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Showing 43 items

Art contribution • 2014


Available for sale

By: Julian Röder

[gallery link="file" columns="5" ids="105128,105129,105130,105131,105132"] Photography by Julian Röder From the conference programme: An opening of a shopping mall, discounts on all articles, Monday, 12 am – masses of consumers and goods meet in the middle of the night. “Available for sale” stages and documents (mass-) consumption between rush and reality, euphoria and disillusionment. &...

Art contribution • 2014


The Waiting Room | The Degrowth Performance Project

By: Peter Stamer, Diego Agullò, Clément Layes, Dmitry Paranyushkin, Fräulein Bernd, Lukas Bugiel, friendly fire, Sylvia Kadur, Maix Mayer, Anna Pescke, Angelika Waniek, Laris Hemken, Beide Messies

[gallery link="file" columns="6" ids="105195,105196,105197,105198,105199,105200,105201,105202,105204,105205,105206,105207,105208,105209,105210,105211,105212,105213,105214,105215,105216"] Performance-project by and with Peter Stamer, Diego Agullò, Clément Layes, Dmitry Paranyushkin, Fräulein Bernd, Lukas Bugiel, friendly fire, Sylvia Kadur, Maix Mayer, Anna Pescke, Angelika Waniek, Laris Hem...

Art contribution • 2014


Der neue Mensch. / The new Man.


[gallery link="file" columns="5" ids="100341,100342,100343,100344,100345"] Four Exercises in Utopian Movements From the conference programme: THE NEW MAN is an interactive radio play in which the spectator becomes an active participant. The audience will meet the visions of the new Man of four artists of the 20s : the poet Bertolt Brecht, the dancer Rudolf von Laban, the director Wsewolod M...

Art contribution • 2014


[untitled] a space for monsters, ghosts and animals

By: friendly fire

[gallery link="file" columns="5" ids="100336,100337,100338,100339,100340"] From the conference programme: In a performative audiowalk friendly fire explores together with the visitors individual and collective transformations in all their visionary, dreamy, scary, eerie, threatening, monstrous or incredibly funny facets. Stroll around in the conference area equiped with an audioguide to find...

Presentation • 2014


Cultural Agency – potentials and limits of current civic movements

By: Friederike Habermann, Leonidas Martin, Michael Narberhaus, Luise Tremel

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Leonidas Martin, Michael Narberhaus, Friederike Habermann Facilitation: Luise Tremel From the conference programme: New forms of living, working, protesting as well as new economic and democratic practices develop form inside society and form „p...

Presentation • 2014


Degrowth Conference 2014: Opening event

By: Nina Treu, Alberto Acosta, Naomi Klein, Pablo Paolo Kilian, Melanie Bleckert, Daniel Constein

> The event starts with minute 38. Recorded opening event of the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. The opening event starts with a speech by Nina Treu & Daniel Constein, who are members of the organizing team of the conference. Further there are the opening keynotes by Alberto Acosta and Naomi Klein (via video), a...

Scientific paper • 2014


Critique and the Organization of Production

By: Nina Pohler

New Spirit of Capitalism, Artistic Critique, Social Critique, Growth Critique, Coordination of Work Strategies for transformation

Scientific paper • 2014


How to design in a degrowth society?

By: Eva Kristin Stein

Abstract: The approach of today’s design practise should give prospects for the transformation into a post-growth and sustainable field of work. The shifting from a technocratic to a social construction qualifies designers for this job because he/she is traditionally responsible for the definition of use the act of using and its shaping. The academic debates in design are all along critical. Th...

Scientific paper • 2014


Public Spaces: Everyday Resistance and alternative Societies

By: Anne Dietrich, Vera Denzer, Jörg Gertel

Abstract: The paper investigates urban public spaces as sites of daily resistance from theoretical and empirical points of view. Particular attention is paid to different forms of protest against social orders that find their expressions in nonconformist appropriations of space. Thus the contribution addresses the conference’s narrative step ‘Facing the Current Crisis: Critique and Resistance’....

