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Interview • 2016


Wachstum & Beschleunigung - Muss das sein?

By: Niko Paech, Hartmut Rosa

Werkstatt Zukunft: Ein Interviewfilm mit dem Postwachstumsökonomen Prof. Dr. Niko Paech und dem Soziologen Prof. Dr. Hartmut Rosa zu der Frage, was ein gutes und ökologisch vertretbares Leben ist und warum es so schwer gelingt. Zum ersten Mal führen diese beiden Wissenschaftler ein öffentliches Gespräch und Werkstatt Zukunft ist mit zwei jungen Interviewerinnen dabei. Die Frage lautet: Wie ...

Interview • 2016



By: Christian Hinterberger, Anna Holl

Eine Runde von Expert_innen beantwortet eine Reihe von Fragen zum Thema Wachstum. Fragen: Müssen wir weg vom ökonomischen Wachstum?, Was läuft falsch im derzeitigen Wirtschaftssystem?, Was denken Sie über ökonomisches Wachstum? Expert_innen: Nina Treu, Angelika Zahrnt, Elisabeth Freytag-Rigler, Fred Luks, Roman Mesicek, Beate Littig, Erich Hödl, Max Schachinger, Raimund Dietz

Scientific paper • 2016


Understand the Chinese New Rural Reconstruction Movement (NRRM) as an example of Degrowth Theory

By: Rowan Alcock

From my research on Degrowth China is conspicuous in its absence. Degrowth theory, in order to be a global movement, should begin to research this increasingly important country in more detail. People may believe that one of the world's biggest environmental polluters where multiparty elections are illegal could not possibly have an indigenous degrowth movement. However in my paper I argue that...

Scientific paper • 2016


The experience of the Italian Network for Sustainability and Health

By: Jean-Louis Aillon

Ivan Illich argued that a revolution in the health field is crucial and “integral to a society-wide criticism and restraint of the industrial mode of production”. Recently, in order to develop this stream of thought, several authors have tried to re-think health in the conceptual frame of degrowth and, in parallel, practical initiatives and networks have been developed. In this presentation, ...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - From capitalist accumulation to a solidarity economy

By: Barbara Muraca

Presentation by Barbara Muraca Starting from a critique to Growth as a major driver of our economies, the consequences it brings along, from environmental impacts to control over the marginalized, and as the mono-culture of our times, Muraca develops its limits and shows the alternatives beyond Capitalism. She explores what it means living in a society where basic needs services are valued a...

Scientific paper • 2016


Real estate speculation and rent-extraction in a degrowth economy:

By: Beth Stratford

Constraints on resource use associated with degrowth are likely to reduce the scope for profitable investment in the ‘real’ economy. In such a context, those seeking to grow their wealth may increasingly turn to the purchase of existing assets, including land and housing, for the purpose of rent-extraction or speculation. Indeed, sociologists like John Bellamy Foster and Wolfgang Streeck argue ...

Scientific paper • 2016


Norwegian second homes: cultural heritage or growth machine?

By: Rasmus Steffansen

Second homes and degrowth (P4) This paper uses the Norwegian second home phenomenon as a case for discussing the overconsumption of housing from a degrowth perspective. Second home development in Norway is a growing threat to environmental sustainability as well as it contributes to individual loan taking which in turn has social consequences for the individual that relates to their life satisf...

Scientific paper • 2016


Bike Kitchens – Spaces for convivial tools

By: Karin Bradley

Keywords: Democratisation of technology; Degrowth; Bike Kitchen; Conviviality; Low-tech; Do it yourself

Scientific paper • 2016


Mapping Degrowth

By: Joanna Boehnert

This project will provide an overview of the degrowth movement. I will do this by visualising the degrowth discourse along with other environment discourses on a matrix. I will use surveys and discourse mapping techniques. I will start by constructing a short survey to collect opinions within the degrowth community on discourses in environmental movements. The survey will identify 100 global ac...

Scientific paper • 2016


'Made in China'

By: Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, Alexander Paulsson

One can hardly imagine a world without trade or at least certain forms of exchange. The volume and intensity of trade, often long-distance, lies at the core of our growth-based societies. The so called free trade agreements (such as the TTIP or TTIP) pushed forward by certain governments and corporate lobby groups or the striving for creation of new forms of and spaces for trading (e.g. in carb...

