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Showing 147 items

• 2012


A Degrowth reading of the French vote for the far right: the symbol of the failure of a model of civilisation?

By: Parti Pour La Decroissance

From the text: . . . What is most paradoxical in this France who feels « abandoned » and « toils » away, is that it has the good fortune to be situated in strategic areas for our future. While, for these peoples, « cities » are the « symbols of a successful globalisation » – which further reinforces their sense of frustration – the city finds itself in an energy and environmental dead end. Ther...

• 2012


Degrowth and demography?

By: Parti Pour La Decroissance

From the text: Too often, the growth objectors sweep aside the demography debate with this kind of joke. Are there too many of us on earth? Do we support world population growth? If so, how and to what extend? If we do not consider these questions as primordial, they are asked too often. A simple joke is not sufficient and it proves that these questions must be debated. . . . > French ver...

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth and Sustainable Human Development: in search of a path toward integration

By: F. Tabellini, P. Ponti

From the introduction: . . . We think that we have to choose and to make explicit a theory of justice because we believe that any theory concerning human action, even those that claim to be purely descriptive, they subtend a specific idea of human being and they have a normative component (besides a prescriptive one). Looking for a possible solution, we try to trace an integration path between ...

Position paper • 2012


Zurück auf Anfang: und los!

By: Ulrich Brand, Kathrin Buhl, Kristina Dietz, Sandra Quintela, Marcus Wissen und andere

RosaLux 2/2012 zum Thema «Rio+20: Konferenz ohne Zukunft». Mit Beiträgen von Ulrich Brand, Kathrin Buhl, Kristina Dietz, Sandra Quintela, Marcus Wissen und anderen. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Die Aufmerksamkeit für ökologische Themen ist sehr wechselhaft. Kurze Phasen einer geradezu übersteigerten, aufgeregten Dominanz in den Medien wechseln sich ab mit einem mehr oder weniger starkem Desinter...

Report • 2012


Die Zukunft, die wir wollen: Eine feministische Perspektive

By: Christa Wichterich

HBS: Im Mittelpunkt der UN-Konferenz in Rio de Janeiro (Juni 2012) steht das Leitbild einer Green Economy. Sie soll einen Ausweg aus den globalen Klima-, Ernährungs- und Armutskrisen zeigen. Obwohl bereits vor 20 Jahren auf der ersten Rio-Konferenz Frauen als Schlüsselakteurinnen für den Umweltschutz und die Armutsbekämpfung genannt wurden, spielen ihre Vorschläge und ökofeministischen Ansätze ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth, Black America, and Restorative Justice

By: Brian Gilmore

Introduction: In Serge Latouche’s 2009 book, FAREWELL TO GROWTH, he specifically mentions the injustice of racial bias (and bias in general) in the world today. It is important because it is discussed within the context of economic growth. Latouche writes that “we resist, and must resist all forms of racism and discrimination (skin color, sex, religion, ethnicity...),” biases he insist are “all...

Scientific paper • 2012


Towards a fair degrowth-society: Justice and the right to a ‘good life’ beyond growth

By: Barbara Muraca

Abstract: A critical scrutiny is presented of the ethical assumptions of growth and degrowth theories with respect to distributive justice and the normative conditions for a ‘good human life’. An argument is made in favor of Sen's and Nussbaum's ‘capabilities approach’ as the most suitable theoretical framework for addressing these questions. Since industrialization economic growth has played a...

Scientific paper • 2012


Is Socially - Just Degrowth Compatible with Capitalism?

By: Karen Bell

Abstract: The degrowth movement challenges the paradigm of economic growth, and promotes a dual agenda of ecological sustainability and social justice. However, critics argue that, within a capitalist system, degrowth will ultimately undermine social justice by increasing poverty and inequality, as businesses collapse and jobs are lost. The recent economic recession in the wealthier capitali...

• 2011


Gerechte Übergänge

By: Leida Rijnhout, John Bellamy, Amit Bhaduri, Günther Bachmann, Michael Dauderstädt, Tilman Santarius, Ralf Krämer, Wolfgang Rhode, Kai Burmeister, Uwe Witt, Irmi Seidl, Angelika Zahrnt, Ho-fung Hung, Stefan Schmalz, Dieter Klein, Rainer Rilling, Wu Ming Kollektiv, Ryan Pyle, Nicola Bullard, Harald Schumann, Hans-Jürgen Urban, Mario Candeias, Campaign against Climate Change, Milton Rogovin, Holger Politt, Rosa Luxemburg, Eduardo Gudynas, Alberto Acosta, Hermann Scheer, Stefanie Graefe, Jana Seppelt, Julian Jaedicke, Heiner Reimann, Meinhard Meuche-Mäker

Zeitschrift «Luxemburg» 01/2011 Wir können nicht so weiter machen wie bisher, wollen wir unseren Planeten auch in Zukunft bewohnen. Doch was sind die Alternativen? Die Vorstellungen und Perspektiven darüber gehen selbst innerhalb der Mosaik-Linken weit auseinander: soziales oder qualitatives Wachstum, grünes Wachstum bzw. Green New Deal und Steady-State-Economy ohne Wachstum oder gar Schrum...

