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Showing 106 items

• 2013


Selbst denken

By: Harald Welzer

Untertitel:Eine Anleitung zum Widerstand Der Verlag: Wie ist uns eigentlich die Zukunft abhandengekommen? Was war noch mal die Frage, auf die Fortschritt und Wachstum eine Antwort sein sollten? Und: Wie kann aus der Zukunft wieder ein Versprechen werden statt einer Bedrohung? Harald Welzers Buch gibt Antworten auf diese Fragen. Es lotet die Abgründe des erdrückenden Konsumwahns und politischen...

Scientific paper • 2013


Who says what is absurd? A case study on being(s) in an alternative normality

By: Corinna Burkhart

normality, norms, practical defamiliarization, degrowth, cross-normality experience, change

Scientific paper • 2012


Decolonizing the imaginary, beginning from school

By: Paolo Scroccaro

From the text: What is the purpose of a fragmented ecological education if the remaining subjects are still dominated by the anti-ecological and “progress at all costs” ideology that acritically adopts a model of rationality that is partly responsible for the devastation of the Earth, when this is precisely what ecology tries to expose? The following speech is meant to contribute towards an an...

• 2012


Toward Global (Environ)Mental Change - Transformative Art and Cultures of Sustainability

By: Sacha Kagan

The global crisis of unsustainability is not only a crisis of the hardware of civilization, it is also a crisis of the software of minds. The search for a more sustainable development in the ‘developed’ world has, so far, been focusing too much on hardware updates, such as new technologies, economic incentives, policies and regulations, and too little on software revisions, that is cultural tra...

Scientific paper • 2012


Bona diagnosis, bona curatio: How property economics clarifies the degrowth debate

By: Pascal van Griethuysen

Keywords: Degrowth; Property economics; Capitalist rationality; Eco-social rationale

Scientific paper • 2012


“This is a bit of the good life”: Recognition of unpaid work from the perspective of degrowth

By: Linda Nierling

Keywords: Degrowth; Unpaid work; Recognition; Sustainability; End of work; Qualitative case study research

Scientific paper • 2012


The Deconstruction of the Imaginary of Growth: the Myth of Science in Tiziano Terzani and Raimond Panikkar

By: Gloria Germani

Abstract: Seeing things through the glasses of just one culture, without being aware that we are wearing them: this is the power of myth. The myth of our western-modern culture is based not only on Growth but – at a deeper level - on the Myth of Science (Newtonian-Cartesian classical science). This wider philosophical perspective (which requires a rethinking of Modernity, Enlightenment, and sci...

Interview • 2012


Creating Culture

By: Extraenvironmentalist, Janice Harvey

[ Janice Harvey // Creating Culture ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Janice Harvey made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Janice Harvey talks about culture and what it is. It is pre-reflective, it gives a frame for what people live in, for taking decisions etc.. Further she talks about how culture can change.

Interview • 2012


Why We're in Denial

By: Bill Rees, Extraenvironmentalist

[ Bill Rees // Why We're in Denial ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Bill Rees made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Bill Rees talks about mental infrastructure, dependency on fossil fuels and possible collapse. The option "no-collapse" would need an acknowledgement of the state of the world and a new narrative in the weste...

Interview • 2012


Vincent Liegey: Degrowth, Decolonising our imaginary…

By: Vincent Liegey

Vincent Liegey about Degrowth, about the need to decolonise our imaginary and concrete steps towards a socio ecological transformation. Quote from the interview:" . . . If you have a hammer in your head, all the problems look like a nail. And I think one of the hammers we have nowadays in our heads is really the religion of economics. . .".

Scientific paper • 2012


Global Governance and the World Economy: Impressions from Complex Adaptive Systems Analysis

By: Stephen J. Purdey

Abstract: Two features of the modern world economy have become abundantly clear. First, its component parts are now so densely interconnected that disturbances reverberate quickly, sometimes catastrophically, right around the globe. And second, the ever-bigger world economy is now bumping up against, and in some cases breaching constraints imposed by the finitude of the planetary bio-geosphere....

Scientific paper • 2012


Aliénation et accélération : Vers une théorie critique de la modernité tardive

By: Hartmut Rosa

The publisher: La vie moderne est une constante accélération. Jamais auparavant les moyens permettant de gagner du temps n’avaient atteint pareil niveau de développement, grâce aux technologies de production et de communication ; pourtant, jamais l’impression de manquer de temps n’a été si répandue. Dans toutes les sociétés occidentales, les individus souffrent toujours plus du manque de temps ...

Scientific paper • 2012


How to rebuild democracy, re-thinking degrowth

By: Onofrio Romano

Abstract: Can the degrowth project contribute to rediscovering the meaning of democracy? Can the establishment of a real democracy lead to building a degrowth society? And last, has the project of a “democratic degrowth” a real chance to succeed, from a political point of view? If not, how should degrowth be re-thought to foster democracy? These are the questions entertained in this opinion ess...

Scientific paper • 2012


The Growth Paradigm: A critique

By: Gareth Dale

Discusses the “Origins of the growth paradigm” by going into history, starting in medieval times going over to industrialisation, including the “invention of scarcity” and the “change from a world of custom and common land to one based on absolute private property”, “a redefinition of human needs and desire” and economic theory. Further “the criticisms of political economy for its neglect of th...

Report • 2011



By: Carmen Losmann

workhardplayhard-film.de: Das Streben nach Gewinnmaximierung und grenzenlosem Wachstum hat die Ressource Mensch entdeckt. Carmen Losmann hat einen zu tiefst beunruhigenden Film über moderne Arbeitswelten gedreht. Die Grenzen zwischen Arbeit und Lifestyle sollen verschwinden. Bei Auswahl, Motivation und Training der Mitarbeiter von Morgen wird nichts dem Zufall überlassen. Selbstoptimierung steh...

Scientific paper • 2011


Mental Infrastructures

By: Harald Welzer

How Growth Entered the World and Our Souls

Scientific paper • 2011


Mentale Infrastrukturen

By: Harald Welzer

Wie das Wachstum in die Welt und in die Seelen kam.

Scientific paper • 2010


Acceleration and Alienation - Towards a Critical Theory of Late-Modern Temporality

By: Hartmut Rosa

The publisher: »What is a good life – and why aren’t we living it?« »This book is a short essay on modern life. It strives to ask the ›right‹ sorts of questions that would allow social philosophy and sociology to speak to the everyday reality of people living in late-modern societies.« The rapid acceleration of social life is one of the salient characteristics of the present, but it is freq...

• 2009


Die Macht der Bedürfnisse

By: Marianne Gronemeyer

Überfluss und Knappheit Der Verlag: Wer sich mit den menschlichen Bedürfnissen beschäftigt, sieht sich in lauter Widersprüche verwickelt: Wir glauben, die Welt werde nach unseren Bedürfnissen eingerichtet, tatsächlich richten sich unsere Bedürfnisse nach der Welt. Wir sind überzeugt, dass wir Macht über unsere Bedürfnisse haben, in Wahrheit sind die Bedürfnisse das Einfallstor der Macht, di...

• 2009


Farewell to Growth

By: Serge Latouche

Basic book for the degrowth movement. Explains history and foundations of growth critique. It is one of the early degrowth books and criticizing growth from all sides. The "decolonization of the imaginary" is central in the book. Easy accessible language. ISBN: 978-0-74564-617-6