that might combine the advantages of the word degrowth with those of its more positive alternatives. For an asse...