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Showing 80 items

Report • 2014


Degrowth in emerging Visegrad economies?

By: Vincent Liegey

Teaser to the text: The idea of sustainability, of turning away from infinite growth in a world with finite resources has been gaining ground globally. Can it be applicable in the emerging Visegrad economies, where the promise of economic enrichment still dominates?

Report • 2014

Text Image

Aufbruchtage - Kapital gezähmt ...

By: Schattenblick

Bericht von der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig zur Veranstaltung "Antworten auf die Eurokrise: Strategien für die Degrowth-Bewegung" mit Nicola Bullard, Tadzio Müller, Steffen Lange und Giorgos Velegrakis. Im Report wird zunächst auf die Eurokrise sowie Europa eingegangen und dann von der Podiumsveranstaltung berichtet. Aus dem Bericht: Die Eurokrise mit ihren in der jüngeren europäischen...

Presentation • 2014

Video Video

Responses to the eurocrisis: Strategies for the degrowth-movement

By: Steffen Lange, Steffen Lange, Nicola Bullard, Nicola Bullard, Tadzio Müller, Tadzio Müller, Giorgos Velegrakis, Giorgos Velegrakis

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Steffen Lange, Giorgos Velegrakis, Nicola Bullard Facilitation: Tadzio Müller Further below you can choose to start watching the video at a specific point, e.g. with the contribution of Nicola Bullard or just watch the discussion From the confe...

Scientific paper • 2014


The form of degrowth

By: Onofrio Romano

Abstract: The ecological and social crises, standing at the origins of the political engagement for degrowth, are not the outcome of execrable “values” but mainly of the “horizontal” form adopted by growth regime. Horizontalism is founded on a clear separation between “functions” and “values”: the social pattern is not aimed to the implementation of specific values or ideas of justice. The regi...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth Europe in a Convergent World: Differential Degrowth towards Equity within Planetary Boundaries

By: Jenneth Parker

Abstract: This paper will draw on the findings of the EU P7 CONVERGE project in ‘Re-thinking Globalisation’ in the light of Contraction and Convergence TM. In particular it will build upon ideas proposals developed at an international conference on a ‘New Social Contract for Sustainability’ which focussed on a new sustainability vision for Europe. The paper will argue that in order to pay due a...

Scientific paper • 2014


The right to meaningful work as key component of a new European social contract in the light of the socio-ecological transition

By: Judith Schicklinski

new social contract / decommodification of work / meaningful work / cities in transition / active citizenship

Scientific paper • 2014


Non-renewable energy entitlement scheme for Europe

By: Veronika Kiss

Abstract: Non-renewable energy entitlement scheme for Europe – a policy tool to fit our consumption within planetary limits Special Session: REDUCTIONS: Reducing Environmental Degradation & Unsustainable Consumption Trends & Impacts On Nature & Society The non-renewable energy entitlement scheme is a means to achieve an absolute reduction of nonrenewable energy use at EU level with ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Nothing but Growth for Shrinking Cities? Urban Planning and its Influencing Factors in Poland

By: Bettina Knoop

shrinking cities; urban planning; deindustrialization; demographic change

Scientific paper • 2014


Reaching the boundaries of the blue planet: dwindling stocks, disappearing communities and the failure of solutions within the neoliberal paradigm

By: Maria Hadjimichael

Abstract: Facing the current crisis The increasing consumption of today's affluent society and its continuous demand for seafood has pushed the boundaries of the ocean to provide for it. It is now believed that global exploitation limits have been reached and that recovery of depleted stocks must become a cornerstone of fisheries management. National, regional and international bodies have come ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Sustainable Consumption in Hungary - what is small-footprint-living and can we make it attractive?

By: Edina Vadovics

small-footprint living, change agents, well-being, sustainable lifestyles

Scientific paper • 2014


Exploring consumption-focused policy mixes for absolute decoupling of well-being from resource use and environmental impacts

By: Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers, Katharina Umpfenbach

Abstract: The overall environmental impact of consumption of resources in the EU continues to grow, requiring more biocapacity than is globally available. This appears driven by the dominant economic model putting consumerism and GDP growth at the heart of our economic system, as well as in our cultural and political systems. The paper will presents attempts of the European research project DYN...

