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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2012


Agriculture and human ecology: the value of the territory

By: Carlo Modonesi, Monica Oldani, Celestino Panizza

Introduction: The achievements in life sciences of the last 50 years have widely deepened knowledge and the possibility of intervention on the foundations of living nature. However, such undeniable achievements, by focusing primarily on structural aspects of biological organization, have not shed much light on other characteristics of living creatures, such as historical and ecological ones. Th...

Interview • 2012


Ecological Economics

By: Extraenvironmentalist, Peter Victor

[ Peter Victor // Ecological Economics] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Peter Victor made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Peter Victor is talking about economic growth today, it's history as well the history of its perception. Further he talks about the infrastructure of economic growth.

Scientific paper • 2012


The Real Message of The Limits to Growth

By: Jorgen Randers

Es bleibt eine unbeantwortete Frage, ob wirtschaftliches Wachstum ohne wachsende materielle Auswirkungen machbar ist. Es ist im Prinzip möglich, wurde aber in der Praxis noch nicht beobachtet. Die Studie Die Grenzen des Wachstums des Club of Romes haben diese Frage nicht gelöst, die Autoren sind in ihren Ansichten zur Realisierbarkeit vollständiger Entkopplung gespalten. Sie stimmten aber zu, ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Unconditional Autonomy Allowance (UAA): A tool for equity and dignity

By: Vincent Liegey

Abstract: In the last four years, inside the French Degrowth movement*, a social and economic tool able to initiate and support a democratic transition towards sustainable and desirable societies based on Degrowth has been developed. This discussions and thinking were made around the idea of basic income, resource caps, open relocalisation, free access of a “good” use of resources, etc. and als...

Report • 2012

Image Text

Atlas der Globalisierung - Die Welt von morgen

By: Le Monde Diplomatique

Wer bekommt die Seltenen Erden aus China? Mit wem verbünden sich die aufstrebenden Mächte des Südens? Was machen die Neonazis in Europa? Welche Folgen hat der Landraub für Afrika? Wie verändert der Drogenkrieg die Machtverhältnisse in Mittelamerika? Wann kommt der Happy Planet Index für das gute Leben? Antworten auf diese und ander wichtige Fragen von morgen gibt der neue Atlas der Globalisier...

Scientific paper • 2012


“This is a bit of the good life”: Recognition of unpaid work from the perspective of degrowth

By: Linda Nierling

Keywords: Degrowth; Unpaid work; Recognition; Sustainability; End of work; Qualitative case study research

Scientific paper • 2012


Global Governance and the World Economy: Impressions from Complex Adaptive Systems Analysis

By: Stephen J. Purdey

Abstract: Two features of the modern world economy have become abundantly clear. First, its component parts are now so densely interconnected that disturbances reverberate quickly, sometimes catastrophically, right around the globe. And second, the ever-bigger world economy is now bumping up against, and in some cases breaching constraints imposed by the finitude of the planetary bio-geosphere....

Scientific paper • 2012


Assessing sustainability on a degrowth perspective

By: Paula Inês Cosme Teixeira

Degrowth, Indicators, Sustainability Assessment, Policy goals, Policy instruments

Scientific paper • 2012


On the Prospect of Preventing Global Climate Catastrophe due to Rapid Social Change

By: Olli Tammilehto

From the paper: Though the chances of dethroning growth by a huge increase of social movement activities in the near future seem very slim, there are reasons why we still have hope. Social change movements exist, and there are historical experiences indicating that in dire situations these movements can change and grow rapidly. Witness, as of this writing in November 2011, the Occupy Wall Stree...

Scientific paper • 2012


Leitbild Schweiz oder Kasachstan?: Zur Entwicklung der ländlichen Räume in Sachsen - Eine Denkschrift zur Agrarpolitik

By: Michael Beleites

Michael Beleites verknüpft seine schonungslose Analyse der ostdeutschen Agrarpolitik vor und nach der 89er Revolution mit der Suche nach Visionen für eine zukunftsfähige Landbewirtschaftung. In dem bäuerlichen Erbe Sachsens und Thüringens sieht er eine besondere Chance zur schrittweisen Wiederbelebung sozial und ökologisch verträglicher bäuerlicher Strukturen. Die künftige Agrarpolitik müsse da...

