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Showing 22 items

Scientific paper • 2020


Growth in the docks: ports, metabolic flows and socio-environmental impacts

By: Borja Nogué-Algueró

Shipping carries virtually all internationally traded goods. Major commercial ports are fully integrated into transnational production and distribution systems, enabling the circulation of massive flows of energy and materials in the global economy. Port activity and development are usually associated with positive socio-economic effects, such as increased GDP and employment, but the indust...

• 2019


Trade governance will make or break the Green New Deal. How the GND could, should, must redefine “protectionism” and transform international trade

By: Shaun Sellers

"A climate policy must change the way that the global economy works if it is to be successful, but if a policy is effective enough to disrupt global trade, it will violate global trade rules."

• 2019


A Green New Deal for an ecological economy. Introducing a series of proposals for a truly transformative GND

By: Sam Bliss, Leah Temper

This essay is the first in a series of articles that aim to inform the GND through the lens of ecological economics. The series will feature short position papers by students of the Economics for the Anthropocene program, a three-university collaboration to train graduate students in ecological economics, as well as by other invited experts. These short articles will focus on thematic issues...

Scientific paper • 2019


The economic and energy impacts of a UK export shock: comparing alternative modelling approaches

By: Lukas Hardt, Karen Turner, Paul Brockway, Grant Allan, John Barrett, Peter McGregor, Andrew Ross, Kim Swales, Marco Sakai

This study investigates how an increase in exports (a key pillar in the UK Industrial Strategy) could impact energy and industrial policy by comparing two types of energy-economy models. Achieving the targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions set out in the UK Climate Change Act will require a significant transformation in the UK's energy system. At the same time, the government is pursuing...

Presentation • 2018

Image Video

Post-Growth Conference, Brussels 2018 – Workshop Trade & Environment

By: Fritz Hinterberger, Olivier de Schutter, Patrizia Heidegger, Luisa Santos

Chair: Kathleen Van Brempt, MEP (S&D) Panellists: Fritz Hinterberger (Founding President of Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI)), Olivier de Schutter (Professor at the University of Louvain (Belgium) and at SciencesPo (Paris), former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food (2008-2014)), Patrizia Heidegger (Global Policies Director at the EEB), Luisa Santos (Business...

Interview • 2018


Corrente busca modelos alternativos ao crescimento econômico ilimitado

By: Ignacio Amigo

No chamado “decrescimento”, o bem-estar humano não está atrelado à necessidade permanente de crescimento. (Do autor) Entrevista com Gabriel Trettel Silva e Sylmara Lopes a respeito de pesquisa de mestrado sobre decrescimento e os países do chamado Sul global.

• 2017


Ethischer Welthandel: Eine Alternative zu Freihandel und Protektionismus

By: Christian Felber

Author zum Buch: Die Krise der internationalen Handelspolitik ist eine Chance, das aktuelle System aus WTO, bilateralen Investitionsschutz- und Freihandelsabkommen (BITs) und Handelsschiedsgerichten (z. B. ICSID) grundlegend zu überdenken. Christian Felber entzaubert in seinem neuen Buch die „Freihandelsreligion“ und schlägt eine vollständige und kohärente Alternative vor. Ethischer Welthandel ...

Scientific paper • 2016


What are the degrowth implications for long-distance trade?

By: Filka Sekulova

Degrowth has enjoyed an increasing attention in academia with more than 150 peer-reviewed publications over the last 8 years. Trade, however, remains a grey area. This article aims to explore the implications of degrowth for long-distance trade, using the multifaceted perspectives and disciplines which the term binds together. From a political ecology angle growth in the South has taken place a...

Presentation • 2016


What are the degrowth implications for long-distance trade?

By: Filka Sekulova

Speech by Filka Sekulova at the Degrowth Conference 2016 in Budapest

Scientific paper • 2015


The material footprint of nations

By: Thomas O. Wiedmann, Heinz Schandl, Manfred Lenzen, Daniel Moran, Sangwon Suh, James West, Keiichiro Kanemoto

Abstract: Metrics on resource productivity currently used by governments suggest that some developed countries have increased the use of natural resources at a slower rate than economic growth (relative decoupling) or have even managed to use fewer resources over time (absolute decoupling). Using the material footprint (MF), a consumption-based indicator of resource use, we find the contrary: A...

