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Showing 3581 items

Report • 2015


How Two Students Are Doing Their Bit To Conserve The ‘Finite Resources On A Finite Earth’

By: Brototi Roy

Report about the first meeting of the Degrowth India Initative. Next to describing the initiative the author names the importance of thinking of degrowth in India.

• 2015


Food sovereignty and solidarity economy

By: Andrea Ferrante, Ludwig Rumetshofer, Paula Gioia, Paula Gioia, Jocelyn Parot, Judith Hitchman, Jenny Gkiugki, Elizabeth Ritsch-Meyer, Isa Alvarez

Video of the forum "Food sovereignty and solidarity economy" from the Solikon-Congress for Solidarity-based Economy and Transformation 2015 in Berlin. From the program: What are the key manifestations and criteria? What are the areas that are shared, and how can they be strengthened? This forum will bring together practitioners, both producers and consumers interested in how food as a human...

• 2015


Building Alternatives to Free Trade

By: Christian Felber, Florent Marcellesi, Brid Brennan, Rudi Dalvai, Jürgen Schwettmann

Video of the panel "Building Alternatives to Free Trade" from the Solikon-Congress for Solidarity-based Economy and Transformation 2015 in Berlin. Making the alliance to stop TTIP and all other “free trade” agreements while developing the fair and solidarity international trade. What impact do TTIP, TISA,TPP, EPAs and the ISDS mechanism have on local economies and food sovereignty? What is ...

• 2015


Entschulung als Weg zu persönlicher Befreiung und einem anderen Wirtschaften

By: Christiane Kliemann

Von Fabian Scheidler und Andrea Vetter „Entschulung ist die Grundvoraussetzung jeder Bewegung für die Befreiung des Menschen“, schrieb der heute fast vergessene, einst weltberühmte Quer­denker Ivan Illich 1971. Illich wurde in den 1970er Jahren mit Büchern wie Entschulung der Gesellschaft und Die so genannte Energiekrise zu einem der Vordenker sowohl der Freilerner- als auch der

Scientific paper • 2015


Measuring rural–urban disparity with the Genuine Progress Indicator: A case study in Japan

By: Takashi Hayashi

Japan, often regarded as one of the world's most egalitarian societies, has faced increasing rural–urban disparity since the late 1980s. However, even if the wages and income levels of rural populations are lower than those of urban residents, some people will remain in the rural areas or, in some cases, return from the cities. These observations imply the necessity of measuring the rural–urb...

Interview • 2015


Ökonomische Bewertung von Natur und Klima

By: Jutta Kill

Dokumentation eines Interviews in Rahmen der Degrowth Sommerschule 2015 „Degrowth konkret: Klimagerechtigkeit“ Titel des Kurses: Ökonomische Bewertung von Natur und Klima Kurzbeschreibung: Jutta Kill, Biologin, spricht über die Folgen und die Bedeutung von einer ökonomischen Bewertung und ökonomischen Sichtbarmachung von Natur und geht dabei auch auf historische Entwicklung dieser Strategi...

• 2015


Das Buch NUR

By: Hans E. Widmer

Inhalt: Wie schrumpfen ohne auf die Nase zu fallen? 5 Mit einem andern Wachstum das Schrumpfen finanzieren 11 Wirtschaft. Wessen Wirtschaft? 15 Was heisst da «smart»? 21 Ein neuer New Deal für die Schweiz? 27 Wer macht mit? 36 Erwähnte Literatur 41 Anhang 42

Report • 2015

Image Text

Klimacamp trifft Degrowth - Keine Umweltkehr ohne Aufbegehr

By: Schattenblick

Bericht von Klimacamp und Degrowth-Sommerschule im Rheinischen Braunkohlerevier 2015. Es geht u.a. um die Massenaktion am 15.8.2015 Aus dem Bericht:. . . Umso mehr gilt es, den Blick nicht nur auf lokale und regionale Folgen der Braunkohleverstromung wie auch Landschaftszerstörung, Umsiedlung, Luft- und Wasserverschmutzung zu richten, sondern die soziale mit der ökologischen Frage zu verbinden...

Art contribution • 2015

Image Text

Nachhaltiger Aktivismus - a zine about sustainable activism

By: cre-act

More and more people realize we need activism for change, but how can we stay active in the long run? I made a zine exploring sustainable activism, with contributions from activists in Europe. You can read it here and download the pdf version. Dutch and English and German and English. The contributions are written in German, Dutch and English. They are not translated, so ask your friend...

• 2015


Everyone talks about Volkswagen, but the real question is hardly ever touched

By: Christiane Kliemann

"The ongoing discussion on identifying the culprits at Volkswagen and improving the general regulations for measuring car emissions remains at the surface and misses the real point: that the big players in the key industries of the globalized capitalist growth-economy – and thereby the big car companies – are doomed to grow or die which is disastrous in either case. As for the growth trajectory...

