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Showing 43 items

Art contribution • 2020


Decolonising Sleep: Or the reparative power of rest as a radical act to restore rhythmic cycles

By: Uma Dinsmore-Tuli

'The Dark Mountain Project' online series 'Becoming Human' explores the physical, psychological and experiential aspects of our current predicament and how we might realign our bodies and minds with the living systems. Uma Dinsmore-Tuli makes a case for the reclamation of sleep in an insomniac culture. Notes from a fractal encyclopædist on the interdependence of sleep and waking, delivered a...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Descrecimiento arte y vida

By: Rosa Belloso

¿ De qué tipo de arte hablamos cuando hablamos de arte y decrecimiento ?

• 2018


This is not an atlas: a global collection of counter-cartographies

By: kollektiv orangotango+

"Maps articulate statements that are shaped by social relations, discourses and practices, but these statements also influence them in turn. Hence, maps (and atlases) are always political. "In this interplay between facts and perception, the cartographer is both witness and actor. [...] In order to create, or, more accurately: to invent, "his worlds", he finally arrives at a subtle mixture of t...

Art contribution • 2017


The Will of Life by Abu al-Qasim al-Shabi

By: Abu al-Qasim al-Shabi

Poem by Abu al-Qasim al-Shabi

Art contribution • 2017

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Imagining a Better World: The Art of Degrowth

By: Samuel Alexander

Introduction: We are living in an age of gross ecological overshoot - our demands on the planet far exceed what is sustainable. Wealth is extremely concentrated while billions go hungry. And with the world’s population heading toward 11 billion by the end of the century, something has to give. One response to these overlapping crises is degrowth. This movement argues that the developed regio...

• 2017

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Art Against Empire: Toward an Aesthetics of Degrowth

By: Samuel Alexander

Abstract: What role might art need to play in the transition beyond consumer capitalism? Can ‘culture jamming’ contribute to the necessary revolution in consciousness? And might art be able to provoke social change in ways that rational argument and scientific evidence cannot? In this new book I explore these questions, both in theory and practice. I begin with a theoretical defence of art a...

Report • 2017


At Museums, Maybe It’s Time for ‘De-growth’

By: Nina Siegal

From the article: The last quarter of a century has been a period of pronounced growth in the cultural sector, with the rumble of jackhammers creating the soundtrack to 21st-century museum life. New buildings, multimillion-dollar expansions, new wings and collection growth have all helped drive visitor numbers to unprecedented heights. So it seemed a little counterintuitive when Beatrix Ruf, t...

Report • 2016

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By: John Jordan

Dies ist ein Beitrag zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en), in dem es um Artivism geht. Info zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en): Degrowth ist nicht nur ein neues Label für eine Diskussion über Alternativen oder eine akademische Debatte, sondern auch eine im Entstehen begriffene soziale Bewegung. Trotz vieler Überschneidungen mit anderen sozialen Bewegungen gibt es sowohl bei diesen als auc...

Interview • 2015

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Klimacamp trifft Degrowth - Unsäglich verträglich ... Klaus der Geiger im Gespräch

By: Schattenblick, Klaus der Geiger

Interview mit Klaus dem Geiger im Rahmen des Klimacamps und der Degrowth-Sommerschule im Rheinischen Braunkohlerevier 2015. Aus dem Interview: SB: Wenn du mit Straßenmusik speziell die normalen Menschen erreichen willst, wie ist dann die Resonanz auf deine Lieder? Sprechen sie die Leute heute noch an? KdG: Die Auseinandersetzung zwischen Menschen, daß die einen mit den anderen nicht klarkom...

Interview • 2015

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Klimacamp trifft Degrowth - Analyse, Selbstverständnis, Konsequenzen ... John Jordan im Gespräch

By: John Jordan, Schattenblick

Interview mit John Jordan im Rahmen des Klimacamps und der Degrowth-Sommerschule im Rheinischen Braunkohlerevier 2015. Aus dem Interview: Der Künstler John Jordan ist seit vielen Jahren in sozialen Bewegungen aktiv. In den 90er Jahren war er an der Gründung der gegen den Automobilismus gerichteten direkten Aktion Reclaim the Streets wie auch der Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army beteili...

