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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2012


Re-inventing the future: the relevant thought of Danilo Dolci

By: Marta Garimberti, Letizia Montalbano

From the text: Since 1952, at Partinico, a village in Western Sicily, Danilo Dolci had worked together with the local community and had focused on the issue of the individual accountability. Dolci and his team of collaborators put into practise democratic and non-violent ways of living and fight. Survival standards needed to be reached, but these must be achieved by developing collective partic...

Scientific paper • 2012


The False Charm of Small Hydro-power. Impacts and Risks related to the Proliferation of “Green Energies" on Alpine rivers

By: Eriberto Eulisse

Abstract: In the next years, the building of 2.000 new small hydro-power plants for the production of “green energy” in the Alps is foreseen by ESHA - the European Small Hydropower Association. In many cases their construction can lead to permanent degradation of important aquatic ecosystems. Because of the present day European policies aimed to promote the development of “clean” energies at al...

Scientific paper • 2012


Growth and democracy: Trade-offs and paradoxes

By: Mauro Bonaiuti

Abstract: The present paper attempts to reveal the relationships between some long-run systemic processes (on the economic, ecological, social and symbolic levels) and the theme of democracy. Starting from the distinction between democracy and autonomy, the paper focusses on its main issue: the trade-off between growth and autonomy. Continual growth can be produced, and indeed has been produced...

Interview • 2012


Ecological Economics

By: Joan Martinez-Alier, Extraenvironmentalist

[ Joan Martinez-Alier // Ecological Economics] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Joan Martinez-Alier made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Why has it taken so long until climate change and degrowth became topics? He talks about "Debt-ocracy" and the hope that the financial crisis can open up discussions about the real economy...

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth, Black America, and Restorative Justice

By: Brian Gilmore

Introduction: In Serge Latouche’s 2009 book, FAREWELL TO GROWTH, he specifically mentions the injustice of racial bias (and bias in general) in the world today. It is important because it is discussed within the context of economic growth. Latouche writes that “we resist, and must resist all forms of racism and discrimination (skin color, sex, religion, ethnicity...),” biases he insist are “all...

Scientific paper • 2012


Economic democracy: A path for the future?

By: Nadia Johanisovaa, Stephan Wolf

Abstract: As opposed to political democracy and its attempts at power control in the public sector, the concentration of economic power, and its antidote, the concept of economic democracy, has received much less attention. In the paper, we first offer a definition of economic democracy as a “a system of checks and balances on economic power and support for the right of citizens to actively par...

Interview • 2012


A World Running Out of Oil

By: Extraenvironmentalist, Gail Tverberg

[ Gail Tverberg // A World Running Out of Oil ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Gail Tverberg made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Gail Tverberg talks about the impact of a financial or environmental or resource crisis on insurance systems and pensions. She also discusses how the energy supply and high oil prices will effe...

• 2012


Sacred Economics with Charles Eisenstein - A Short Film

By: Ian MacKenzie, Charles Eisenstein

Licensed Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial. Note: Subtitles are also available in other languages. Short Video in which the author Charles Eisenstein explains his concept of 'Sacred Economics'. Topics in the video are: Money, what it is, what it does and where it comes from, alienation and community, gift economy, some growth critique and more. About the Book "Sacred Economi...

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth Equals Regrowth: A Discussion of Eduardo Galeano's W ork

By: Anitra Nelson

degrowth, Eduardo Galeano, exchange value, non-market socialism, use value

• 2012


Reifezeiten - Zur Bedeutung der Zeit in Bildung, Politik und politischer Bildung

By: Michael Görtler, Fritz Reheis

Der Zeitdruck steigt, auch in Schulen und Parlamenten. Das beklagen Viele. Ist diese Klage berechtigt? Dient das Bemühen um Zeit-ersparnis im Kontext von Bildung und Politik tatsächlich den Zielen, die dabei erreicht werden sollen? Wie groß sind die Risiken der Beschleunigung hinsichtlich der Qualität der Ergebnisse, nämlich der Formung der individuellen Persönlichkeit des Menschen wie des poli...

Scientific paper • 2012


Natural and socioeconomic determinants of the embodied human appropriation of net primary production and its relation to other resource use indicators

By: Helmut Haberl, Julia K. Steinberer, Christoph Plutzar, Karl-Heinz Erb, Veronika Gaube, Simone Gingrich, Fridolin Kraussmann

Indicators of resource use such as material and energy flow accounts, emission data and the ecological footprint inform societies about their performance by evaluating resource use efficiency and the effectiveness of sustainability policies. The human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) is an indicator of land-use intensity on each nation's territory used in research as well as in...

