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Blog • 13.06.2016

Budapest Opens its Doors to the Degrowth Community

From 30 August to 3 September Budapest will be under the banner of degrowth with two major degrowth-events: The degrowth week and conference. In order to give you some ideas on what to expect there, we´ve asked a few questions to the Degrowth 2016 organizing team: How come that you chose to differ between the Degrowth-conference and the Degrowth-week? We strongly felt that it was important ...

Blog • 07.06.2016

Degrowth trifft Konvivialismus: Wege in eine konviviale Gesellschaft


By: Frank Adloff

In den letzten Jahren hat der Konvivialismus einige Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gezogen. Dabei ist selbst nach einer oberflächlichen Lektüre schnell klar, dass hier eine Nähe zum Konzept und zu der Bewegung des Degrowth besteht. Doch worin besteht die Nähe, und wo liegen die Differenzen? Im Folgenden möchte ich zunächst kurz rekapitulieren, was auf theoretischer und praktischer Ebene unter Degrowth...

Blog • 02.06.2016

Business Interest in the Environmental Crisis

By: Kanchi Kohli

By Kanchi Kohli and Manju Menon Is the world going through an environmental crisis? If yes, who has caused it and where does the onus to remedy it lie? If one is to go by the policy debates and outcomes worldwide, the existence of a crisis seems established, the attribution contested, and the road map for remedies under perpetual review. Each year several international conventions revisit thei...

Blog • 23.05.2016

Is Sustainability Only for the Privileged?

By: Lucie Bardos

On the Need for Collaboration Between Social Movements and Activisms By Lucie Bardos Not that long ago, I left North America and arrived fresh and starry-eyed in Lund, Sweden, ready to begin my master’s degree in a program entitled Culture, Power and Sustainability. In my second year, I decided to write my thesis about the Transition Town movement, a social movement out of Great Britain born ...

Blog • 04.05.2016

Universal Basic Income in India – a promising experience

By: Brototi Roy

By Brototi Roy In recent years, the debate around universal basic income has gained much popularity and coverage. The many successful models of basic income, both universal and targeted such as Alaska, Iran and Brazil (Bolsa ) along with an active movement in many European countries to adopt pilot experiments, made researchers and social workers in India enthusiastic to try out similar studies...

Blog • 20.04.2016

Interview: "Wir brauchen Widerstand - sonst wird uns der Klimawandel die Perspektive für ein gutes Leben für alle nehmen."


Vom 19. bis 23. August 2016 findet die 2. Degrowth-Sommerschule auf dem Klimacamp im Rheinland statt. Unter dem Motto "Skills for System Change" wird es mit einem vielfältigen Programm um gelebte Alternativen zum aktuellen Wirtschaftssystem gehen. Nachdem die Sommerschule zu Ende gegangen ist, beginnt auf dem Klimacamp das "Aktionslabor", das vom 24.-29. August geht. Was es damit auf sich hat u...