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Showing 416 items

Scientific paper • 2017


Ecology and Justice: Contributions from the margins

By: Daniel Hausknost, Mladen Domazet (ed.), Marija Brajdić Vuković, Melita Carević, Karin Doolan, Pinija Poljaković, Drago Župarić-Iljić

The publisher: Political ecology is a research approach that combines the disciplinary tools of ecology as well as political economy to address the relations between humans and nature, and various outcomes of social and cultural norms that determine different human communities’ access to nature. Political ecology seeks explanations and interpretations of the phenomena resulting from the human-n...

• 2017


Gouverner la décroissance - Politiques de l'anthropocène III

By: Dir. Agnès Sinaï, Mathilde Szuba

La décroissance peut-elle devenir un modèle politique alternatif et réaliste ? Face au risque d'effondrement qui pèse sur nos sociétés industrielles, cet ouvrage défend de nouvelles voies fondées sur la tempérance et le ralentissement : instauration d'un revenu de transition écologique, adossement de la création monétaire aux limites de la planète, rationnement équitable des énergies fossile...

Scientific paper • 2017


Two Contrasting Scenarios for a Zero-Emission Future in a High-Consumption Society

By: Carlo Aall, Jin Xue, Hans Jakob Walnum, Petter Næss

Keywords: ecological modernisation; degrowth; zero-emission society; scenario

• 2017


De-growth is feasible: people want a new economy

By: Jason Hickel

A blog post by Jason Hickel which is the fourth part of a discussion between him and Branko Milanovic. Chronology of the discussion Original blog post by Branko Milanovic "The illusion of “degrowth” in a poor and unequal world" First reply by Jason Hickel "Why Branko Milanovic is wrong about de-growth" Reply by Branko Milanovic "The illusion of degrowth: Part II" Second Reply by Jason Hi...

• 2017


Ethischer Welthandel: Eine Alternative zu Freihandel und Protektionismus

By: Christian Felber

Author zum Buch: Die Krise der internationalen Handelspolitik ist eine Chance, das aktuelle System aus WTO, bilateralen Investitionsschutz- und Freihandelsabkommen (BITs) und Handelsschiedsgerichten (z. B. ICSID) grundlegend zu überdenken. Christian Felber entzaubert in seinem neuen Buch die „Freihandelsreligion“ und schlägt eine vollständige und kohärente Alternative vor. Ethischer Welthandel ...

Scientific paper • 2017


Wicked Dilemmas of Scale and Complexity in the Politics of Degrowth

By: Stephen Quilley, Kaitlin Kish

Highlights • Entanglement of socio-ecological systems is described from a historical perspective. • Entanglement of traditional growth economics, the sanctity of the sovereign individual and complexity is analysed. • We present five cherished norms and dimensions of progressive modernity and how limiting growth economic may change them. First Page Preview

• 2017


Postgrowth and Wellbeing - Challenges to Sustainable Welfare

By: Max Koch, Milena Büchs

The publisher: This book presents a detailed and critical discussion about how human wellbeing can be maintained and improved in a postgrowth era. It highlights the close links between economic growth, market capitalism, and the welfare state demonstrating that, in many ways, wellbeing outcomes currently depend on the growth paradigm. Here the authors argue that notions of basic human needs des...

Scientific paper • 2017


Value, Growth, Development: South American Lessons for a New Ecopolitics

By: Eduardo Gudynas

KEYWORDS: Degrowth, ecosocialism, developmentalism, Buen Vivir

Scientific paper • 2017


Transitioning to a Post-Carbon Society

By: Alain Gras, Joaquim Sempere, Ernest Garcia, Mercedes Martinez-Iglesias, John Wiseman, Samuel Alexander, Rebecca Bramall, Jorge Riechmann, Peadar Kirby, Laurence Raineau, Climent Sanjuán, Ignasi Lerma Montero, Jesús Vicens

Subtitle: Degrowth, Austerity and Wellbeing Editors: Ernest Garcia, Mercedes Martinez-Iglesias, Peadar Kirby From the introduction: . . . This stark choice confronts humanity with what is perhaps the greatest dilemma it has ever faced in its history: can we try to mobilize our resources in the most unprecedented ways over a short time span of no more than half a century to avoid the wors...