Scientific paper • 2016


Is High Speed Rail a sustainable mobility option?

By: David Hoyos

This paper aims at assessing the environmental contribution of high speed rail (HSR) focusing on the GHG emission and energy consumption balance and, ultimately, evaluating the conditions under which HSR investments can be considered the right track to sustainable mobility. For this purpose, we apply the transport hierarchy approach as a general framework for the assessment of HSR from a sustai...

Report • 2016

Image Text


By: Josefa Kny

Dies ist ein Beitrag zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en), in dem es um die Stiftung FUTURZWEI geht. Info zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en): Degrowth ist nicht nur ein neues Label für eine Diskussion über Alternativen oder eine akademische Debatte, sondern auch eine im Entstehen begriffene soziale Bewegung. Trotz vieler Überschneidungen mit anderen sozialen Bewegungen gibt es sowohl bei ...

Scientific paper • 2016


Questioning or reconceptualising North-South cooperation? (Or how to support communities in choosing to avoid dead-end paths, and enter virtuous cycles instead)

By: Silvio Cristiano

Discussing about degrowth in the Global South is often a delicate topic. Compelling issues might acquire priority in a deprived “developing” context. However, foreign aid is mostly self-interested and hence venomous: when help is heteronomous and adopted for long time, populations risk to have their metabolism and resilience compromised. Nonetheless, such populations have a strong point on thei...

Scientific paper • 2016


How to minimise material waste when learning & investigating for more convivial practices?

By: Marion Real

In convivial communities individuals are looking for being autonomous and self-educated in the way they are learning how to repair bikes, how to cook in solar hoovens or how to better produce foods. The Do it yourself and opensource philosophy is being propagated in actual practices. The question of eco-efficiency of learning activities is rarely explored and could appear as a contradiction wh...

Scientific paper • 2016


From capitalist accumulation to a solidarity economy

By: Barbara Muraca

In her keynote speech, Barbara Muraca will outline the key strategies for degrowth, specifically reflecting on the following topics, which are also the guiding topics of the third day of the conference: -Changing networks of production and consumption and driving political action -Degrowth as a fundamentally social challenge, involving structural changes of social practices, institutions and ...

Scientific paper • 2016


Fostering a cultural response to eco-systemic change

By: Rahul

Sustainable development has today become a commonly used term, yet it describes a concept that is still being considered by different kinds of societies, each in a manner of their choosing. This has happened because while historically how societies grew to be 'developed' was a process that took a variety of pathways, today the prescribed pathway to the 'modern' scarcely changes from one country...

Scientific paper • 2016


Education for socio-ecological transformations

By: Christoph Sanders, Daniel Bendix, Anne Pinnow, Bethany Wilson

Up to now, the discourse on Degrowth doesn't adequately address the relevance of culture for economic growth. Yet, analyzing how cultural patterns shape our lifestyles, habits and thinking is crucial for socio-ecological transformations. In this context, education plays a preeminent role: How does the content of education, its organization and structure prepare individuals for a growth society ...

Scientific paper • 2016


Ecological macroeconomic models: Assessing current developments

By: Lukas Bunse

Our society faces a fundamental dilemma. While continued economic growth is ecologically unsustainable, reductions in consumer demand are often accompanied by adverse social impacts. Hence there is a need for macroeconomic tools that can help with the identification of socially sustainable degrowth pathways. The emerging field of ecological macroeconomics aims to address this need and features ...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - On degrowth in the South: The Case of India

By: Alex Jensen

A thorough and detailed overview of the socioeconomic situation in India and the extent to which the Degrowth discourse can be extended in countries beyond the Global North. The speaker explores the aftermath of the neoliberalization of India: from GDP and billionaires growth to the extreme wealth gap alongside increasing inequality, unemployment, extreme air pollution, fossil fuels consumption...

Educational paper • 2016


Politikwissenschaft: Eine Einführung

By: Hans-Joachim Lauth, Christian Wagner

Für die 8. Auflage wurde dieser Klassiker unter den Einführungen in die Politikwissenschaft erneut aktualisiert. Er gibt einen studien- und problemorientierten Überblick über die zentralen Fragestellungen und Themenfelder der Politikwissenschaft. Behandelt werden: Historische Entwicklung und aktueller Stand des Faches, seine theoretischen und methodischen Grundlagen und – ausführlich – die ein...