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Showing 3581 items

• 2017


What happened when Degrowth was discussed in the Catalan Parliament?

By: Antonio Turiel

Introduction: We recently carried a translation of an interview with Sergi Saladié who introduced a debate on degrowth into the Catalan parliament. Catalonia is very much in the news at the moment with the referendum held by the governing coalition and the violent repression by the Spanish State. We do not have a view on this matter, noting that independence has not had a majority following i...

• 2017


Deep Ecology: System Change with Head, Heart and Hand

By: Christiane Kliemann

Every day we are bombarded with frightening news. But how do we personally feel about them and how can we deal with them as society as a whole? Which future do I actually want for myself, for the world and for my children? And how are my personal feelings and motivations connected to the larger

Scientific paper • 2017


Agriculture and degrowth: State of the art and assessment of organic and biotech-based agriculture from a degrowth perspective

By: Tiziano Gomiero

Keywords: Degrowth; Agriculture; Farming system analysis; Societal metabolism; Appropriate technology; Convivial tools

Scientific paper • 2017


Are we entering the age of involuntary degrowth? Promethean technologies and declining returns of innovation

By: Mauro Bonaiuti

Keywords: Involuntary degrowth; Promethean technologies; Declining marginal returns on innovation; Georgescu-Roegen bioeconomics; Complex system theory; TFP growth

• 2017


From Growth to Degrowth: a brief history

By: Geneviève Azam

The post gives an overview over growth and degrowth since post WWII

• 2017


Care Revolution und Degrowth bilden Bündnis

By: Andrea Vetter

Das Netzwerk Care Revolution veröffentlicht einen lesenswerten Artikel über den Zusammenhang von Degrowth und Care.

• 2017


Degrowth: the case for a new economic paradigm

By: Riccardo Mastini

Teaser: Unbridled growth appears to be at odds with social well-being and environmental sustainability. How might we develop a model that reduces the imperative for growth while maintaining economic stability?

Scientific paper • 2017


Another Economy is Possible: Culture and Economy in a Time of Crisis

By: Giorgos Kallis, Angelos Varvarousis, Sarah Banet-Weiser, Manuel Castells, Sviatlana Hlebik, Lana Swartz, Lisa Servon, Sarah Pink, Kirsten Seale

Description on Wiley.com: Throughout the Western world, governments and financial elites responded to the financial crisis of 2008 by trying to restore the conditions of business as usual, but the economic, social and human damage inflicted by the crisis has given rise to a reconsideration of the inevitability of unfettered capitalism as a fact of life. A number of economic practices and organi...

Scientific paper • 2017


Work ethic and degrowth in a changing Atlantic Canada

By: Karen Foster

Keywords: Degrowth, employment, work, work ethic, sociology, anthropology, rural

Scientific paper • 2017


Community, commons, and degrowth at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

By: Joshua Lockyer

Key words: commons, degrowth, ecovillages, intentional communities, participatory action research, transition discourses

Scientific paper • 2017


Neo-monastics in North Carolina, de-growth and a theology of enough

By: Amy Cox Hall

Key Words: De-growth, neo-monasticism, emerging church, millennial generation, Christianity, sharing economy

• 2017


Going for “the simpler way”

By: Ted Trainer

Summary: In his contribution to the series Ecology after capitalism, Ted Trainer argues that ecosocialism is not the answer and calls for the left and degrowthers to embrace all the radical implications of the “limits to growth” analysis. This implies following “the simpler way”, his own proposal for achieving a post-capitalist society based on the principles of eco-anarchism.

• 2017


Punk, not cool. Assessing the degrowth debate

By: Emanuele Leonardi

Teaser: Leonardi reviews Giorgos Kallis’ new book “In defense of degrowth”, a volume that provides activists and academics alike with a detailed map of the degrowth discourse, with its theoretical controversies and opportunities for political alliances to come. The book in the media library

Scientific paper • 2017


The unit of resilience: unbeckoned degrowth and the politics of (post)development in Peru and the Maldives

By: Eric Hirsch

Keywords: resilience, degrowth, climate change, Peru, Maldives

• 2017


To save humanity and the planet, we must redesign money

By: Alf Hornborg

From the text: The solution requires us to recognise that the operation of markets and money is socially constructed. The rules of the game can be rewritten. To acknowledge the extent to which the destiny of human society and the biosphere has been delegated to the mindless logic of objects like money and technology is like snapping out of a delusion. To fathom the implications of this delusion...

• 2017


Postkapitalistische Perspektiven

By: Raul Zelik

Teaser: Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte der Menschheit leben wir in einem echten Weltsystem: dem Kapitalismus. Er ist dabei, sich zu Tode zu siegen. Der Ausstieg aus der heißlaufenden Maschine Kapitalismus stellt eine gewaltige Herausforderung dar. Auf der Suche nach gesellschaftlichen Alternativen kommen wir um die Frage nach dem Gemeineigentum nicht herum.

Scientific paper • 2017


A third option for climate policy within potential limits to growth

By: Jeroen van den Bergh

Abstract: Climate change has revived debates around the concept of limits to growth, 45 years after it was first proposed. Many citizens, scientists and politicians fear that stringent climate policy will harm economic growth. Some are anti-growth, whereas others believe green growth is compatible with a transition to a low-carbon economy. As the window to curb warming at 2 °C closes, this deba...

• 2017


Commoning: a different way of living and acting together

By: Johannes Euler, Leslie Gauditz

From our project “Degrowth in Movement(s)“ Commons are products and resources that are created, cared for and used in a shared way in a great variety of forms. The term has increasingly come into use again over the past decades – “again“ because commons as concept and praxis are ancient and exist worldwide. Today, the

• 2017


Beyond the limits of nature: a social-ecological view of growth and degrowth

By: Eleanor Finley

Teaser on entitle.org: In this second article of the series “Ecology after capitalism“, Finley revisits the concept of growth from the libertarian socialist perspective of social ecology. She draws on Bookchin’s work to interrogate the limits of a degrowth conception of ‘growth’ and argues that we might find more opportunities for social and political transformation in social ecology’s analysis...