• 2017

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movum - Heft 16: Klimafrieden

By: Michael Müller, Hubert Weiger, Benjamin von Brackel, Susanne Götze, Christoph Bals, Karsten Sach, Hans-Otto Pörtner, Reimund Schwarze, Inia Seruiratu

Heft 16 des Magazins movum zum Thema Klimafrieden. Kurzbeschreibung: Eine Strategie, die auf fossile Energieträger setzt, untergräbt weltweit die Sicherheit. Doch auch die Energiewende ist nicht ohne friedenspolitische Risiken. Das Heft als PDF Die Infografik als PDF

• 2017

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movum - Heft 17: Demokratie

By: Hubert Weiger, Ralf-Uew Beck, Josef Göppel, Ute Vogt, Anton Hofreiter, Katja Kipping, Michael Müller, Susanne Götze, Jörg Sommer, Heike Walk, Bern Marticke, Joachim Wille, Susanne Götze, Verena Kern, Susanne Schwarz

Heft 19 des Magazins movum zum Thema Demokratie. Kurzbeschreibung: Gelingende Partizipation ist entscheidend für den nötigen Wandel. Mehr Bürger­beteiligung und direkte Demokratie machen uns widerstandsfähig gegen Populismus. Das Heft als PDF Die Infogafik als PDF

Presentation • 2017


Basic Income as All-inclusive Democratic Subsidy

By: Katja Kipping

Translation of a keynote-speech by Katja Kipping held at the 16th BIEN Congress in Seoul 2016. Video of the original speech (german language)

Scientific paper • 2017

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Quiet degrowth – diachronic and synchronic perspectives on the European semiperiphery

By: Mladen Domazet, Logan Richardson, Branko Ancic

Description by the authors: We are focused on the European semiperiphery as the standardly presented environmentalist laggard within European environmentalism (cf. Bozonnet, 2017). Unlike societies classified as globally “peripheral”, this region is characterised by already high material standards of living. At the same time, here concern for the environment appears even lower than what is the ...

• 2017


Radical Ecological Democracy - Searching for alternatives to unsustainable and inequitable model of ‘development’

By: Ashish Kothari, Federico Demaria, Alberto Acosta, Arturo Escobar, Ariel Salleh

A dialogue between Ariel Salleh, Arturo Escobar, Alberto Acosta and Federico Demaria, moderated by Ashish Kothari

Report • 2017


Pro-Tourism Consensus Crumbles in Barcelona

By: Kate Shea Baird

Introduction: Barcelona, a city of 1.6 million people, was visited by 8.2 million tourists last year. For decades, city governments of all political stripes operated under the assumption that ‘growth is good’. Each annual increase in visitor numbers was announced with glee, with assurances the sector would bring immense economic benefits to the city. But around three years ago, signs began t...

• 2017


The illusion of degrowth: Part II

By: Branko Milanovic

A blog post by Branko Milanovic which is the third part of a discussion between him and Jason Hickel. Chronology of the discussion Original blog post by Branko Milanovic "The illusion of “degrowth” in a poor and unequal world" First reply by Jason Hickel "Why Branko Milanovic is wrong about de-growth" Reply by Branko Milanovic "The illusion of degrowth: Part II" Second Reply by Jason Hic...

Interview • 2017


Environmental justice / EnvJustice Vocabulary - Paul Mohai

By: Paul Mohai

Paul Mohai, University of Michigan, explains the origins of "Environmental Justice", in particular, how it emerged in the United States including his personal experience. Youtube-channel EnvJustice Vocabulary

• 2017

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movum - Heft 18: Umweltpolitik

By: Martin Held, Jörg Schindler, Kai Niebert, Hannes Lindenberg, Reiner Hoffmann, Michael Müller, Hubert Weiger, Albrecht von Lucke, Susanne Götze, Jörg Staude, Manuela Schönau, Joachim Wille, Susanne Schwarz

Heft 18 des Magazins movum zum Thema Umweltpolitik. Kurzbeschreibung: Umweltpolitik muss von einer korrigierenden Ergänzung anderer Politikfelder zur treibenden Kraft des gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Umbaus werden. Das Heft als PDF Die Infografik als PDF

• 2017


Kreativ im Widerspruch

By: Friederike Habermann, Anja Humburg

Debattenbeitrag in der taz "Gegen eine Vereinnahmung der Postwachstumsdebatte von rechts hilft: ehrlich über Entfremdung und Privilegien sprechen."