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Showing 54 items

• 2013


Regionalisierung als Abkehr vom Fortschrittsdenken?

By: Gerolf Hanke

Der Verlag: Dass Krisen zum Kapitalismus dazugehören, ja dass sie notwendig sind, um immer wieder neue Anpassungen des Systems zu ermöglichen, ist mittlerweile zur Binsenweisheit ökonomischer und sozialwissenschaftlicher Theorie geworden. Aber gilt dies auch für die ökologische Krise, die sich unabhängig der medialen Aufmerksamkeitsschwankungen Jahr für Jahr bedrohlicher ausnimmt? Mit Klimawand...

Scientific paper • 2013


An alternative proposal for regional European innovation policy: Cooperation of SMEs with knowledge-intensive services in innovation networks

By: Daniel Feser

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: Innovation policy in the European Union (EU) comes to a result; its policy goal to become the most innovative region in the world until 2010 failed, primarily concerning the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Thus, the purpose of this paper is to introduce my proposal in terms of an alte...

Scientific paper • 2013


Food for Change

By: Jeff Pratt, Pete Luetchford

Subtitle: The Politics and Values of Social Movements. The publisher: "Concern about our food system is growing, from the costs of industrial farming to the dominant role of supermarkets and recurring scandals about the origins and content of what we eat. Food for Change documents the way alternative food movements respond to these concerns by trying to create more closed economic circuits wit...

Scientific paper • 2012


The Geography of Energy Transitions. The emergence of local contexts as main actors of a sustainable turn

By: Luigi Gaudio

Abstract: Since the 1973’s oil crisis everyone on the planet was well aware of the economic development’s dependence from fossil fuels supply and their producers. Nowadays, just like then, an economic and energy crisis has once again highlighted this unsolved dependence. Dealing with such a complex dynamic implies a substantial shift in every country’s societal structure aspects: economic, poli...

Scientific paper • 2012


Relocation and social federalist against the relocation nationalist

By: Thierry Brugvin

From the introduction: Regulatory policy can develop relocated to reduce the carbon footprint and ecological footprint and various pollutants. Regulation relocated, also promotes economic and political autonomy, locality, region or country. Local economic development, social and environmental, must take into account the cultural identity, autonomy and basic needs according Preiswerk. Developme...

Scientific paper • 2012


The transition towards a bioregional model: the case of Friuli Venezia Giulia

By: Piani Lucia, Rover Alberto

Key words: bioregion, agriculture, transition

Interview • 2012


Observing Our Species

By: Extraenvironmentalist, David Suzuki

[ David Suzuki // Observing Our Species ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with David Suzuki made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. What would an Alien think about humans judging from our suicidal behaviour? David Suzuki talks about interconnectedness and how it is overseen. Also calls for an understanding of humanity as being one...

Scientific paper • 2012


What economic democracy for degrowth? Some comments on the contribution of socialist models and Cuban agroecology

By: Sébastien Boillat, Julien-François Gerber, Fernando R. Funes-Monzote

Abstract: While degrowth is about reducing energy and material flows in the economy while sustaining basic human needs, capitalism fosters the opposite trend. How then is degrowth to be implemented on a large scale? In line with different critical intellectual traditions, we argue that degrowth is unlikely to occur within an economy based on capital accumulation and free market of assets. Our o...

Interview • 2010


Degrowth or the economics of Enough

By: Richard Noorgard

Short-interview with Richard Noorgard from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona.

Presentation • 2010

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The food short supply chain: a socioeconomic perspective

By: Bruno Scaltriti

Poster by Bruno Scaltriti from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "The food short supply chain: a socioeconomic perspective".

Presentation • 2010

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Alternative circuits on agrifood markets

By: Lucia Piani, Carlo Santarossa

Poster by Lucia Piani and Carlo Santarossa from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Alternative circuits on agrifood markets".

Presentation • 2010


Participatory guarantee systems in organic faming as an expression of agroecology and as a part of an economic degrowth program: the experience in Andalusia

By: Sofía Boza Martínez

Transcription of an poster session by Sofía Boza Martínez at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Participatory guarantee systems in organic framing as an expression of agroecology and as a part of an economic degrowth program: the experience in Andalusia".

Scientific paper • 2010


Solidary Popular Bank, Ceará, Brazil. A practice compatible with the paradigm of degrowth

By: Gisella Colares Gomes, Elimar Pinheiro do Nascimento

Transcription of an poster session by Gisella Colares Gomes and Elimar Pinheiro do Nascimento at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Solidary Popular Bank, Ceará, Brazil. A practice compatible with the paradigm of degrowth".

• 2010


Geld oder Leben - Was uns wirklich reich macht

By: Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen

Der Verlag: Unser gesamtes Tun ist darauf ausgerichtet, »Geld zu machen«, um es anschließend wieder in konkrete Dinge des täglichen Lebens zurückzutauschen – etwa in Essen oder ein Dach über dem Kopf. Was aber, wenn diese Verwandlungskunst nicht mehr klappt, weil das Geld sich in Luft aufgelöst hat? Spätestens dann ist es an der Zeit, unser Finanz- und Wirtschaftssystem grundlegend zu hinterfra...