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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2014


State- prescribed (re)productivity? The Philippine Legislation on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Crisis

By: Janina Dannenberg

Abstract: (Re) productivity transports a concept of sustainable society where boundaries between different forms of work and productivity are subject to annulment. In the Philippines, the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act recognizes the right to collective ownership of land and considers a broad variety of economic, social and cultural land uses. Even if not titled the same, the concept of (re)prod...

Scientific paper • 2014


(Re)Productivity in a Perspective of Material Feminism

By: Carla Wember, Suse Brettin

Abstract: In order to strive towards a more sustainable society, it is important to reconsider the relationships between culture (thus economy) and nature which implies questioning powerful dichotomization and hierarchization that are structuring western societies. The idea of nature as a mere resource for the exploits of mankind has led to crisis-laden phenomena as well as the naturalized conc...

Scientific paper • 2014


Essays on frugal abundance

By: Serge Latouche

Part of the introduction to part 1: The great Yale economist Irving Fisher (1867-1947) was said to have a parrot which he had trained to answer any question his students might ask with the words, ‘It’s the law of supply and demand.’ As I find myself facing the same old questions about degrowth over and over again in interviews and debates, I often wish I had such a partner. But if the laws of t...

Art contribution • 2014


Der neue Mensch. / The new Man.


[gallery link="file" columns="5" ids="100341,100342,100343,100344,100345"] Four Exercises in Utopian Movements From the conference programme: THE NEW MAN is an interactive radio play in which the spectator becomes an active participant. The audience will meet the visions of the new Man of four artists of the 20s : the poet Bertolt Brecht, the dancer Rudolf von Laban, the director Wsewolod M...

• 2014

Think Like a Commoner

By: David Bollier

From the book's webpage: The biggest “tragedy of the commons” is the misconception that commons are failures — relics from another era rendered unnecessary by the Market and State. Think Like a Commoner dispels such prejudices by explaining the rich history and promising future of the commons — an ageless paradigm of cooperation and fairness that is re-making our world. With graceful prose and...

Interview • 2014


Open Source Vol. 6 | TRANSITION - TRACY WHEATLEY & Co. | 26/02/2015

By: Vincent Liegey, Sara Feher, Tracy Wheatley

Topics: Transition Town movement in Budapest and Transition (Towns) in general.

Scientific paper • 2014


Reaching the boundaries of the blue planet: dwindling stocks, disappearing communities and the failure of solutions within the neoliberal paradigm

By: Maria Hadjimichael

Abstract: Facing the current crisis The increasing consumption of today's affluent society and its continuous demand for seafood has pushed the boundaries of the ocean to provide for it. It is now believed that global exploitation limits have been reached and that recovery of depleted stocks must become a cornerstone of fisheries management. National, regional and international bodies have come ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Wie Unternehmen ihr Naturkapital ökonomisch erfassen - Bestandsaufnahme und Handlungsempfehlungen

By: Tobias Hartmann

Die Publikation des Global Nature Fund (GNF) wurde im Rahmen des Projektes "Ökonomische Bewertung von Naturkapital aus unternehmerischer Perspektive – Ein Instrument zur Internalisierung betrieblicher Umweltauswirkungen" erstellt. Das Umweltbundesamt (UBA) und das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB) fördern das Vorhaben. Die Studie soll Unternehmen über ...

Scientific paper • 2014


An interdisciplinary understanding of macro rebound effects

By: Hans Jakob Walnum

Rebound effects, critical realism, Interdisciplinary, socio technological structures

• 2014


Alternativen zum Massenkonsum: Sharing, Repair und Co. – was wir ändern können

By: aboutsource

Dieser Artikel ist im Rahmen der Theoriewerkstatt zu Wachstumszwängen entstanden. Im ersten Teil dieses Artikels haben wir beleuchtet, warum die klassischen Wirtschaftswissenschaften Wirtschaftswachstum für notwendig halten, um die Konsumwünsche einer Bevölkerung zu befriedigen, sowie die Fragwürdigkeit dieser Annahme offengelegt. Um es nicht bei der Kritik zu belassen, stellen wir im zweiten ...

