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Art contribution • 2012
By: Corinna Burkhart, Can Decreix
From the text: “This museum was founded in 2012 when some people did not know where to put the fridge, which was unneeded and was taking needed space in the kitchen. So where to put it? Where does it belong? Of course, in the museum and so the museum of unneeded and questionable things was born. . .”
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Damir Tokic
Keywords: Degrowth; Stock market; Deflation; Deleveraging
Interview • 2012
By: Vincent Liegey, Vincent Moreau
Introduction à la Décroissance avec dix interviews filmés: 1. Notre candidatE est la Décroissance. 2. La Décroissance: mais c’est quoi ce mot repoussoir? 3. Aux origines de la Décroissance. 4. La Décroissance: l’histoire d’un mouvement. 5. Quelle stratégie politique pour la Décroissance. 6. Décroissance: démondialisation, protectionnisme ou relocalisation ouverte? 7. Crise de la dette e...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Francesco Cappa, Barbara Piccinato
Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - paper only available in Italian, presentation slides in English (Title: Education as commons)
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Gareth Dale
Discusses the “Origins of the growth paradigm” by going into history, starting in medieval times going over to industrialisation, including the “invention of scarcity” and the “change from a world of custom and common land to one based on absolute private property”, “a redefinition of human needs and desire” and economic theory. Further “the criticisms of political economy for its neglect of th...
Scientific paper • 2012
From the text: The degrowth program is highly problematic because of its failure to analyze the qualitative aspects of economic growth and its emphasis on the local economy without recognizing the urgency to address global anthropogenic change from a transnational political perspective. In particular, a major challenge humanity now faces is to rapidly implement a prevention program to avoid cat...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Sabina Scarpellini, Miguel Marco, Jesus Valero, Francesca Salviato
Keywords: Sustainability, Indicators, Industries, Degrowth, Innovation, Research Institutes
Educational paper • 2012
By: Various Authors
Beautiful Trouble is a book, web toolbox and international network of artist-activist trainers whose mission is to make grassroots movements more creative and more effective.
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Sébastien Boillat, Julien-François Gerber, Fernando R. Funes-Monzote
Abstract: While degrowth is about reducing energy and material flows in the economy while sustaining basic human needs, capitalism fosters the opposite trend. How then is degrowth to be implemented on a large scale? In line with different critical intellectual traditions, we argue that degrowth is unlikely to occur within an economy based on capital accumulation and free market of assets. Our o...
Scientific paper • 2012
From the text: In this paper we will argue that the problem is not with the market or with capitalism, however defined;we argue that the market, as envisioned by classic writers such as Adam Smith and John Stuart Milbeen severely distorted by a financial structure that is culturally-specific. We will argue that the problem is not unbridled consumption (which we view as a symptom, not a cause of...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Derek Rasmussen
From the text: I was listening to CBC, the national Canadian radio service, several years ago when the interviewer, Michael Enright, began chatting with a fellow named Alouitious from Newfoundland. Alouitious had a farm which was within the city limits of the capital, St John’s; so the first question that Enright asked him was, “How does it feel to be living such an old-fashioned way of life in...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Dina Padalkina
De-growth, Sustainability, Consumption and Production patterns, Ecological and Environmental economics, Post-Keynesian economics, Kaleckian Model, Taxation and Distribution, Policy, Regulation
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Gianni Gaggiani
From the text: Web 2.0 at the service of horticulture: can a virtual garden help us grow a real garden and feed a family or sell produce in a neighbourhood market? Can a site teach the secrets of fruit and vegetable growing and train users to produce food by themselves? Can it reinvent and (re)launch a social version of bartering, the oldest form of trade of all? Is it possible for people to gr...
• 2012
By: Christian Felber
Retten Europas Regierungen den Euro zu Tode? Die Konstruktionsfehler der EU werden durch die Euro-Krise deutlich sichtbar. Christian Felber setzt sich in seinem neuen, brandaktuellen Buch für die Tilgung der Staatsschulden über EU-weite Finanztransaktions-, Vermögens- und Gewinnsteuern ein. Eine Strategie, die endlich die Verursacher und Profiteure der Krise in die Pflicht nehmen und ihnen letz...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Jean-Louis Aillon, Elena Dal Santo, Maurizio Cossa, Laura Quassolo, Marta Domini
Abstract: Migration flows are, in a measure, the consequence of dominant economic models, namely the growth paradigm that currently permeates the world. Migrations are the result of different human needs, first of all the need to survive. Naturally, the decision to move towards an unknown destination is also influenced by cultural models: nowadays, the collective imagination of the North is bui...
• 2012
By: Parti Pour La Decroissance
From the text: Too often, the growth objectors sweep aside the demography debate with this kind of joke. Are there too many of us on earth? Do we support world population growth? If so, how and to what extend? If we do not consider these questions as primordial, they are asked too often. A simple joke is not sufficient and it proves that these questions must be debated. . . . > French ver...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Serge Latouche
From the text: . . .To exit from the impasse of a growth society involves finding ways of building an alternative world of voluntary sobriety and frugal abundance, a world we believe possible. But to do this also implies abandoning the well-trodden paths of ‘‘critical’’ thought, the inherited ways of thinking that are fundamentally responsible for all the facets of the Left. Inventing new ways ...
Scientific paper • 2012
By: Bruna Bianchi
From the text: In recent years, the degrowth movement has forcefully brought attention to the need to escape market tyranny and the destructive spiral of the capitalist economic system. Can the critique against the paradigm of unlimited growth, the drive towards an economy not based on money and respectful of nature, find common ground with the perspectives offered by feminism, particularly eco...
• 2012
By: Silke Helfrich, David Bollier (Ed.)
Collection of 73 essays that describe the potential of the commons in conceptualizing and building a better future.