Scientific paper • 2011


The Quest for Pleasure and the Death of Life

By: Joseph Morrill Kirby

Schopenhauer; Kant; Hegel; Ecology; Economics; Philosophy

• 2011



By: Werner Rätz, Matthias Schmelzer, Barbara Muraca, Tanja von Egan-Krieger, Alexis Passadakis, Andrea Vetter (Hrsg.)

Ökologische Gerechtigkeit. Soziale Rechte. Gutes Leben. Reader zum Kongress "Jenseits des Wachstums!?"

Interview • 2010


Degrowth and Civil Society Organisations

By: Leida Rijnhout

Short-interview with Leida Rijnhout from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona.

Presentation • 2010


Growth, Degrowth, and Justice - A scrutiny of ethical and anthropological assumptions in growth and degrowth

By: Barbara Muraca

Presentation of an oral Session by Barbara Muraca at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Growth, Degrowth, and Justice - A scrutiny of ethical and anthropological assumptions in growth and degrowth". Growth, Degrowth, and Justice from Goteo / Platoniq

Presentation • 2010

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Calculating the ecological debt for a private company in the North; an explorative study with conflicting results

By: Nick Meynen, Léa Sébastien

Poster by Nick Meynen and Léa Sébastien from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title “Calculating the ecological debt for a private company in the North; an explorative study with conflicting results".

Presentation • 2010

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Class, Degrowth and Transition to a Just and Sustainable Society

By: Marko Ulvila, Jarna Pasanen

Poster by Marko Ulvila and Jarna Pasanen at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Class, Degrowth and Transition to a Just and Sustainable Society".

• 2010


Elements of Ecological Economics

By: Jan Otto Andersson, Ralf Eriksson

About the Book: Elements of Ecological Economics provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of ecological economics, an interdisciplinary project trying to give answers to the problems related to the overexploitation of the earth’s resources today. These include the problems of global warming (the greenhouse effect) and the overuse of the seas (e.g. overfishing). The book also gives an...

• 2010


Growth, Degrowth, and the right to a ‘good life’: A scrutiny of the ethical assumptions in the growth-degrowth debate with respect to distributive justice

By: Barbara Muraca

Transcription of an oral session by Barbara Muraca at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Degrowth, Capitalist Institutions and Democracy". Abstract: The aim of the paper is a critical scrutiny of the ethical assumptions laid down by advocates of growth and degrowth with respect to distributive ju...

• 2010

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Theater in Bewegung - Globale Gerechtigkeit spielend voranbringen

By: Fabian Scheidler, Stefanie Kaluza, Marc Amann, Jörg Isermeyer, Ruth Heynen, Inge Kleutgens

Das Handbuch Theater in Bewegung zeigt anhand von Beispielen aus der Praxis des GRIPS Theaters und anderer Projekte, wie politische Bewegung im Theater wirken kann und wie Theater auf politische Bewegungen ausstrahlt. Sowohl Akteure aus dem sozial-politischen Bereich und NGOs, die Anregungen für theatrale Interventionen im öffentlichen Raum suchen, als auch Theaterschaffende, die Möglichkeit...

• 2009


Gleichheit ist Glück. Warum gerechte Gesellschaften für alle besser sind

By: Richard Wilkinson, Kate Pickett

Klappentext: Was Ungleichheit aus den Menschen macht. Richard Wilkinson und Kate Pickett erklären, warum gerechte Gesellschaften für alle besser sind. Ungleichheit, so wollen uns Wirtschaftsexperten einreden, ist eine gute Sache: Sie fördert den Wettbewerb und animiert die Einzelnen zu mehr Leistung. Die weniger Betuchten versuchen so zu werden wie die Begüterten, und die Tüchtigen geben den ...

Educational paper • 2009


Wasser - für alle!?

By: Robby Geyer, Maike Gorsboth

Aus der Reihe "Themenblätter im Unterricht" (Nr. 76) Wasser bedeutet Leben. Angesichts von Bevölkerungswachstum, Umweltverschmutzung, Klimawandel sowie Armut und Ungleichheit stehen die Staaten, aber auch die Zivilgesellschaft vor der Herausforderung, den Zugang zu sauberem Wasser für alle Menschen zu gewährleisten und Nutzungskonflikte zu lösen. Angefangen bei der Auseinandersetzung mit ...