"Es gibt nicht „die“ Grundeinkommensbewegung, wie es auch nicht „das“ Grundeinkommenskonzept gibt. Es gibt auch nicht „die“ Degrowth-Bewegung wie es auch nicht „das“ Degrowth-Konzept gibt. Aber es gibt in beiden Bewegungen übereinstimmende bzw. ähnliche Ansätze, die fruchtbar für ein gemeinsames politisches Engagement gemacht werden können." Artikel aus dem Degrowth-Blog auf degrowth.de, erschienen im Februar 2016
Deschooling as a Path to Social-Ecological Transformation By Fabian Scheidler and Andrea Vetter "Deschooling is at the root of any movement for human liberation", wrote Ivan Illich, today almost forgotten but once a world-renowned critical thinker, in 1971. With books like "Deschooling Society" and "Energy and Equity” he inspired in the 1970s both the emerging environmental movement and the r...
By Jasmin Wiefek and Bernd Sommer “Wrong life cannot be lived rightly”: This famous dictum by Theodor W. Adorno1 highlights the difficulty of finding a way to individually pursue a good life in a world that is characterised by inequality, exploitation and various forms of domination. However, this question has so far mainly been dealt with [...]
We are pleased to announce that registration to the conference is now open and the basic conference programme is available on our website: As of now, it includes seven keynote speeches and more than 20 panel discussions in addition to chosen scientific and artistic sessions. In the course of the coming weeks we will be completing the programme by around 250 further workshops and scientific sess...