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Showing 43 items

Report • 2015


Was bedeutet Degrowth für dich?

By: Marc Menningmann

Ein kurzes Video in dem Teilnehmer_innen der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 beschreiben was Degrowth für sie bedeutet.

Report • 2015


What does degrowth mean to you?

By: Marc Menningmann

Short video where participants of the Degrowth Conference 2014 share what degrowth means for them.

Report • 2015


Economics for a Full World

By: Herman Daly

The essay starts with a profound growth critique and then goes over to explain three approaches to integrate economy into the ecosystem. The first one the author calls economic imperialism. It is the concept of integrating the whole ecosphere into the economy by financialization, the second is an ecological reductionism and the 3rd is to create a steady state economy. The author is in favour of...

Scientific paper • 2015


Green economy and carbon markets for conservation and development: a critical view

By: Kathleen McAfee

Geen economy, Development, Carbon markets, Ecosystem services, Degrowth, Buen vivir, REDD+

Scientific paper • 2014


A meta-analysis investigation of the direction of the energy-GDP causal relationship: implications for the growth-degrowth dialogue

By: Panos Kalimeris, Clive Richardson, Kostas Bithas

Energy scarcity; Economic growth; Granger causality; Rough set data analysis; Multinomial logistic regression; Degrowth

Scientific paper • 2014


The Knowledge Economy: Key to Sustainable Development?

By: Lukáš Režný, James Buchanan White

Knowledge economy, Sustainability, Economic growth, Nonrenewable natural resources consumption, Peak oil

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and Unemployment: The Implications of Okun's Law

By: Daniel O'Neill

Unemployment, Okun's law, degrowth, steady-state economy, labour productivity

Scientific paper • 2014


Green Capitalism: The God that failed, by Richard Smith

By: Bruno Kern

Abstract: The article shows, how the oroject of a green capitalism of green technology, green taxes, eco-conscious shopping, profit seeking with environmental goals and the like clerly failed. Maximizing profit and saving the planet are inherently in conflict and cannot be systematically aligned. The possibilities for "dematerializing" production are severely limited. The only way to prevent ov...

Scientific paper • 2014


Information technology, decoupling and networked commons - a conceptual overview

By: Till Westermayer

Abstract: Starting at the idea that information technology leads to a dematerialization of economy and thus to a decoupling between growth and material, environmental impacts and resource use, the paper discusses various concepts related to this idea, loosely following the framework of first, second and third order effects (Hilty 2008). It comes to the conclusion that information technology, es...

Scientific paper • 2014


Climate-economy feedbacks under growth, low-growth, and no-growth scenarios

By: Manuel Linsenmeier, Jobst Heitzig

Abstract: In this work we use conceptual mathematical models to explore the role of feedbacks in the coupled climate-economy system under different economic scenarios. We combine different representations of the climate-economy feedback with three scenarios for the global economy: unconstrained background economic growth with slow decoupling of economic production from carbon emissions, economi...

Scientific paper • 2014


Decoupling resource consumption and economic growth: Insights into an unsolved global challenge

By: Peter Hennicke

Abstract: The paper demonstrates that a “resource efficiency revolution” in combination with “sufficiency policies” could be a promising step towards a sustainable development. This might create much technological optimism. However there is much evidence that technological progress has to be accompanied by radical socioeconomic transformation and new patterns of sustainable production and consu...

Scientific paper • 2014


The quest for sustainable development: Decoupling of what and how?

By: Michael Herrmann

From the introduction: This paper provides a clear framework of sustainable development, which helps to navigate through the increasingly muddled discussion, and to identify policy priorities for sustainable development pathways. The paper reiterates the call for more inclusive and greener economic growth and to this end argues for two distinct types of decoupling: Efforts to decouple economic ...

Scientific paper • 2014


The delusion of decoupling, and policy options for mitigating the rebound effects and the environmental impact.

By: Jorgen Norgard

Abstract: When analyzing environmental problems, it is useful to apply the following simple equation for the environmental impact ‘I’, here representing energy consumption: I = P·A·T, With ‘P’ representing population, ‘A’ affluence per capita, and ‘T’ resource intensity, i.e. energy per affluence ‘A’. All three factors are in the equation coupled to ‘I’, and in general we should avoid using the...

Scientific paper • 2014


Upward Mobility in Degrowth Societies

By: Stephan Voswinkel

Abstract: Upward social mobility is a promise of modernity, but as a zero-sum game it includes potential for social conflict. Economic growth could moderate conflicting social aspirations for a long time, therefore upward mobility was understood universally. As a result of the lack of growth, the conflictual nature of upward mobility comes more to the fore. The lecture explicates various proces...

Scientific paper • 2013


Die Energiewende aus wachstumskritischer Perspektive

By: Benjamin Best, Gerolf Hanke

Abstract: In diesem Artikel diskutieren Gerolf Hanke und Benjamin Best die Energiewende aus wachstumskritischer Sicht. Der gegenwärtige Versuch, eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung vorrangig mit technischen Lösungen zu ermöglichen, die das wirtschaftspolitische Wachstumsparadigma und die damit verbundenen, auf materielle Wohlstandssteigerung ausgerichteten Lebensstile und Konsummuster unangetats...

Position paper • 2013


Big Business Emissions Trading

By: Ulrich Brand, Jutta Kill, Michael Müller, Ulla Lötzer, Michael Popp

Against the Financialization of Nature. Policy Paper 02/2013 Rosa Luxemburg Foundation: The work of the commission of the German Parliament (Bundestag) on “Growth, Prosperity, Quality of Life – Paths toward a sustainable economy and social progress in the social marketplace” concluded in mid-April. One of the commission’s five project groups was titled “growth, resource consumption, and tech...

• 2013


Wohlstand ohne Wachstum

By: Tim Jackson

Untertitel: Leben und Wirtschaften in einer endlichen Welt Der Verlag: Unsere gesamte Wirtschaftsordnung baut auf ewigem Wachstum auf - aber nun brauchen wir einen anderen Motor, sagt Tim Jackson. In seinem Standardwerk zur Wachstumsdebatte fordert der britische Ökonom nicht weniger als eine neue Wirtschaftsordnung, die auf einem anderen Wohlstandsbegriff beruht. ISBN-13: 978-3-86581-414-2 ...

Scientific paper • 2012


The opportunities of the blue economy

By: Graziano Pini

Premise: Years ago some small innovative companies began to replace the petrochemical surfactants with biodegradable ingredients, fatty acids of palm oil. All the major manufacturers utilized the biodegradability with the result that huge areas of rainforest have been converted to intensive cultivation of oil palm. These activities taking out the orangutan habitat, chimpanzees and many other sp...

Scientific paper • 2011


Arbeit in der Postwachstumsökonomie - Wir senken das Bruttosozialprodukt

By: Alexis J. Passadakis

Herausgeber: Der Green New Deal wird weder die ökologische Krise bewältigen noch Arbeits losigkeit aus der Welt schaffen. Im Gegensatz dazu versuchen Konzepte für eine solidarische Postwachstumsökonomie beiden Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden.

Presentation • 2011


Woran sich Wohlstand wirklich messen lässt

By: Gustav Horn, Hans Diefenbach

Vortrag von Gustav Horn und Hans Diefenbach im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "Wohlstand ohne Wachstum?" des DGB 2011 an der TU Berlin. Beschreibung Gustav Horn wendet sich in seinem Vortrag Schlüsselbegriffen der Debatte um die Realisierbarkeit einer Postwachstumsgesllschaft zu. Wie definieren wir Wachstum und welches Handwerkszeug steht uns zur Verfügung um Wachstum zu messen? Was untersc...