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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Resource efficiency, concepts and indicators

By: Philipp Schepelmann

Abstract:Economic growth was the basis for the social reconciliation between capital owners and the working class. In industrialized countries it was coupled with a growth of material flows of geological proportions. It is quite remarkable that within the framework of the growth-oriented Europe 2020 Strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy the European Commission has launched a s...

• 2014


Degrowth and Radical Ecological Democracy: A View from the South

By: aboutsource

By Ashish Kothari As it becomes abundantly clear that humanity as a whole has crossed the ecological limits of the earth, and that countries like China and India are fast joining the already-industrialised nations in stressing the planet even more, the search for radical alternatives is humanity’s most urgent quest. There is no doubt that, as […]

• 2014


Degrowth through a Post-Development Lens

By: aboutsource

If current crises like environmental degradation and social inequality can be seen as result of our economic and social systems, the concept of a degrowth economy has been advanced as a possible solution. Degrowth is in direct contrast to economic systems such as capitalism or sustainable growth, and in fact has much more in common […]

• 2014


Die Veränderung der Wirtschaftskultur beginnt beim Einzelnen!

By: aboutsource

Viele Publikationen, die für Suffizienz und eine Abkehr vom Wachstums-Paradigma plädieren, adressieren allein an die Politik. Sie müsse für veränderte Rahmenbedingungen sorgen, „damit gutes Leben einfacher wird“ (Schneidewind/Zahrnt). Sie müsse das Geldsystem in ein Vollgeld-System umwandeln (Huber) und/oder endlich eine ökologische Steuerreform durchführen (Binswanger/Nutzinger), um den Naturv...

• 2014


Mit dem Rad zur Konferenz: die Schweizer Décroissance-Bewegung!

By: aboutsource

Das Degrowth-Magazin der Schweiz heißt Moins! und erscheint sechsmal im Jahr. Die August-Ausgabe haben sie extra für die Degrowth-Konferenz auf Deutsch übersetzen lassen! Hoffentlich werden Sie die Exemplare für die Degrowth-Konferenz per Post schicken, auch wenn sie selbst mit einer Velocarawane aus der Schweiz anreisen. Für den Stream towards Degrowth haben Sie uns bereits einen […]

• 2014


Subsistenz, Zumutbarkeit und Wachstum

By: aboutsource

Der Wachstumsdiskurs muss im redlichen Sinne die Gründe erwägen, die für oder gegen Wachstum und bestimmte Wachstumsformen sprechen. Er hat darüber hinaus aber auch unvermeidbares Wachstum zu berücksichtigen und zu klären, wie damit in zumutbarer Weise umzugehen ist. Ich glaube, dass der Begriff der Subsistenz eine Orientierung dazu bietet. Im Beitrag erläutere ich, was ich […]

Scientific paper • 2014


Value and Values: The Political Economy of ICT Enhanced Collective Behaviour for Sustainable Degrowth

By: Robert Rattle

collective behaviour, values, sustainability, Internet and communication technologies

• 2014


"Die Idee vom Wachstum ist nur EINE Auffassung von Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft."

By: aboutsource

Martin Lindner ist Professor für Didaktik der Biologie und Geographie und war Mitorganisator des Buen Vivir-Symposiums an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. In seinem Interview im Rahmen des Stream towards Degrowth zeigt er einige Alternativen zur Wachstumsgesellschaft auf. Stellen Sie sich vor, die Welt erlebt eine Zeit des „guten Lebens“ jenseits des Wachstums. Blicken wir dann, ...

• 2014


Degrowth America 2100

By: aboutsource

For our project “Degrowth from a future perspective”, we would like to present how Erik Assadourian, Senior Fellow at the World Watch Institute, envisions a Degrowth America in 2100 and looks back to the transiton towards a truly sustainable United States. Will this have become a place where we can still have personal (electric) vehicles, […]

• 2014


"The dollar is approaching its collapse, which will force a reconfiguration of our systems of money, finance and banking"

By: Christopher Laumanns

Interview with Ole Bjerg Ole Bjerg is associate professor at the Copenhagen Business School. He writes for the ephemera Journal and is one of the organizers of the conference “Organizing for the post-growth economy”. He gave us a short interview for the Stream towards Degrowth.

