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Showing 26 items

Study • 2023

Women's Work in the Pandemic Economy: The Unbearable Hazard of Hierarchy

By: Myfan Jordan

This book explores two unique studies of women’s economic behaviour during Australia’s COVID-19 crisis. The first describes the care ‘frontline’ in the feminised labor sectors of healthcare and education, identifying extreme workload pressures, deteriorating conditions, and a shockingly high incidence of workplace bullying: including women targeting other women workers. The author argues workpl...

Scientific paper • 2020

Public health and degrowth working synergistically: what leverage for public health?

By: Marie-Jo Ouimet, Pier-Luc Turcotte, Louis-Charles Rainville, Yves-Marie Abraham, David Kaiser, Icoquih Badillo-Amberg

The climate crisis represents the biggest public health threat of our time. It interacts with the rising inequalities, chronic diseases and mental illness widely associated with our dominant economic system. Though degrowth and public health approaches differ, both share common values. The former proposes a new paradigm intended to halt the destruction of life-supporting systems by infinite eco...

• 2020


The case for degrowth in a time of pandemic

By: Susan Paulson, Giorgos Kallis, Federico Demaria, Giacomo D'Alisa

The time is ripe for us to refocus on what really matters: not GDP, but the health and wellbeing of our people and our planet.

Scientific paper • 2020


Jevons' paradox and a tax on aviation to prevent the next pandemic

By: Salvador Pueyo

How is it possible that, in an era of unprecedented medical progress, humanity is once again caught in a major pandemic? Several lines of evidence suggest that advances in infectious diseases control facilitate the development of major urban centers, global high-speed transportation, industrial animal farming and ecosystem destruction. In turn, all of these are well known to favor such diseases...

• 2018

Text Image

movum - Heft 19: Gesundheit

By: Michael Müller, Jörg Sommer, Angelika Claußen, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, Franz Daschner, Pamela Dörhöfer, Maria Finckh, Susanne Götze, Verena Kern, Jörg Staude, Alexandra Schneider, Susanne Schwarz

Heft 19 des Magazins movum zum Thema Gesundheit. Kurzbeschreibung: Die Umweltschäden holen die Menschen ein. Ohne Umweltpolitik kommt Gesundheitspolitik nicht mehr aus. Deshalb braucht es jetzt ein Bündnis. Das Heft als PDF. Die Infografik als PDF.

Interview • 2017


Popular Epidemiology / EnvJustice Vocabulary - Grettel Navas

By: Grettel Navas

Grettel Navas, ICTA-UAB, explains the term "Popular Epidemiology" and exemplifies it with a particular case from Argentina: Mothers of Ituzaingó. Youtube-channel EnvJustice Vocabulary

Scientific paper • 2017


Sustainable health and degrowth: Health, health care and society beyond the growth paradigm

By: Iris Borowy, Jean-Louis Aillon

Keywords: public health degrowth drug production social determinants of health equity

Scientific paper • 2016


The experience of the Italian Network for Sustainability and Health

By: Jean-Louis Aillon

Ivan Illich argued that a revolution in the health field is crucial and “integral to a society-wide criticism and restraint of the industrial mode of production”. Recently, in order to develop this stream of thought, several authors have tried to re-think health in the conceptual frame of degrowth and, in parallel, practical initiatives and networks have been developed. In this presentation, ...

Scientific paper • 2016


De-growth and critical community psychology: Contributions towards individual and social well-being

By: Alfredo Natale, Salvatore Di Martino, Fortuna Procentese, Caterina Arcidiacono

Keywords: Degrowth; Critical community psychology; Well-being; Decolonisation of the imaginary; Reciprocity; Social justice

Scientific paper • 2015


Degrowth and health: local action should be linked to global policies and governance for health

By: Eduardo Missoni

Degrowth, Health, Globalization, Global governance, Civic action, World Health Organization

Report • 2014


Fleischatlas 2014

By: Reinhild Benning, Christine Chemnitz

Unser Essen hat eine politische und ethische Dimension und stellt immer wieder aufs Neue Fragen an unsere Verantwortung. Nachdem der Fleischatlas 2013 gezeigt hat, welche Auswirkungen Europas Fleischkonsum auf die Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer und auf das Klima hat, bringt der Fleischatlas 2014 Licht ins Dunkel des „Big Business“ Fleisch – von Europa, über die USA bis hin zu den aufstrebend...

