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Showing 164 items

Study • 2023

Women's Work in the Pandemic Economy: The Unbearable Hazard of Hierarchy

By: Myfan Jordan

This book explores two unique studies of women’s economic behaviour during Australia’s COVID-19 crisis. The first describes the care ‘frontline’ in the feminised labor sectors of healthcare and education, identifying extreme workload pressures, deteriorating conditions, and a shockingly high incidence of workplace bullying: including women targeting other women workers. The author argues workpl...

• 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Between conversion and automotive consensus. Results of a transdisciplinary research project on the role of employees in the transformation of Austrian automotive industry

By: Markus Wissen, Melanie Pichler, Nora Krenmayr

Workshop In this Special Session, results of the CON-LABOUR research project will be presented, which during more than two years explored the opportunities and challenges of a social-ecological transformation in the Austrian automotive industry from the perspective of employees and their representations. We provide insight into the political economy of Austrian supplier industry and reflect ...

Scientific paper • 2020


A degrowth perspective on the coronavirus crisis

By: Constanza Hepp, Joëlle Saey-Volckrick, Joe Herbert, Nathan Barlow, Nick von Andrian, Andro Rilović, Jacob Smessaert

This letter will consider three points in detail: first, how the COVID-19 crisis is by no means degrowth; second, how COVID-19 shows that degrowth is needed; and finally, why COVID-19 indicates the potential for a degrowth transformation. Visions for Sustainability, vol. 14, december 2020

Presentation • 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Transformation by design?

By: Antonia Ney, Joy-Fabienne Lösel

Presentation [part of the standard session "Transformation, Design and Utopias"] The central question of socio-ecological transformation is whether it will take place “by design” or “by disaster” (Sommer/Welzer 2014:27). In the discourse this question is rhetorically answered with “by design”. But what role does design play in social-ecological transformation? The lecture will present growth...

• 2020


Pandemic Solidarity: Mutual Aid during the Covid-19 Crisis

By: Marina Sitrin, Colectiva Sembrar

In times of crisis, when institutions of power are laid bare, people turn to one another. Pandemic Solidarity collects firsthand experiences from around the world of people creating their own narratives of solidarity and mutual aid in the time of the global crisis of COVID-19. The world's media was quick to weave a narrative of selfish individualism, full of empty supermarket shelves and con...

Report • 2020


Beyond economics-as-usual: treating a crisis like a crisis

By: Sam Butler-Sloss, Marc Beckmann, Lea Trogrlic, Maria João Pimenta

In this new report, the authors try to get a grip on what it takes for the economics profession to treat the climate crisis like the crisis it is. For that, we interviewed nine leading economists - all coming from different geographies and exposing different levels of optimism about the changes that are possible. They include Jayati Ghosh (Jawaharlal Nehru University), Yanis Varoufakis (Helleni...

• 2020


How ‘Degrowth’ Pushes Climate and Well-Being Over GDP

By: Akshat Rathi

"In recent years, a group of economists, ecologists, and anthropologists has gained attention for trying to overturn a core tenet of economic policy — that growth is good for everyone. Known as the “degrowth” movement, these scholars suggest a reframing of humanity’s goals along ecological lines to address the climate crisis, along with a reconsideration of using gross domestic product as a met...

• 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Advancing a Degrowth Agenda in the Corona Crisis

By: Matthias Schmelzer, Iris Frey, Andro Rilović, Stefania Barca, Eeva Houtbeckers

Panel debate The aim of this panel is to evaluate and discuss degrowth and it’s strategies in direct relation to the current corona crisis. We want to understand how the degrowth community responded so far to the crisis and how degrowth was and is present in recent discussions. The goal is then to identify potential pathways, but also barriers, for bringing forward the degrowth agenda in thi...

Scientific paper • 2020


'The economy' as if people mattered: revisiting critiques of economic growth in a time of crisis

By: Clive L. Spash

Coronavirus (COVID-19) policy shut down the world economy with a range of government actions unprecedented outside of wartime. In this paper, economic systems dominated by a capital accumulating growth imperative are shown to have had their structural weaknesses exposed, revealing numerous problems including unstable supply chains, unjust social provisioning of essentials, profiteering, precari...

Scientific paper • 2020


Jevons' paradox and a tax on aviation to prevent the next pandemic

By: Salvador Pueyo

How is it possible that, in an era of unprecedented medical progress, humanity is once again caught in a major pandemic? Several lines of evidence suggest that advances in infectious diseases control facilitate the development of major urban centers, global high-speed transportation, industrial animal farming and ecosystem destruction. In turn, all of these are well known to favor such diseases...

Report • 2020


Will COVID-19 Remake the World?

By: Dani Rodrik

No one should expect the pandemic to alter – much less reverse – tendencies that were evident before the crisis. Neoliberalism will continue its slow death, populist autocrats will become even more authoritarian, and the left will continue to struggle to devise a program that appeals to a majority of voters.

Report • 2020


Internationalizing the Crisis

By: Joseph E. Stiglitz

The public-health effects and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in developing and emerging economies are only just becoming apparent, but it is already clear that the toll will be devastating. If the international community wants to avoid a wave of defaults, it must start developing a rescue plan immediately.

Report • 2020


Solidarity Economics—for the Coronavirus Crisis and Beyond

By: Chris Benner, Manuel Pastor

In light of the Covid-19 crisis, the article by the authors of the book "From Resistance to Renewal: A 12-Step Program for Innovation and Inclusion in the California Economy", C. Banner and M. Pastor, debunks the granted assumptions of the neoclassical theory, such as self-interested human behavior, the necessity of inequality and growth, trying to pull the threads between between the new possi...

• 2020


Academia in the time of Covid-19: Our chance to develop an ethics of care

By: Esteve Corbera, Isabelle Anguelovski, Jordi Honey-Rosés, Isabel Ruiz-Mallén

"In writing this opinion article we hope to encourage thinking about how academics may transform our work ethos now and in the future. This disruptive time can become an opportunity to foster a culture of care, refocus on what is most important, change expectations about the meaning of quality teaching and research, and in doing so make academic practice more respectful and sustainable."

• 2020


Pandenomics: a story of life versus growth

By: Julia Steinberger

The clash between business-as-usual economics and the pandemic shows what we really need from our economy.

• 2020


Is this the moment for a global 'degrowth' movement?

By: James Flexner

An archaeologist's perspective on degrowth.

Presentation • 2020


Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: Anti-Capitalist Politics in the Time of Covid-19

By: David Harvey

In this episode, Prof. Harvey talks about the factors and conditions that enables COVID-19 to become a pandemic and the ramifications for the economy and for social life.

Report • 2020


Crises in the Anthropocene through and beyond corona

By: Governance & Sustainability Lab

Undisciplined perspectives from the Governance & Sustainability, University of Trier

Scientific paper • 2020


Editorial - Deep Restoration: from The Great Implosion to The Great Awakening

By: Barry Gills

In this short essay for Globalizations I wish to make some initial reflections in response to the present ‘triple conjuncture’ of global crises. This triple conjuncture is an interaction among three spheres or vectors of global crises, together constituting a crisis of capitalist world order. The three spheres of the global crisis are: climate change and ecological breakdown; a systemic crisis ...

• 2020


How to beat coronavirus capitalism?

By: Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Lia Rose

An online teach-in with Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, with a musical performance by Lia Rose. The current crisis is laying bare the extreme injustices and inequalities of our economic and social system. We are in a battle of visions for how we’re going to respond to this crisis. We will either be catapulted backward to an even more brutal winner-takes-all system — o...