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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2015


Wege der Energiedemokratie. Emanzipatorische Energiewenden in Europa

By: Conrad Kunze, Sören Becker

Herausgeber_innen: Die Energiewende verdrängt schon jetzt Atom- und Kohlekraftwerke in Europa und wird diese in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft ganz ablösen können. Diese Studie bietet einen allgemein verständlichen Überblick zu hervorragenden demokratischen Energiewenden innerhalb der Europäischen Union. Die Autoren machten sich auf die Suche nach jungen Energieprojekten, die sich auszeichnen, ind...

• 2015


From Sustainable Development to Degrowth: Strategic Concepts in a Time of Downturn

By: Jakub Rok

From the text: We now live in a world where all those lofty exhortations on the need for sustainable development have lost their force, despite the fact that the term itself has enjoyed wide currency in public discourse. What holds strong instead is an unswerving belief in the liberating role of economic growth, a term which, for the European Union, has become synonymous with sustainable growth...

Scientific paper • 2015


Flourishing Within Limits to Growth

By: Sven Erik Jørgensen, Brian D. Fath, Søren Nors Nielsen, Federico M. Pulselli, Daniel A. Fiscus, Simone Bastianoni (ed.)

The publisher: Decades of research and discussion have shown that the human population growth and our increased consumption of natural resources cannot continue – there are limits to growth. This volume demonstrates how we might modify and revise our economic systems using nature as a model. The book describes how nature uses three growth forms: biomass, information, and networks, resulting in...

• 2015


Convivial Modernity

By: André Reichel

From risk society (Beck) to a convivial society (Illich). From the post: . . . Just as there is counterproductivity and productivism, there is »counterconformity« and »relationalism«. Beyond such a »connectionist travesty« as Arnsperger calls it, lies the true spirit of Ivan Illich and his thinking: the self-determined autonomy of the human individual. Not an autonomy beyond social relations...

Scientific paper • 2015


Towards a political ecology of the digital economy: Socio-environmental implications of two competing value models

By: Andreas Roos, Michel Bauwens, Vasilis Kostakis

Techno-economic paradigm shifts; Environmental sustainability; Digital economy; Peer-to-peer; ICT; Political ecology

• 2015


Why Degrowth has out-grown its own name.

By: Kate Raworth

Kate Raworth brings up 5 arguments why degrowth has out-grown its own name. And she makes suggestions for how to find a better one. > An answer to the article by Giorgos Kallis

Scientific paper • 2015


Practical approach towards degrowth transition : a case study of an emerging ecovillage in Kalmar, Sweden

By: Sarah Costa

organic Farm, Kalmar, sustainability science, grassroots initiative, degrowth, ecovillage

Report • 2015

Image Text

Klimacamp trifft Degrowth - Rechenbar, teilbar, frei zum endlichen Verbrauch (Teil 1 bis 3)

By: Schattenblick

Bericht von Klimacamp und Degrowth-Sommerschule im Rheinischen Braunkohlerevier 2015. Untertitel: Naturkapital ... des Marktes neue Kleider Aus dem Bericht: . . . Verortet man die Ursache des Klimawandels jedoch in einer historisch gewachsenen Verantwortung, die sich aus den Folgen des herrschenden Akkumulationsregimes ergibt, dann rückt der Zusammenhang zwischen der Nutzung fossiler Energiet...

• 2015


Post-Development Discourse: Lessons for the degrowth movement (Part 2)

By: Lasse Thiele

By Lasse Thiele The first part of this article offered an introduction to post-development thought, which for decades has been trying to deconstruct Western models of prosperity and growth. This second part introduces some of the countless linkages between critiques of development and contemporary European critiques of growth.

Report • 2015


People, planet, power: towards a new social settlement

By: New Economics Foundation

NEF Webpage: These are NEF’s proposals for a new social settlement – a framework for deciding how we live together, what we expect from our governments and what we want to achieve for ourselves and others. It builds on the strengths of the post-War settlement inspired by the Beveridge Plan, but moves on – because the world has changed profoundly – to offer a bold new approach to the challenges ...

Presentation • 2015


What is climate justice?