• 2012


global.patrioten - Begegnungen, Positionen und Impulse zu Klimagerechtigkeit, Biologischer und Kultureller Vielfalt

By: Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen (VNB e.V.), Arbeitsstelle Weltbilder e.V., Institut für angewandte Kulturforschung e.V.

Ein Buch, das die großen um.welt-Fragen unserer Zeit aufgreift und zeigt, dass Menschen es sind, die Veränderungen bewirken! Diese Menschen nennen wir global.patrioten, weil sie sich unabhängig von geografischen Grenzen mit großen Ideen, weitreichenden Taten oder kleinen Impulsen für eine bessere Welt einsetzen. In diesem Buch äußern sich Jugendliche, Fachwissenschaftlerinnen und Fachwissenscha...

Scientific paper • 2012


Long-run welfare under externalities in consumption, leisure, and production: A case for happy degrowth vs. unhappy growth

By: Simone D'Alessandro, Ennio Bilancini

Degrowth; Endogenous growth; Consumption externalities; Leisure externalities; Production externalities

• 2012


Der FUTURZWEI-Zukunftsalmanach 2013

By: Harald Welzer, Stephan Rammler (Hrsg.)

Untertitel: Geschichten vom guten Umgang mit der Welt Verlag: "›Wir werden aktiv gewesen sein!‹ - Wege in eine enkeltaugliche Zukunft Das 21. Jahrhundert braucht Visionen – Geschichten von besseren Lebensstilen, Geschichten über eine gelingende Zukunft. Die Entwicklung einer zukunftsfähigen Gesellschaft wird schon heute von erfolgreichen Projekten vorangetrieben: Verantwortungsbewusste Unterne...

Interview • 2012


Klimachaos: Der Kampf gegen Exxon, BP & Co.

By: Bill McKibben

Während die USA dieses Jahr Hitzerekorde, Dürren und beispiellose Hurrikans wie Sandy erlebten, prognostiziert Bill McKibben bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts weitere drastische Schäden durch den voranschreitenden Klimawandel. Die Frage sei nur noch, wie groß der Schaden sei. In einem weit verbreiteten Rolling-Stone-Artikel rechnete McKibben zudem vor, dass die fossile Brennstoffindustrie 2800 Giga...

• 2012


Kapitalismus und dann? - Systemwandel und Perspektiven gesellschaftlicher Transformation

By: Harald Bender, Norbert Bernholt, Akademie Solidarische Ökonomie, Bernd Winkelmann

Der Verlag: Die Mehrheit der Menschen in Deutschland – 88 Prozent laut Emnid-Umfrage – traut unserem derzeitigen Wirtschaftssystem nicht mehr zu, die ökonomischen Probleme des 21. Jahrhunderts zu lösen. Klar ist: Eine auf Eigennutz und Kapitalgewinn basierende Wirtschaftsweise führt uns offenkundig in kaum noch zu bewältigende globale Krisen. Was aber ist die Alternative? Harald Bender, Norber...

Scientific paper • 2012


Democracies with a future: Degrowth and the democratic tradition

By: Marco Deriu

Abstract: The interrogation of a possible connection between degrowth and democracy inspires some questions of political epistemology. Is degrowth a socio-economic project which can be simply proposed as an “issue” and a “goal” in the democratic representative system, without discussing forms and processes of the political institutions themselves? Is the degrowth perspective fully compatible wi...

• 2012


Family Agroindustry and Degrowth

By: João Luis

The publisher: In this book you will find an experience that many - at the time that it was implemented - called a completely utopian proposal. However, it was fully achieved and proved that it is possible to carry out an agro-food production by undertaking the reallocation of both production and consumption, combined with a social inclusion program based on degrowth principles regarding the us...

Scientific paper • 2012


How to rebuild democracy, re-thinking degrowth

By: Onofrio Romano

Abstract: Can the degrowth project contribute to rediscovering the meaning of democracy? Can the establishment of a real democracy lead to building a degrowth society? And last, has the project of a “democratic degrowth” a real chance to succeed, from a political point of view? If not, how should degrowth be re-thought to foster democracy? These are the questions entertained in this opinion ess...

Scientific paper • 2012


Participation "Big Style": First Experiences with the German Citizens’ Dialogue on Energy Technologies for the Future.

By: Julia Hahn

From the text: The project “Bürgerdialoge“ (“citizens’ dialogues”) initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research aims to incorporate the perspectives of citizens regarding future technologies. Germany’s highly discussed withdrawal from nuclear energy and the accompanied fundamental changes in energy production were subjects of eight regional dialogues (with about 100 partic...