Scientific paper • 2014


The Common Good Economy: an new model for the Degrowth society. An application of the Common Good Balance sheet to an organic and biodynamic farm.

By: Giordano Stella, PhD Lucia Rocchi

Keywords: Alternative economic model The evolution of social, economic and environmental systems in the last decades and the numerous studies by Bioeconomy, Economy of Happiness and Degrowth Theory, showed the inability of the Capitalism in the realization of a fair, healthy and happy society. In this historical period there is the need of building a new Economy and Society based on the fair di...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth Europe in a Convergent World: Differential Degrowth towards Equity within Planetary Boundaries

By: Jenneth Parker

Abstract: This paper will draw on the findings of the EU P7 CONVERGE project in ‘Re-thinking Globalisation’ in the light of Contraction and Convergence TM. In particular it will build upon ideas proposals developed at an international conference on a ‘New Social Contract for Sustainability’ which focussed on a new sustainability vision for Europe. The paper will argue that in order to pay due a...

• 2014


Was ist das eigentlich: Zeitwohlstand?

By: aboutsource

Vor einiger Zeit habe ich mich bei einer Wanderung mit dem Vater einer guten Freundin unterhalten. Er kommt selbst aus armen Verhältnissen, ist in den 1950er Jahren geboren und war das älteste von drei Kindern seiner alleinerziehenden Mutter. Inzwischen ist er ein weltbekannter Professor und sieht seine drei Kinder meist zufällig, wenn er gerade mal […]

• 2014


Only few days left for submissions!

By: aboutsource

We would like to remind you that the deadline for the submission of scientific papers and civil society contributions for the Fourth International Degrowth-Conference is 28th of February 2014. The conference will be held in Leipzig from the 2nd to 6th of September 2014 with the strategic goal to bring forward the degrowth movement. In order […]

• 2014


Mehr oder weniger? Zur Soziologie ökologischer Wachstumskritik und nachhaltiger Kritik

By: Stephan Lorenz

Der Verlag: »Mehr oder weniger?« Ökologische Wachstumskritik richtet sich gegen zerstörerische Dynamiken moderner Industrie- und Überflussgesellschaften, die ein gutes Leben gefährden. Auch Konzepte nachhaltiger Entwicklung halten oft allzu optimistisch an modernen Mehr-Versprechen fest. Jedoch bietet auch die bloße Hinwendung zum Weniger keine besseren Antworten. Vielmehr bedarf nachhaltige En...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Forest Transition theory under scrutiny. Towards a Degrowth-inspired Land-Change Science

By: Iago Otero

Abstract: As an emerging new paradigm, degrowth is influencing and being influenced by different research fields and theoretical frameworks. In this paper I explore how degrowth may engage with land-change science. I focus on the Forest Transition (FT) framework, one of the main theoretical bodies of land-change science, and use it to illustrate some of the conceptual and empirical weaknesses o...

Scientific paper • 2014


Green economy and its others: conservation, scarcity, and buen vivir

By: Kathleen McAfee

Abstract: Green economy aims to save globalized capitalism from economic crisis by muting its ecologically and socially destructive consequences and surmounting conflicts rooted in worsening global inequalities. Its advocates endorse markets in nature as both a conservation strategy and a means to revive economic growth in a context of perceived resource shortages and scarce ecological space. S...

• 2014


A Post Growth Event: Free Money Day

By: aboutsource

This Article was written by Jennifer Hinton and Donnie Maclurcan of the Post Growth Institute for the postconference “Stream towards Degrowth”. An annual event, Free Money Day, was created in 2011 and is run by the Post Growth Institute. Each September 15th, people all over the world hand out their own money to complete strangers, two […]

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Lina Raquel Marinho, Edna Chernicharo

Abstract: This essay intends to discuss a new concept of subject and subjectivity considering the experience in the past at Vienna on the Free Clinic psychoanalyses practices and treatments, by Sigmund Freud, considering the concepts, debates and discussions on the actor-net theory theme and science and at least but not last considering the so called Degrowth Movement and its whole arena of deb...

Scientific paper • 2014


Measuring transformation towards a green economy in Germany

By: Christian Lutz, Rol, Zieschank, Thomas Drosdowski

Measuring a green economy, Set of indicators, Scenarios of energy transformation in Germany