By: Lyda Fernanda Forero

Keynote at the degrowth summer school 2015: degrowth in action - Climate Justice Lyda Fernanda Forero: What is climate justice? From the programme: Climate change affects those regions and people most that have least contributed to it. This keynote lecture analyses the causes and consequences of climate change in the different parts of the world and discusses the historical responsibil...

Report • 2015


The Degrowth Alternative

By: Giorgos Kallis

From the essay: Both the name and the theory of degrowth aim explicitly to repoliticize environmentalism. Sustainable development and its more recent reincarnation “green growth” depoliticize genuine political antagonisms between alternative visions for the future. They render environmental problems technical, promising win-win solutions and the impossible goal of perpetuating economic growth w...

• 2015


Sommerschule: Ein Flair von Spaß, Hoffnung und klarem Ziel

By: Christiane Kliemann

Von Christiane Kliemann Nach sechs Tagen mit Workshops, Diskussionen, praktischen Aktivitäten und viel Spaß ist die Sommerschule zu Degrowth und Klimagerechtigkeit auf dem rheinischen Klimacamp nun zu Ende. Unter dem Slogan “Degrowth Konkret” wurden die eher theoretischen Ideen von Degrowth auf konkrete Aktionen wie den Widerstand gegen Braunkohleabbau zugespitzt. Darüber hinaus bot das Camp die

• 2015


Das Ende der Megamaschine - Geschichte einer scheiternden Zivilisation

By: Fabian Scheidler

Das Ende der Megamaschine legt die Wurzeln der Zerstörungskräfte frei, die heute die menschliche Zukunft infrage stellen. In einer Spurensuche durch fünf Jahrtausende führt das Buch zu den Ursprüngen ökonomischer, militärischer und ideologischer Macht. Der Autor erzählt die Vorgeschichte und Genese des modernen Weltsystems, das Mensch und Natur einer radikalen Ausbeutung unterwirft. Dabei demon...

• 2015


Kein Klimaschutz ohne Klimagerechtigkeit; keine Klimagerechtigkeit ohne Degrowth

By: Christiane Kliemann

Von Christiane Kliemann Kurz vor der wichtigsten UN Klimakonferenz nach dem Scheitern von Kopenhagen nimmt die internationale Klimabewegung Fahrt auf: Der Widerstand gegen den Abbau fossiler Energieträger wächst und mit der erstarkenden globalen Divestment-Bewegung wächst auch der Druck, Gelder von fossilen Energien abzuziehen und stattdessen in Erneuerbare zu investieren. Erfolgsgeschichten vo...

• 2015


Building momentum for sustainability transition in Greece

By: Michalis Theodoropoulos

Report about transition and degrowth initiatives in Greece. From the text: . . . Within that framework we operate as ILIOSPOROI NETWORK since 2004, when we were formed as an affinity group of researchers, trainers, activists and practitioners. The aims of iliosporoi (Greek: sunseeds) network are to provide a bridge of communication, networking and cooperation among the various aspects of the...

• 2015


"No action, just promises" – Critical reactions to the Paris climate agreement

By: Christiane Kliemann

"While world leaders were still celebrating the Paris climate agreement adopted at the UN climate change conference in Paris as a “major leap for mankind“, critical voices had already denounced the paper as “fraud“, “epic fail” and “trade agreement“. With this, they point to the discrepancy between the agreed commitment to hold the “increase in the global average temperature to well below 2C ab...

• 2015


Klimagerechtigkeit und Degrowth – zwei Seiten einer Medaille?

By: Christiane Kliemann

Von Tadzio Müller Im Vorfeld der letzten UN Klimakonferenz in Lima, Peru, machte immer wieder eine Schlagzeile die Runde: der Versuch, ein bestimmtes Ideologem im Bewusstsein der globalen Eliten und auch der breiteren Bevölkerung zu verankern: „Leute“, hieß es, „Ihr habt recht, Euch um den Klimawandel zu sorgen, aber, nach Berichten des Internationalen Währungsfonds und

Analysis • 2015


Post-Development Discourse: Lessons for the Degrowth Movement

By: Lasse Thiele

From the text: Is degrowth only conceivable in the context of “oversaturated” industrial societies while the global “South” remains dependent on growth? Lasse Thiele challenges this assumption, noting that "assumptions underlying such demands are quickly revealed to be rooted firmly in Western ideas of progress and growth." > read part 1 > read part 2 This article is also available i...