• 2015


Building Alternatives to Free Trade

By: Christian Felber, Florent Marcellesi, Brid Brennan, Rudi Dalvai, Jürgen Schwettmann

Video of the panel "Building Alternatives to Free Trade" from the Solikon-Congress for Solidarity-based Economy and Transformation 2015 in Berlin. Making the alliance to stop TTIP and all other “free trade” agreements while developing the fair and solidarity international trade. What impact do TTIP, TISA,TPP, EPAs and the ISDS mechanism have on local economies and food sovereignty? What is ...

Educational paper • 2015


International Economics: Theory and Policy

By: Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc Melitz

For courses in International Economics, International Finance, and International Trade A balanced approach to theory and policy applications International Economics: Theory and Policy provides engaging, balanced coverage of the key concepts and practical applications of the two main topic areas of the discipline. For both international trade and international finance, an intuitive introdu...

• 2014


Die Freihandelsfalle

By: Harald Klimenta, Andreas Fisahn, Pia Eberhardt, Peter Fuchs, Fritz Glunk, Hartmut Goebel, David Hachfeld, Marianne Henkel, Markus Henn, Sven Hilbig, Johannes Lauterbach, Christoph Scherrer, Ilana Solomon, Guido Speckmann, Rena Tangens, Berit Thomsen, Lori Wallach, Uwe Wötzel

Bei den Verhandlungen für ein Freihandelsabkommen zwischen den USA und der EU werden neoliberale Dogmen weiter verfolgt, obwohl die Schattenseiten allgegenwärtig sind: Standortwettbewerb, Lohndumping, sinkende Standards und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten in demokratischen Staaten. In diesem AttacBasisText werden die möglichen Folgen für Europa und Deutschland für den Fall herausgearbeitet, dass die ...

Presentation • 2014


Free Trade – a barrier for degrowth?

By: Filka Sekulova, Manuel Pérez-Rocha, Lutz Weischner, Alexandra Strickner

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Manuel Pérez-Rocha, Lutz Weischner, Filka Sekulova Facilitation: Alexandra Strickner From the conference programme: International free trade regimes and neoliberal trading rules (NAFTA, TTIP, WTO) are a central obstacle for a development towards ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Fair Trade Alternative Trade Organizations as a degrowth-friendly business model

By: Valerio Verrea

Abstract: This paper focuses on the specific features of the Alternative Trade Organizations (ATOs) developed within the Fair Trade system. They are an example of an organizational business model able to create and alternative market where social and ethical aspects are prioritized over profit-seeking. Their example offers important insights about the possibility to create a degrowth-friendly m...

Scientific paper • 2014


Towards a sustainable society: Concept for an alternative economic system

By: Thomas Frisius

Abstract: The current capitalistic economic system is very prone to crises, social inequity and waste of natural resources. In combination, this threatens the means of livelihood for future generations and is, therefore, at variance with a sustainable development. An alternative economic system is proposed with the potential to overcome these difficulties. In this system, international trade is...

Scientific paper • 2013


Are the Central East European Countries Pollution Havens?

By: Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, Martina Vidovic, Anca M. Voicu

Pollution Haven Hypothesis, Porter hypothesis, European Union, Trade Flows

Scientific paper • 2012


Natural and socioeconomic determinants of the embodied human appropriation of net primary production and its relation to other resource use indicators

By: Helmut Haberl, Julia K. Steinberer, Christoph Plutzar, Karl-Heinz Erb, Veronika Gaube, Simone Gingrich, Fridolin Kraussmann

Indicators of resource use such as material and energy flow accounts, emission data and the ecological footprint inform societies about their performance by evaluating resource use efficiency and the effectiveness of sustainability policies. The human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) is an indicator of land-use intensity on each nation's territory used in research as well as in...

Scientific paper • 2012


Two challenges for creating democratically accountable local currencies to cope with unvoluntary degrowth: Lessons from Argentina

By: Kristofer Dittmer

Abstract: Local currencies issued by civil society are often advocated by the degrowth movement as innovations that facilitate voluntary degrowth, but also as tools for coping with chaotic instances of unvoluntary degrowth, such as the present crisis in southern Europe. This paper provides a concise history of Argentina’s barter networks, which attracted millions of participants during the econ...

• 2011


Mikroökonomik. Eine Einführung

By: Friedrich Breyer

Gegenstand des Buches ist die Erklärung des Angebots- und Nachfrageverhaltens von Haushalten und Unternehmungen und ihr Zusammenwirken auf Güter- und Faktormärkten. Zentrales Analysekonzept ist dabei das (allgemeine) Gleichgewicht. Das Buch macht von der algebraischen Methode rigoros Gebrauch, es verwendet auch moderne dualitätstheoretische Konzepte, die im weiteren Studium von großem Nutzen si...