Position paper • 2015


La meilleure des économies

By: Ulrich Brand

Économie verte : mythes et réalité. numéro 3 « luxemburg argumente » Auteur : Ulrich Brand Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Arrêt du réchauffement climatique et de la perte de biodiv ersité, forte croissance et création de millions d’emplois : les promesses de l’économie verte sont multiples. Il s’agirait du remède miracle contre la crise financière, économique et écologique. Mais qu’est-ce que l’éc...

Scientific paper • 2015


Prosperous Descent

By: Samuel Alexander

Subtitle: Crisis as Opportunity in an Age of Limits The publisher: Calling for a sufficiency-based culture of 'simple living' to underpin a macroeconomic framework of 'degrowth', Samuel Alexander draws on a remarkable breadth of economic, political, ecological, and sociological literature to explore the radical implications of living in an age of limits. Written with clarity, rigour, and insig...

Scientific paper • 2015


After the Anthropocene: A Degrowth Perspective on the Shortest Geological Period of all Times

By: Andre Reichel

Abstract: The narrative of the »anthropocene« is gaining traction. On the bandwaggon we find classical environmentalists who are using the term as the starkest form of warning against human self-destruction, as well as technological optimists of a Kurzweilian kind eager to accelerate the path of human technological domination of nature. Regardless if there truly »is« something like the anthropo...

Interview • 2015


Redaktionskonferenz - Dein unbekannter Zweitjob

By: Andrea Vetter, Sven Preger

Teil der Sendung ist Andrea Vetter. Im Interview mit Sven Preger spricht sie über Konviviale Technik. Über die Fragen was ist Konvivialität und wann ist Technik konvivial? In welchem Kontext? Über unser Menschen Bild und das Mensch sein. Und zuletzt über die Rolle, die konviviale Technik in Zukunft spielen kann oder sollte. Am 27.8.2015, Minute 16:26 bis 24:00

Report • 2015


What does degrowth mean to you?

By: Marc Menningmann

Short video where participants of the Degrowth Conference 2014 share what degrowth means for them.

• 2015


The Church of Economism and Its Discontents

By: Richard Norgaard

Introduction: Two centuries of explosive economic growth have radically altered our material and ideological worlds. With human activity now the major driver of geological change, the industrial era has come to be called the Anthropocene. This inquiry instead adopts the term Econocene, underscoring its ideological foundation: economism. The concept of economism, the reduction of all social rela...

Scientific paper • 2015


Special Issue "Between Resilience and Resistance"

By: Giacomo DAlisa, Francesca Forno, Simon Maurano, Claudio Cattaneo, Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro, Lorenzo Bosi, Lorenzo Zamponi, Elisabetta Cangelosi, Marta Camps-Calvet, Johannes Langemeyer, Laura Calvet-Mir, Erik Gómez-Baggethun, Hug March

Published at Partecipaziones & Conflitto Vol 8, No. 2 (2015) First contributions include: - Grassroots (Economic) Activism in Times of Crisis: Mapping the Redundancy of Collective Actions. By Giacomo DAlisa, Francesca Forno, Simon Maurano - Urban Squats as Eco-Social Resistance to and Resilience in the Face of Capitalist Relations: Case Studies from Barcelona and Rome. By Claudio Cattane...

• 2015


Klimagipfel in Paris: "Sie verbrennen den Planeten"

By: Fabian Scheidler, David Goeßmann

Einleitung: „Sie verbrennen den Planeten“: Mit diesen Worten resümiert der ehemalige bolivianische Klima-Chefunterhändler Pablo Solón das bisherige Ergebnis des Klimagipfels in Paris. Die derzeit vorliegenden Angebote zur Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen führen in eine Welt, die drei bis vier Grad wärmer wird – mit katastrophalen Folgen für große Teile der Weltbevölkerung. „Wir werden in eine Si...

Scientific paper • 2015


Sufficiency Economy: Enough, for Everyone, Forever

By: Samuel Alexander

The publisher: In this second volume of collected essays, Samuel Alexander develops the provocative ideas contained in 'Prosperous Descent: Crisis as Opportunity in an Age of Limits'. Given that the global economy in in gross ecological overshoot, Alexander argues that the richest nations need to transcend consumer culture and initiate a 'degrowth' process of planned economic contraction. To ac...

Report • 2015


The green Pope: how religion can do economics a favour

By: Andrew Simms

The article connects Pope Francis' Encyclical published in Summer 2015 to ongoing climate change debates, but mainly describes critique of growth and capitalism formulated by the church since medieval times. Also growth critique or practices not following a growth imperative from other religions and philosophies are topic of the article. Published on 18 June 2015, in the Guardian: Sustainabl...