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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2014


"A Degrowth Project in Hungary"

By: Vincent Liegey

Abstract: In 2011 a first book about Degrowth was published in Hungary: Latouche S., Farewell to Degrowth (Savaria). In January 2014, a second one was published, Liegey V. and Al., A Degrowth Project (Eszmelet). In this article, I will try to analyse the reception of Degrowth and in particular both these books among academics, medias, activists, and the public in the Hungarian context. This ana...

• 2014


Eurotopia: Leben in Gemeinschaft - Verzeichnis von Gemeinschaften und Ökodörfern in Europa

By: Michael Würfel,‎ Diana Leaves Christian,‎ Dieter Halbach,‎ Marcus Andreas

Inhalt: -430 Gemeinschaften, Ökodörfer, Siedlungs- und Wohnprojekte stellen sich vor -Artikel zur Gemeinschaftsgründung, zur gesellschaftlichen Relevanz von Gemeinschaften, zur wissenschaftlichen Forschung in und über Gemeinschaften und mehr… -Vorstellung von Gemeinschaftsnetzwerken mit weiteren Gemeinschaftsdaten -Nützliche Adressen aus ganz Europa -Aktuelle Ausgabe 2014 - Ergänzungen, Ko...

• 2014


Choose your struggles, look after each other and have fun!

By: Christiane Kliemann

By Christiane Kliemann At the end of a conference like this, there might be as many impressions and insights to take home as there are participants, and so it is almost impossible to nail this rich variety down to a few one-dimensional bullet-points. What seemed to unite the findings of the various reporters, however, was

Scientific paper • 2014


Grassroots digital commons for a bottom-up transition towards sustainability

By: Adrien Labaeye

Digital commons; Sustainability transition; Niches; Self-organization; Innovation

Report • 2014

Image Text

Aufbruchtage - globalisierungs- und kapitalismusfreie Demokratie

By: Schattenblick

Bericht von der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig zur Veranstaltung "Buen vivir and radical ecological democracy" mit Ashish Kothari, David Barkin, Irina Velicu, Filka Sekulova, Federico Demaria, Joan Martinez Alier, Aili Pyhälä und Lucia Gallardo. Aus dem Bericht: "Buen vivir and radical ecological democracy" (Gutes Leben und radikal-ökologische Demokratie) - unter diesem Titel fand auf der ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Pathways towards an environmentally sustainable economy: Explaining the differences

By: Karen Jeffrey

Abstract: As well as presenting an opportunity to understand where commonalities exist between degrowth advocates and others calling for a transition to an environmentally sustainable economic system, this analysis will highlight the causes of disagreement in views of how an environmentally sustainable economy might be achieved. Our NETGREEN research identifies the trail of logic that shapes in...

Interview • 2014


Degrowth - Wachstumskritik und konviviale Technik

By: Andrea Vetter

Gespräch mit Andrea Vetter über Wachstumskritik, lebensgerechte Technik und den anstehenden Kongress. Es geht u.a. um die Frage was sich in Deutschland in der Wachstumskritischen Debatte seit dem Kongress "Jenseits des Wachstums!?" getan hat. Außerdem geht es um die Organisation und Botschaften der Degrowth Konferenz 2014, um Degrowth Praxis, Degrowth Gedanken im Aktivismus und konviviale T...

Scientific paper • 2014


Downshifting – rejecting the growth imperative or internalizing the neoliberal order?

By: Tiina Schmidt, Kristoffer Wilén

Downshifting, Class, Responsible Careers, Meaningful Work, Degrowth

Scientific paper • 2014


Nothing but Growth for Shrinking Cities? Urban Planning and its Influencing Factors in Poland

By: Bettina Knoop

shrinking cities; urban planning; deindustrialization; demographic change

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Jürgen Manneck

Abstract: Why is global capitalism incapable of providing the millions of unemployed with work? From a social perspective, enormous wealth is simply running through our fingers, since many people are forced into unemployment by the mechanisms of capitalism. In 1995 a conference of 500 top managers, politicians and economists came to the conclusion that at the start of the 21st centruy only one-...

Scientific paper • 2014


Problems of unlimited economic Growth

By: Hugo Hanbury

Degrowth, environment, consumerism, transition, world food system

Scientific paper • 2014


The future of Waste Water Treatment: a Delphi-based approach

By: Edeltraud Günther, Martin Nowack

Abstract: Capital intensive and path-dependent sectors are highly vulnerable to changing framework conditions such as demographic change, technological advancements, a stricter legislation or climate change. Decision-makers are often not aware of the long-term dynamics of systems and mostly rely on forecasts and the assumption that the future can be predicted based on extrapolations of past tre...

Scientific paper • 2014


Human Scale Development... away from bullets and machines

By: Soledad Granada

Abstract: The expansion of the modern state implies the continuous conquer of territory, and people, in order to access to resources. This conquer expresses as the continuous substitution of production models from peasant self-sustainable to agro-industrial and/or extractive, resulting in the territorial homogenization of production. This substitution, associated to different conceptions of dev...

Scientific paper • 2014


Debt, Disparity, Discipleship and the end of the growth imperative

By: Ray Foss

Abstract: Visions and strategies for transformation into economic sustainability are utterly dependent upon dynamics of the social order’s predominant value system. Shareable values require actionable HOLISM – the idea that both properties and functioning of the social system must be a viewed as wholes that cannot be fully understood in terms of their components. Paradigm shifts and progression...

• 2014


Suffizienz vs. Gegenkultur

By: Harald Welzer, Uwe Schneidewind, Anja Humburg

Diskussionsveranstaltung auf der 4. Internationalen Degrowth Konferenz für ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit in Leipzig im Jahr 2014. Sprecher: Harald Welzer, Uwe Schneidewind Moderation: Anja Humburg Aus dem Konferenz Programm: Die deutsche Postwachstumsdebatte ist eng verknüpft mit der dritten Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie: Suffizenz. Doch während manche Autoren auf die e...

Presentation • 2014


Free Trade – a barrier for degrowth?

By: Filka Sekulova, Manuel Pérez-Rocha, Lutz Weischner, Alexandra Strickner

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Manuel Pérez-Rocha, Lutz Weischner, Filka Sekulova Facilitation: Alexandra Strickner From the conference programme: International free trade regimes and neoliberal trading rules (NAFTA, TTIP, WTO) are a central obstacle for a development towards ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Towards a sustainable society: Concept for an alternative economic system

By: Thomas Frisius

Abstract: The current capitalistic economic system is very prone to crises, social inequity and waste of natural resources. In combination, this threatens the means of livelihood for future generations and is, therefore, at variance with a sustainable development. An alternative economic system is proposed with the potential to overcome these difficulties. In this system, international trade is...

Scientific paper • 2014


The centrality of the issue of care in confrontation between the feminist movement and the degrowth movement

By: Marco Deriu

Abstract: The international feminist movement has developed a critique of the dominant economic model that has many aspects in common with the criticism made by the movement for degrowth. In general terms we can say that in both movements it's possible to find a critique of the centrality of productive performance and an emphasis on breeding conditions and community regeneration. Either propose...

Position paper • 2014


Shutting down the climate culprits – How can we phase out polluting industries?

By: Attac working groups EKU&JdW

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Climate and Energy.