• 2012



By: Tadzio Müller, Michael T. Klare, Marcel Hänggi, Uwe Witt, Christa Wichterich, Ewa Charkiewicz, Lucio Cuenca Berger, Melina Laboucan-Massimo, Ercan Ayboga, Olaf Bernau, Ursula Schönberger, Hannah Schuster, Selana Tzschiesche, Michelle Wenderlich, Sokari Ekine, Uli Brand, Jörn Krüger, Dieter Klein, Hardy Feldmann, Dagmar Enkelmann, Luismi Uharte, Bodo Ramelow, Andrea Ypsilanti, Rainer Land, Mario Neukirch, Jan Latza, Alberto Acosta, Peter Schmidt, The Free Association

Zeitschrift «Luxemburg» 01/2012 Die ausgerufene „Energiewende“ setzt auf Grünen Kapitalismus. Wie die Dampf- und Webmaschinen für den Beginn der industriellen Revolution standen, wie Taylorisierung und Fließband die technische Basis für den Fordismus und die IT-Revolution für die Globalisierung bereitstellte, soll die globale Energiewende die Grundlage für einen ökologischen Umbau der Produ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Measuring progress in the degrowth transition to a steady state economy

By: Daniel W. O'Neill

Indicators, Degrowth, Steady state economy, Conceptual framework

Scientific paper • 2012


The City of Commons

By: Delia Del Gaudio

No abstract available Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012.

Scientific paper • 2012


Changing Agriculture: Food Sovereignty of the territories in response to the energy crisis and the new world revolution

By: Michelle Arroyo

Part of the introduction: In México, one of the most agriculturally-based countries in the Americas, there is a growing tendency among rural farmers to promote a new type of rurality. This new approach aims to solve their ecological, economic and social problems through actions that encourage a de-growth instead of a sustainable growth in development. In this essay I aim to contribute to an und...

Scientific paper • 2012


Anti-spectacle - a discussion paper -

By: Radović Darko, Davisi Boontharm

From the text: We want to open this discussion by repeating an earlier argument (Radovic 2008b) that there is a need to revisit World City Hypothesis (Friedmann, 1986). We see that as important in the context of the Conference on Degrowth, Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, as the idea of “world city” implies a certain (kind of) quality, and the concept of degrowth and the idea(l) of ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Saving by Sharing – Collective Housing for Sustainable Lifestyles in the Swedish Context

By: Dick Urban Vestbro

Keywords: cohousing, house design, lifestyle, collaborative consumption, neighbourly cooperation

Scientific paper • 2012


Toward a new sustainable Degrowth: An integrated educational programme for the improvement of traditional earth construction in Emdibir-Gurage-Ethopia

By: Mauro Bertagnin

From the text: . . . Earthen architecture is the most original expression of the human ability to create an appropriate built environment with limited resources and the most sustainable and locally available material”. For these reasons earthen architecture can be considered the most appropriate solution for the housing in a perspective of “prosperity without growth”. . . . Contribution to t...

Scientific paper • 2012


Payments for Ecosystem Services: versus or with degrowth?

By: Francesco Marangon, Stefania Troiano

Keywords: Payment for Ecosystem Services, ecosystem services, landscape, degrowth

Scientific paper • 2012


Depopulation and Public Spaces: The Case Study of Lisbon

By: Francisca Machado Lima

Keywords: Demographic Change, Urban Public Spaces, Wildscapes, Tradicional City

Scientific paper • 2012


Methodology: The instrument used by Bilanci di Giustiza (balances of justice) to monitor their consumption

By: Bilanci di Giustiza

Introduction: Heinrich Boell writes of a tourist who is telling a sailor what are the advantages of working more. If you go out in the sea twice or three times a day, the tourist says, you might get more fishes, and get an instoppable growth going. First a boat, then two boats, then several; a factory for frozing fishes, smoking them and perhaps an helicopter to find the fish schools. “And so w...