• 2014


Ein ressourcenarmer Lebensstil, schön und gut – aber wie lässt sich dieser erreichen?

By: aboutsource

Was ist ein gutes Leben und wie kann man ein gutes Leben leben? Eine Frage, die jeder einzelne für sich beantworten muss? Nein, sagen Uwe Schneidewind und Angelika Zahrnt in ihrem Buch „Damit gutes Leben einfacher wird“. Das gute Leben sei auch ein politisches Thema, denn die Politik muss die Bedingungen und Möglichkeitsräume für ein […]

Scientific paper • 2014


Fair Trade Alternative Trade Organizations as a degrowth-friendly business model

By: Valerio Verrea

Abstract: This paper focuses on the specific features of the Alternative Trade Organizations (ATOs) developed within the Fair Trade system. They are an example of an organizational business model able to create and alternative market where social and ethical aspects are prioritized over profit-seeking. Their example offers important insights about the possibility to create a degrowth-friendly m...

Scientific paper • 2014


Education for Sustainable Consumption through Mindfulness Training

By: Laura Stanszus

Abstract: Education for Sustainable Development, Attitude-behavior-gap, Mindfulness, Individual transformation, Self-reflection Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is considered one of the main drivers of sustainability transformation strategies worldwide. Despite numerous efforts to forward ESD, its practical relevance remains low, as exemplified in the consumption related education an...

Scientific paper • 2014


Economic Growth and Normative Innovations

By: Mateusz Stachura

Abstract: In the prevalent view competition in saturated markets leads to a race-to-the-bottom, i.e. to a social, sociopolitical and ecological deregulation since competitive advantages are only viable by cost reductions due to the depletion of standards. In the present research project a contrary position is theoretically claimed and empirically tested. The main proposition is that low growth ...

Interview • 2014


Protestmarsch in New York: Widerstand gegen Klimaverbrechen

By: Nnimmo Bassey

Am 23. September (Dienstag) findet in New York eine UN-Klimakonferenz mit Staats- und Regierungschefs statt. Die deutsche Kanzlerin Angela Merkel hat bereits klar gemacht, dass sie daran nicht teilnehmen wird. In Deutschland, ein Land, das oft als Klimamusterland angesehen wird, steigen die CO-2-Emissionen seit Jahren wieder. Für Nnimmo Bassey steht fest, dass die Regierungen unfähig sind, ange...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ensuring equitable access to energy in the context of a cap

By: Beth Stratford

Abstract: Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs) is a economy-wide framework designed to shift social norms surrounding energy behaviour and to guarantee equitable access to energy in the context of either a deliberate or involuntary energy descent. This presentation will explore the likely distributional impact, public acceptability and behaviour change potential of the TEQs scheme. While claims in rel...

• 2014


Gerechte Verteilung und sozial-ökologischer Umbau statt pauschaler Wachstumskritik

By: aboutsource

Wirtschaftswachstum ist einerseits ein klar definierter Begriff der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, andererseits ein ideologischer Kampfbegriff: Wer sich nicht vorauseilend von Wachstum distanziert, gilt als Betonkopf, weil Wachstum mit Ressourcenverbrauch und -schädigung gleichgesetzt wird. Übersehen wird dabei, dass auch „Null-Wachstum“ oder sogar wirtschaftliche Schrumpfung mit zunehmender Schädi...

Scientific paper • 2014


How many homes do we need? A theoretical framing of an unsustainable development of the Norwegian second home phenomenon

By: Rasmus Steffansen

Abstract: This paper will address a theoretical conceptualisation of one of the clearest symbols of the North’s wealth and picture on unsustainable economic growth: the second home. There is a lack of theoretical knowledge in relation to how to conceptualise a ‘sustainable development’ of second homes in a Norwegian context. Thus this paper will conceptualise sustainability of second home devel...

Scientific paper • 2014


Happiness and income decrease: an empirical study from Barcelona

By: Filka Sekulova

Abstract:The present article builds upon the results of an empirical study exploring key factors which determine life satisfaction in Barcelona. We look at the way income reductions, associated with the current economic situation in Spain, affect subjective well-being. We find no evidence for a decrease of happiness associated with income declines that have occurred one or two years ago. Recent...