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Showing 139 items

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Resources and Extraction

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Resources and Extraction at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 > Rethinking technology – towards sufficiency and a sustainable production. > Technology transfer towards renewable energies. > Introduce resource issues into trade unions and job issues (p.e. RSA: one million climate jobs). > Re-politicize Renewable Energies...

Position paper • 2014


Towards a new activism to effectively support a transition to a de-growth economy

By: Micha Narberhaus

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Organizing collective action for degrowth.

Position paper • 2014


Scaling up collective action and advancing knowledge on degrowth from the grassroots

By: Gualter Barbas Baptista

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Organizing collective action for degrowth.

Position paper • 2014


How to built, organize and manage degrowth movements rooted in the territory?

By: Jean-Louis Aillon, Elena Dal Santo, Marta Guindani, Stefano Zummo, Allesandro Montis, Maurizio Pallante

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Organizing collective action for degrowth.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Organizing collective action for degrowth

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Organizing collective action for degrowth at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Building Alliances: > Building Alliances with environmental and social conflicts actors and seed degrowth there. > Link up with democracy NGOs. > Link between Researchers and Activists. > Storytelling: develop a positive narrative. > Fig...

Scientific paper • 2014


Starting to Move on Campus: Connected Activities to join Forces

By: Gilles Renout

Abstract: The key ideas of "ActivCampus" are the following: a) It picks up two sorts of CRISIS many members of the University are suffering from: First, a leak of "sense" in what, why and how they are doing their work and how the University is organizing the cooperation between individuals and groups. Secondly, corporeal diseases and imbalances due to working structures that are not healthy for...

Scientific paper • 2014


Grassroots digital commons for a bottom-up transition towards sustainability

By: Adrien Labaeye

Digital commons; Sustainability transition; Niches; Self-organization; Innovation

Scientific paper • 2014


Grassroots Movements and Urban Development - the Cases of Kitakyushu, Japan and Leipzig -

By: Heide Imai, Noriko Minkus

Abstract: As a result of the “shrinking” societies in Germany and Japan, cities and regions are facing different challenges. While metropolitan areas like Berlin and Tokyo are growing quickly, intermediate cities like Leipzig and Kitakyushu can only keep their population or grow slowly. After a process of deindustrialisation, these cities still carry dozens of empty buildings and vacant spaces....

Scientific paper • 2014


Between Daily Practices and Political Action

By: Markus Flück

Abstract: My starting point is that the “green revolution” and free trade policies haven’t been successful towards solving hunger problems and might even endanger the nutrition system of the whole human society. On the consumption side, especially in the north, but also in the wealthy social classes in the south, feeding habits need more and more energy and produce too much rubbish. A hopeful c...

Scientific paper • 2014


Commoning in the new society

By: Gustavo Esteva, Irene Ragazzini

Posdevelopment, radical democracy, postindustrial socety, convivial reconstruction

Scientific paper • 2014


Food sharing: A potential strategy against the food waste problem and a local contribution to local climate change mitigation?

By: Dominic Egger

Non-market food provision - Transitory strategy - Food waste - Degrowth practice - Municipal strategy of climate change mitigation

Scientific paper • 2014


Public Spaces: Everyday Resistance and alternative Societies

By: Anne Dietrich, Vera Denzer, Jörg Gertel

Abstract: The paper investigates urban public spaces as sites of daily resistance from theoretical and empirical points of view. Particular attention is paid to different forms of protest against social orders that find their expressions in nonconformist appropriations of space. Thus the contribution addresses the conference’s narrative step ‘Facing the Current Crisis: Critique and Resistance’....

Scientific paper • 2014


Contours of Environmental and Water Justice; anti dams movements and resistance challenging politics and imaginaries

By: Daniela Del Bene

dams, environmental justice, political ecology, social movements, energy

Scientific paper • 2014


Serious Pleasure. Motivation in fun-emphasising social movements

By: Gregor Betz

Abstract: How can solutions for contemporary crises be implemented in modern societies, in which entertainment advanced to the guideline of our life and in which the process of ‘eventisation’ can be considered in almost all social fields? Based on outcomes of an ethnographical sociological research project, fun-emphasising protest events will be analysed, that try to integrate short-term thrill...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Indignados movement: between prefiguration and creation of alternatives

By: Giorgos Kallis, Viviana Asara

Abstract: In this article I intend to investigate the prefigurative politics of the “indignados” movement in Barcelona, born in May 2011 in Spain to protest against austerity policies, the “dictatorship of markets” and claiming for a “real” democracy. For many indignados the occupations in the squares were conducive to experimenting, acting and living an alternative utopian community, the main ...

Scientific paper • 2014


The garbage crisis, the ecological justice and enviromental migrants in Campania (Southern Italy)

By: Romina Amicolo

Abstract: The garbage crisis in Campania, a region of the Southern Italy, is an example of enviromental transformation. It's a human – made enviromental degradation, which determined a sudden drop in the health condition of local inhabitants, with a considerable increase in the number of deaths caused by cancer, respiratory illnesses, and also genetic malformations. Since the mid-1990s the Ital...

• 2013


Generation Globalisierung - Nachhaltigkeit im pädagogischen Alltag

By: Ute Gebhardt-Eßer

Die Welt, in der Kinder und Jugendliche heutzutage aufwachsen, ist eine völlig andere als die ihrer Eltern oder Großeltern. Wie jede Generation zuvor hat die „Generation Globalisierung“ ihre eigenen spezifischen Herausforderungen zu meistern. Ute Gebhardt-Eßer, die seit vielen Jahren mit Kindern und Jugendlichen arbeitet, plädiert dafür, ihnen die Diversität und Komplexität des Lebens zuzumute...

Scientific paper • 2013


Civil and Uncivil Actors for a Degrowth Society

By: Federico Demaria, Giacomo D'Alisa, Claudio Cattaneo

Degrowth, civil society arena, frame, civil and uncivil actors

Report • 2013


Another World

By: Michalis Theodoropoulos, iliosporoi network

Published with a Creative Commons license, iliosporoi.net. Iliosporoi network: Documentary "Another World" about the grassroots initiatives in Greece that form another world right here right now, away from the crisis and capitalism (Greek narration, English subtitles in captions).

• 2013


The Village Against the World

By: Dan Hancox

The publisher: One hundred kilometres from Seville lies the small village of Marinaleda, which for the last thirty-five years has been the centre of a tireless struggle to create a living utopia. This unique community drew British author Dan Hancox to Spain, and here for the first time he recounts the fascinating story of villagers who expropriated the land owned by wealthy aristocrats and have...