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Showing 162 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Labour in Germany

By: Volker Stöckel

Abstract: Here it is a special view to the relationship from three of the core-values of the german economy – the waged work volume (labour), the gross domestic (GDP) product and the stock of fixed assets (capital or curdled labour). The relationship on the scale of things, aggregated in the alpha of the Cobb-Douglas-Function over the time, shows a developement over the last 40 years and there ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Downshifting – rejecting the growth imperative or internalizing the neoliberal order?

By: Tiina Schmidt, Kristoffer Wilén

Downshifting, Class, Responsible Careers, Meaningful Work, Degrowth

Scientific paper • 2014


A full life in a degrowth society – the case for an unconditional basic income (UBI) and against modesty

By: Robert Ulmer

unconditional basic income, modesty, sufficiency

Scientific paper • 2014


Information technology, decoupling and networked commons - a conceptual overview

By: Till Westermayer

Abstract: Starting at the idea that information technology leads to a dematerialization of economy and thus to a decoupling between growth and material, environmental impacts and resource use, the paper discusses various concepts related to this idea, loosely following the framework of first, second and third order effects (Hilty 2008). It comes to the conclusion that information technology, es...

Scientific paper • 2014


Buddhist Economics beyond Schumacher - How can contemporary research on Buddhist Economics inform degrowth- approaches?

By: Katharina Hirschbrunn

Buddhist Economics, Sufficiency, Feminist Economics, Work, Employment

Scientific paper • 2014


The delusion of decoupling, and policy options for mitigating the rebound effects and the environmental impact.

By: Jorgen Norgard

Abstract: When analyzing environmental problems, it is useful to apply the following simple equation for the environmental impact ‘I’, here representing energy consumption: I = P·A·T, With ‘P’ representing population, ‘A’ affluence per capita, and ‘T’ resource intensity, i.e. energy per affluence ‘A’. All three factors are in the equation coupled to ‘I’, and in general we should avoid using the...

Scientific paper • 2014


Where do all the hours go? Time use, resource consumption and the dematerialisation of everyday practices

By: Henrike Rau

Abstract: The emergence of carbon-intensive systems of production, distribution and consumption as part of the modernisation process in Europe and beyond coincided with fundamental changes in how people view and use time. Predictions by advocates of modern time management that time-saving technologies will radically reduce working hours and enhance people’s quality of life did not materialise, ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Exploring Human Labour in times of low carbon and no growth economies

By: Willi Haas, Marina Fischer-Kowalski

energy transitions, human labour, degrowth

Scientific paper • 2014


Working Less: Policies for Fairness in the Sharing of Liberated Time

By: Mark Cramer

Abstract: The degrowth vision of working less to enjoy life more is reserved primarily for people who possess certain material or philosophical tools. From Epicurus to anti-consumerism, overworked masses have indirectly subsidized lovers of idle conviviality. Therefore, opposition to wealth inequality should feature a struggle for justice in the realm of leisure time. The idle Thoreau, walking ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Agency is not enough: obstacles to back-to-the-land and agri-food downscaling

By: Rita Calvario

Back-to-the-land, agri-food downscaling, degrowth transition

Scientific paper • 2014


Worktime Reduction and Rebound Effects

By: Johannes Buhl

Abstract: Worktime reduction is considered to be essential when it comes to theories and models of de-growing economies. So far, productivity gains are re-invested in favor of economic growth. Consequently, rising opportunity costs of time per growing national income lead to time rebound effects, since time savings become as precious as economic life speeds up. This comes with resource intensiv...

Scientific paper • 2014


Work and the Economy: The Decline Of Unions And The Role Of Worker Cooperative

By: Tenille Brown

labour law; unionized context; worker cooperatives; amateur economy; secure employment

Art contribution • 2014

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Der kluge Fischer

By: Emile Bravo, Heinrich Böll

Der Verlag: In einem kleinen Hafen macht ein Fischer morgens seine Siesta. Ein Tourist weckt ihn durch das Klicken seines Fotoapparats und fragt, warum er nicht aufs Meer fahre. Der Fischer antwortet, er sei schon draußen gewesen. Warum er nicht noch einmal hinausfahre, fragt der Tourist. Mit der größeren Ausbeute könne er Schiffe und eine Fischfabrik kaufen. Am Ende wäre er so reich, dass er n...

• 2014

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By: Friederike Habermann, Niko Paech, Hartmut Rosa, Frigga Haug, Lena Kirschenmann, Felix Wittmann

Herausgeber_innen: Was bedeutet Wohlstand, wenn wir über immer mehr Dinge verfügen, jedoch über immer weniger Zeit? Wieso haben alle immer Zeit für Erwerbsarbeit aber nicht für andere wichtige Tätigkeiten? Wie ermöglichen wir allen Menschen ein gutes Leben und achten gleichzeitig die ökologischen Grenzen unseres Planetens? Im Buch Zeitwohlstand geht es um diese und andere Fragen rund um die Th...

Scientific paper • 2013


Die Postwachstumsgesellschaft - Neues Wachstum, neues Wohlergehen

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Irmi Seidl

Herausgeberinnen: Verbreitete Vorstellungen über Bedürfnisse, Glück und ein gutes Leben haben mit der heutigen Berufs- und Konsumwelt wenig gemeinsam. Die Große Transformation bietet die Chance, das herrschende Wachstumsprimat durch sinnvolle Tätigkeiten, eine gerechtere Arbeitsaufteilung und mehr Zeit für Engagement und Muße zu ersetzen.

• 2013


Time on our side. Why we all need a shorter working week

By: Anna Coote, Jane Franklin

Have you ever wondered why you’re so busy, where your time goes, or how much your time is really worth? This book will radically alter your understanding of the nature and value of time. Authored by leading experts in social, economic and environmental sciences, it explains how moving towards shorter, more flexible hours of work could help tackle urgent problems that beset our daily lives – ...

• 2013

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Das Lexikon der Wirtschaft

By: bpb

Wirtschaftliche Prozesse und Entwicklungen unterliegen einer hohen Dynamik. Stichworte wie Globalisierung, Shareholder-Value und Vernetzung zeigen, wie die internationalen ökonomischen Verflechtungen immer mehr zunehmen. Hier bietet das Lexikon der Wirtschaft einen allgemein verständlichen Zugang. Die Themenpalette umfasst das gesamte Feld der Wirtschaft in zwölf Kapiteln: Grundlagen, Mikroökon...

• 2013


Wege Vorsorgenden Wirtschaftens

By: Netzwerk Vorsorgendes Wirtschaften

Der Verlag: Angesichts der vielfachen ökonomischen, ökologischen und sozialen Krisen ist das Interesse an alternativen Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsentwürfen wieder erwacht. Wie kann eine Wirtschaftsweise funktionieren, die solche Krisen vermeidet und die in der Lage ist, dauerhaft für ein gutes Leben der Menschen und für den Erhalt der produktiven Fähigkeiten der Natur zu sorgen? Welche Wege ...

• 2013


A Four-day Workweek: A Policy for Improving Employment and Environmental Conditions in Europe

By: Giorgos Kallis, Nicholas A. Ashford

Introduction: Can working less lead to a healthier economy and better environmental conditions? Which factors should be taken into consideration when forming an answer to this question? In this article Nicholas Ashford and Giorgos Kallis discuss how affluent economies often have shorter workweeks and why, under the right conditions, more free time can decrease unemployment and help develop a g...