• 2014


Ackergifte? Nein danke! - Für eine enkeltaugliche Landwirtschaft

By: Ute Scheub

Der Verlag: In Deutschland werden jährlich 40 000 Tonnen Pestizide ausgebracht. Die schönfärberische Bezeichnung »Pflanzenschutzmittel« verschleiert, worum es sich tatsächlich handelt: Ackergifte. Aktuelle Untersuchungen belegen, dass diese – entgegen den Behauptungen der Industrie – von Menschen, Tieren und grundwasserführenden Schichten aufgenommen werden. Das geht uns alle an, denn die hocht...

Scientific paper • 2014


Learning for and in a Degrowing Society

By: Christiane Richard-Elsner

Learning, own experiences, neurobiology, neighbourhood

Scientific paper • 2014


De-growth approach to the European chemicals management.

By: Oksana Udovyk, Erika Öhlund

Abstract: The number of newly synthesized chemicals is continuously increasing, and many of these are now affecting ecosystems as well as human health. The overall objective of chemical risk assessments and management is to assess and contain the risks associated with the introduction of these chemicals. Evidence shows, however, that chemical assessments fail to live up to this objective. Asses...

Scientific paper • 2014


The garbage crisis , environmental migrants and ecological justice in Campania (Southern Italy)

By: Romina Amicolo

Abstract: The garbage crisis in Campania, a region of the Southern Italy, is an example of human – made enviromental degradation, which determined a sudden drop in the health condition of local inhabitants, with a considerable increase in the number of deaths caused by cancer, respiratory illnesses, and also genetic malformations. Since the mid-1990s the Italian government declared the state of...

Scientific paper • 2014


Body-Scale: Somaticity, Degrowth, and the Revival of Place

By: Kris Forkasiewicz

Abstract: The paper deals with the following questions: —How the "full-bodied" quality of lived meaning diminishes for the anthropoi with the growth of institutions and infrastructures beyond its somatic grasp —How, accordingly, lived experience is impoverished and flattened —How with growth, what is commonly imagination, rather than being the celebrated paragon of human nature, constitutes a r...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Great Recession and Health: From Neoliberal Austerity to “Healthy De-Growth”

By: Roberto De Vogli

Abstract: Since the eve of the meltdown, global unemployment has increased by more than 30 million people, but has the financial crisis also affected our health? Evidence indicates that the Great Recession led to increases in unemployment and suicides rates both in Europe and in the United States. While financial crises are associated with rising unemployment, social instability and the rise of...

Scientific paper • 2014


The garbage crisis, the ecological justice and enviromental migrants in Campania (Southern Italy)

By: Romina Amicolo

Abstract: The garbage crisis in Campania, a region of the Southern Italy, is an example of enviromental transformation. It's a human – made enviromental degradation, which determined a sudden drop in the health condition of local inhabitants, with a considerable increase in the number of deaths caused by cancer, respiratory illnesses, and also genetic malformations. Since the mid-1990s the Ital...

Scientific paper • 2014


“Health and Degrowth”, a new paradigm in the field of sustainability

By: Jean-Louis Aillon, Elena Dal Santo

health, degrowth, sustainability, medicine, determinants of health

Scientific paper • 2012


Rethinking development under conditions of uncertainty: The case of EU chemicals management

By: Oksana Udovyk, Johan Hedren

Key words: uncertainty, REACH, environment, de-growth, utopian thought