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Showing 3581 items

Educational paper • 2012

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Wachstum ohne Ende

By: Martin Eiermann

Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: Themenblätter im Unterricht Nr. 92 bpb: Wachstum ist der Treibstoff unserer Wirtschaft. Löhne, Renten, Investitionen, Staatsausgaben – alles hängt von unserer Fähigkeit ab, immer mehr zu produzieren und zu konsumieren. Doch was tun, wenn Wachstum teuer wird und Ressourcen zur Neige gehen?

Interview • 2012


A Future for Education

By: Extraenvironmentalist, Michael M'Gonigle

[ Michael M'Gonigle // A Future for Education ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Michael M'Gonigle made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Michael M'Gonigle is talking about education, also university education and how it is economised. He is criticising that university is like a training ground for professionals while it shou...

Scientific paper • 2012


Evaluation of good practices impacts at the small to medium scale: the Friuli Venezia Giulia experience

By: Stefania Del Frate

From the text: For the evaluation of environmental impacts due to human activities, lifestyles or plans and programs it is essential the identification of measurable indicators that allow to link the activities we're talking about with the effects we're studying. The best choice of the index depends on the type of the impact we want to analyze. The starting point for the evaluation of t...

Scientific paper • 2012


Is Socially - Just Degrowth Compatible with Capitalism?

By: Karen Bell

Abstract: The degrowth movement challenges the paradigm of economic growth, and promotes a dual agenda of ecological sustainability and social justice. However, critics argue that, within a capitalist system, degrowth will ultimately undermine social justice by increasing poverty and inequality, as businesses collapse and jobs are lost. The recent economic recession in the wealthier capitali...

Scientific paper • 2012


Compassionate Communities: A Breeding Ground for Innovation

By: Judy Nagy

Abstract: At the root of it all, what does the degrowth movement ask of us – the individual? In simple terms, it asks us to care about each other as living, breathing beings and to care about our habitat, Planet Earth, and then to act accordingly. It asks us to shift from a mentality of acquiring to one of sharing, or from selfishness to compassion, or even from worrying about one’s self to wor...

Report • 2012

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Klimacamp trifft Degrowth - Dem Kaiser, was des Kaisers ist (Teil 1 und 2)

By: Schattenblick

Bericht von Klimacamp und Degrowth-Sommerschule im Rheinischen Braunkohlerevier 2015. Untertitel: Gewerkschaftliche Teilhaberschaft spaltet Klimakämpfe Aus dem Bericht: . . . Die drängende Frage, auf welche Weise der Ausstieg aus fossilen Energieträgern zu bewerkstelligen sei, ohne Massenarbeitslosigkeit und soziale Verwerfungen herbeizuführen, war Thema einer Podiumsdiskussion der Degrowth-S...

Scientific paper • 2012


Deux propositions de decroissance visant diminuer les disparités sociales au Brés

By: João Luís Homem de Carvalho

Abstract: Ce travail n'a pas l'intention d'épuiser le thème, juste pour montrer et d'expliquer pourquoi le Brésil, même en étant la sixième puissance économique dans le monde, a d'énormes disparités sociales. Parmi les diverses raisons tiens à souligner deux: la première est la politique de subventionnement de l'industrie de l'automobile et la seconde est la politique qui soutient le modèle bré...

• 2012


Wohlstand ohne Wachstum?

By: Asiye Öztürk, Meinhard Miegel, Ulrich Brand, K.-H. Paqué · B. Jochimsen · M. O. Bettzüge · U. Schneidewind, Christian Kroll, Till van Treeck, Johannes Hoffmann, Gerhard Scherhorn, Nicole Rippin, Claus J. Tully, Christian Neuhäuser

bpb: Vor 40 Jahren veröffentlichte der Club of Rome den Bericht "Grenzen des Wachstums". Der Befund war alarmierend: Die herrschenden Produktions- und Lebensweisen industrialisier­ter Gesellschaften seien langfristig nicht tragbar. Auch die deutsche Politik beschäftigt sich intensiv mit den ökologischen Konsequenzen unseres Wirtschafts- und Wohlstandsmodells. So soll die Enquete-Kommission "Woh...

Interview • 2012


Working Less

By: Extraenvironmentalist, Juliet Schor

[ Juliet Schor // Working Less ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Juliet Schor made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Juliet Schor is talking about the "fast fashion model", which is about an intensification of resource use and the short lifetime of goods. Further she talks about changes of consumption habits with the financi...

Scientific paper • 2012


American passage: Towards a new economy and a new politics

By: James Gustave Speth

Keywords: Economy; Politics; Degrowth

Scientific paper • 2012


Rebuilding relationships: from the competitiveness tree to the well-being tree

By: Chiara Ortolani

Keywords: Urban growth, connectivity, self-organization, resilient relations, road network

• 2012


A Degrowth Party: for what?; Nous sommes Parti-e-s Pour La Décroissance

By: Parti Pour La Decroissance

This text presents the history of the French Degowth party and questions why do we need, or not, a Degrowth party? > In French > Here also the genealogy of the French Degrowth movement (in French)

Interview • 2012


Vincent Liegey: Degrowth, Decolonising our imaginary…

By: Vincent Liegey

Vincent Liegey about Degrowth, about the need to decolonise our imaginary and concrete steps towards a socio ecological transformation. Quote from the interview:" . . . If you have a hammer in your head, all the problems look like a nail. And I think one of the hammers we have nowadays in our heads is really the religion of economics. . .".

• 2012


Re-politicising society, re-socialising politics with Degrowth

By: Vincent Liegey

What political strategy for a democratic and serene transition towards sustainable and desirable societies of Degrowth. This text presents the complementarity of the diversity of levels, approaches and strategies for the Degrowth movement. > In French

Scientific paper • 2012


What shall degrow? Proposals of bottom-up degrowth of capacity to produce and consume.

By: Francois Schneider

Capacity to produce and consume; Rebound Effect; Limiting Factors; Economic Size; Degrowth Policy; Frugal Innovation; Debound Strategies; Multidimensional crisis.

Art contribution • 2012


Décroissance Montréal/Degrowth Montreal - "Nothing Time"

By: Geoffrey Garver, unknown

Décroissance Montréal/Degrowth Montreal - "Nothing Time" - 15 mai/May 2012 from Geoffrey Garver on Vimeo. "Nothing Time" was performed at the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012.

Scientific paper • 2012


Another Governance: Kicking Democracy’s Growth Habit

By: Bruce Jennings

From the text: So conceived, governance is a process that involves many institutions — in the economy, civil society, and religious and cultural organizations — in addition to the government legally defined. Governance is even more ubiquitous than the entity, also not identical with the government, called the state. Questions about the form that governance in a degrowth society should take are ...

Scientific paper • 2012


El descrecimiento en México

By: Miguel Valencia

No abstract available

Scientific paper • 2012


Overpopulation and the Vicious Circle Principle

By: Craig Dilworth

Abstract: In my book "Too Smart for Our Own Good", I present an ecological theory intended to explain human evolution and development, and I apply that theory to all major aspects of our actual evolution and development over the past seven million years. In this paper, I shall summarize the treatment that overpopulation in particular receives in Too Smart.

Scientific paper • 2012


Full Employment & Degrowth: The Social and Ecological Sustainability of The Job Guarantee

By: B.J. Unti

Introduction: The Degrowth Declaration of the 2008 Paris conference called for the “development of policies and tools for the practical implementation of degrowth”. The Job Guarantee (JG) is one such policy. This paper demonstrates how a JG program may be used to achieve both full employment and degrowth. Traditional Keynesian and Post Keynesian policies provide useful tools for addressing some...