• 2015

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Ergebnisse des degrowth Sommerschul- Kurses Comic Helden* gegen den Klimwandel

By: Eva Kirschenmann

Dokumentation eines Kurses der Degrowth Sommerschule 2015 "Degrowth konkret: Klimagerechtigkeit" Titel des Kurses: Comic-Helden* gegen den Klimawandel Kursbeschreibung aus dem Programm: Der Wissenschaftliche Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (WBGU) formuliert international richtungsweisende Handlungsempfehlungen an Politik und Wirtschaft. In seinem Comic "Große Transforma...

Art contribution • 2014


Metamorphosen / Metamorphosen

By: Pablo Paolo Kilian, Melanie Bleckert

From the conference programme: n the audiovisual project METAMORPHOSEN pianist Pablo Paolo Kilian improvises between reduction and density, increase and exhaustion, minimalistic and full sounds that develop slowly or suddenly, collapse into moments of transition and transformation. Visual artist Melanie Bleckert adds images of change and emergence using the analogue Lightmotiv projection ...

Art contribution • 2014


Installations / Installationen Degrowth Conference 2014

By: Stella Veciana, Jaana Prüss, Dan Norton, Herwig Kemmerich

[gallery link="file" columns="4" ids="105123,105122,105121,105120"] From the conference programme: ELIJAHS BALL, Sculpture, Herwig Kemmerich A long time ago the prophet Elijah coined the expression: “grass will grow on your cities”. Reflecting ecological challenges in post-industrial society, the wrecking ball can represent deconstruction on a material level, it can be read as a symbol agai...

Art contribution • 2014


Short film walk / Kurzfilmwanderung

By: Luc-Carolin Ziemann

[gallery link="file" columns="4" ids="100383,100384,100385,100386"] From the conference programme: Join in for a stroll through the city of Leipzig. Equipped with a projector, sound system, generator and short films the short film walking tour starts in the court of the university. On the way through the city gray facades are animated with scintillating pictures and empty streets are filled ...

Art contribution • 2014


Ideenreich ressourcenleicht | Participatory Design Workshop

By: Miriam Lahusen, Sirkka Jacobsen

[gallery link="file" columns="4" ids="105124,105125,105126,105127"] From the conference programme: Needs and behaviours of citizens are important sources of knowledge for research and development in the field of energy sufficiency. This workshop will investigate how these can be included by using artistic methods developed by designers in the project “Energiesuffizienz” of the ifeu Institute...

Art contribution • 2014


TAF! Photographic Action Workshop / TAF! Fotografie Aktions Workshop

By: Oriana Elicabe

[gallery link="file" columns="7" ids="100375,100376,100377,100378,100379,100380,100381,100382"] From the conference programme: TAF! is a theoretical-practical photography workshop over 3 days designed for action. It aims to share knowledge and practices in toolkit mode. We will look at photography and its use as a communication tool and as a way of collectively intervening in social issues. ...

Art contribution • 2014


The Game / Das Spiel

By: Hannah Baumann, Mirjam Hildbrand

[gallery link="file" columns="6" ids="100370,100371,100372,100373,100374"] From the conference programme: This performance invites you to rethink the given and play with variants of reality. The participants are pawns in the game and challenge each other in groups. While the game is just for fun, it develops its own serious nature, and a lot of things can happen in the gravitiy of the situat...

Art contribution • 2014


You are here - Ein achtsamer Spaziergang durch den Konsum

By: Diana Wesser

[gallery link="file" columns="5" ids="100365,100366,100367,100368,100369"] From the conference programme: The walk investigates the shopping worlds of the city-centre of Leipzig. Different ways of moving around can change our perceptions and create a strengthened sense of awareness for the present moment. The city becomes a stage where participants discover everyday performances and differen...