Scientific paper • 2014

Text Other

The Proposal of Degrowth and the Energy Issue: A Fabulist Presentation of the Literature Review

By: Sandrine Cuvillier

Abstract: This article revisits the famous fables of Jean de La Fontaine to illustrate key concepts and proposals of degrowth and its close ties with the energy issue. Through the curiosity of a hummingbird, we question the dominant paradigm reflected in unsustainable existing patterns of energy production and consumption. We introduce, in a simple way, the main ideas and references of current ...

Art contribution • 2014

Text Video

Des Kaisers neue Kleider

By: Marion Musch

Begehbare Kunstinstallation, 2014, Ständer mit Kleiderbügeln in dunklem Raum, Projektion von weiteren leeren Kleiderbügeln, Stimmen aus Lautsprechern. mamuk.de: Eine Installation zum „schönen Schein“ des Konsums und der Manipulation des Verbrauchers. Das Märchen „Des Kaisers neue Kleider“ ist eins der bekanntesten von H.C. Andersens. Es handelt von dem eitlen Kaiser, der von schmeichelnden Ve...

Educational paper • 2012


Beautiful Trouble

By: Various Authors

Beautiful Trouble is a book, web toolbox and international network of artist-activist trainers whose mission is to make grassroots movements more creative and more effective.

Scientific paper • 2012


Sea-change and Metamorphosis: Useful Images in a Degrowth Approach to the Arts?

By: Marco De Bernardo

Content and purpose : I shall discuss the literary motif of metamorphosis as a reflection of the ecological position of human societies; in particular, I shall deal with a kind of metamorphosis referred to as “sea-change”: the transformation that occurs underwater, or, more generally, by agency of the sea. I shall refer to examples of literary metamorphosis across different historical contexts...

Scientific paper • 2012


Ecomusicology: a key to understand human harmony

By: Leonella Grasso Caprioli

From the introduction:The perspective of scientific realism has the tendency to consider environmental problems leaving aside their ethical, historical and political context. On the contrary, the humanities, philosophy, literature, visual arts, music, help to develop a knowledge of the nature alternative to the one proposed by natural sciences, and often overflowing the limits imposed by ration...

Art contribution • 2012


Décroissance Montréal/Degrowth Montreal - "Nothing Time"

By: Geoffrey Garver, unknown

Décroissance Montréal/Degrowth Montreal - "Nothing Time" - 15 mai/May 2012 from Geoffrey Garver on Vimeo. "Nothing Time" was performed at the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012.

• 2012

Video Other

Décroissance Montréal/Montreal Degrowth - Audree Juteau & Andrea Hawkes

By: Geoffrey Garver, Audree Juteau, Andrea Hawkes

Décroissance Montréal/Montreal Degrowth - Audree Juteau & Andrea Hawkes - 14 mai/May 2012 from Geoffrey Garver on Vimeo. Dance performance at the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal in 2012. The topic of the performance is "taking position".

Art contribution • 2012


Décroissance Montréal/Montreal Degrowth - Highlights from the artistic program/Faits saillants du programme artistique

By: Geoffrey Garver

Décroissance Montréal/Montreal Degrowth - Highlights from the artistic program/Faits saillants du programme artistique from Geoffrey Garver on Vimeo. Highlights from the artistic programme at the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Paintings, film, photography, music and dance with some short comments.

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth Equals Regrowth: A Discussion of Eduardo Galeano's W ork

By: Anitra Nelson

degrowth, Eduardo Galeano, exchange value, non-market socialism, use value

Presentation • 2010


Architecture and Degrowth? - How an Art of Production can fundamentally and voluntary degrow without disappearing

By: Emmanuel Pezrès

Poster by Emmanuel Pezrès from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Architecture and Degrowth? - How an Art of Production can fundamentally and voluntary degrow without disappearing".

• 2009

Image Text

13 Attitudes


A small booklet on 13 Attitudes of Permaculture. Text, quotes and illustrations.