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degrowth.info speaks to small-scale farmer Jean Thévenot about EU farming and La Via Campesina's work at the international level.

Food • 09.12.2024

Power to the microbes: Reclaiming traditional foods for a degrowth food future

Selected high res

By: Christiane Heisse , Sevgi Mutlu Sirakova

Crusty Bread, creamy cheese, bubbly kimchi or refreshing tepache – all cultures have fermented foods and beverages with their own traditions, language, and cultural heritage surrounding them. Fermentation, in this sense, is a living food culture that taps into ancient skills and traditional knowledge. But this knowledge is under attack. As capitalism continues its onslaught on rural, indigenous...

Food • 05.04.2021

Communal Living – breaking the ice once and for all through food solidarity

Communal living

By: Lateef Salami

On October 1, 1960, as Nigeria gained independence, the population of the entire country was around 45.1 million. Fast forward to the year 2020, according to U.N, the estimated population of Nigeria is above 206 million. This can be seen as a rapidly exploding population when compared to other nations in Europe like UK (52.2 million in 1960 to 67.9million in year 2020) over the same period of t...

Food • 09.11.2020

Farmers and a degrowth economy in Russia

New russian landscape

By: Teodor Shanin

Perspectives from Eastern Europe and particularly Russia are so far underrepresented in degrowth debates. Translated from its original Russian, the piece below showcases an interview with a prominent British-Russian academic, Teodor Shanin, discussing degrowth in the Russian context through the lens of agriculture. Accordingly, it enables new audiences to gain an insight into this underrepresen...

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