Scientific paper • 2014


"A Degrowth Project in Hungary"

By: Vincent Liegey

Abstract: In 2011 a first book about Degrowth was published in Hungary: Latouche S., Farewell to Degrowth (Savaria). In January 2014, a second one was published, Liegey V. and Al., A Degrowth Project (Eszmelet). In this article, I will try to analyse the reception of Degrowth and in particular both these books among academics, medias, activists, and the public in the Hungarian context. This ana...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth as a path for a country at a crossroad?

By: Lidija Zivcic

Abstract: Dealing with economic crisis, systemic corruption and citizen’s apathy, Slovenia is desperately trying to make a good move, yet it seems to be unable to resolve its problems. Such a situation is normally a good moment to stop and rethink one’s approaches; this is what Slovenia tried to do by starting a consultation process on Strategy of development of Slovenia in 2012. However, the c...

Scientific paper • 2014


Choosing between Blue Growth and Degrowth and the need to reclaim the right to the sea

By: Maria Hadjimichael

marine governance; neoliberalization; coastal communities; rights

Scientific paper • 2014


Blue growth strategy of the EU – a real chance for a sustainable use of the seas?

By: Ralf Döring

Abstract: The aim of the paper is to show that the Blue Growth strategy of the European Union again ignores the fact that ongoing increase in economic activity is not possible while decreasing negative impacts on ecosystems and preserving the natural environment. The strategy again is not defining ways to cope with limits to resource availability, the necessity to reduce negative external effec...

Scientific paper • 2014


We Need to Change: analysing potential for degrowth across Europe

By: Mladen Domazet, Danijela Dolenec, Branko Ančić, Marija Brajdić-Vuković

Abstract: We analyse comparative findings for 18 European ‘old’ and ‘new’ democracies, based on ISSP survey data from 2011. Indices originally constructed for this analysis reveal comparative insights into the potential within different societies for supporting policies and practices conducive to a sustainability switch. The authors initially confirm the so-called ‘prosperity thesis’ (Franzen a...

Scientific paper • 2014


What Kind of Growth, What Kind of Degrowth: The Case of Croatia Reconsidered

By: Vladimir Cvijanovic, Tomislav Tomasevic

Abstract: This contribution is a part of Degrowth in post-socialist European Countries Special Session. It outlines the development path Croatia has pursued (that has not produced desirable results) and will argue that the country should pursue sustainable degrowth. We identify potentials Croatia has in ecological agriculture, utilisation of forests as well as other potentials in renewable ener...

Interview • 2014

Image Text

Aufbruchtage - Planiertes Leben ... Haris Konstantatos im Gespräch

By: Schattenblick, Haris Konstantatos

Interview mit Haris Konstantatos im Rahmen der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig. Aus dem Interview: . . . Die Analyse mit der mehrheitlichen Zustimmung in Syriza lautet, daß die Tatsache, daß die EU sich in neoliberale Richtung bewegt, eine Frage des Verhältnisses der politischen Kräfte in den EU-Ländern selbst und in der EU als ganzes ist. Es ist strukturell verankert, hat aber zur gleichen...

Scientific paper • 2013


Lose Less Instead of Win More: The Failure of Decoupling and Perspectives for Competition in a Degrowth Economy

By: Volker Mauerhofer

European Union; environmental degradation; financial crisis; steady state economy; sustainable growth

• 2013


Der Weg zur zukunftsfähigen Gesellschaft

By: Franz Groll

Untertitel: Die solidarische Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsordnung als Alternative zum Kapitalismus Der Verlag: Kurztext: Werden wir rechtzeitig unsere Wirtschafts- und Konsumweise so verändern, dass die kommenden Generationen noch eine Chance haben, ihr Leben menschenwürdig zu gestalten? Franz Groll stellt eine zukunftsfähige Alternative zu unserer heutigen Wirtschafts- und Gesellschafts...