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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2018


Macroeconomics Without Growth - Sustainable Economies in Neoclassical, Keynesian and Marxian Theories

By: Steffen Lange

How can we organize our economies without growth? "Macroeconomics Without Growth' provides a comprehensive understanding of how non-growing economies can be sustainable. With this book, Steffen Lange brings new momentum into the debate on post-growth, degrowth and steady state economies. The book delves deep into economic theory to understand how a macro-economy can operate without growth. By a...

Scientific paper • 2018


Degrowth in city planning

By: Ari Aukusti Lehtinen

This paper summarises the key arguments of degrowth thinking and examines their validity in a city planning setting. The paper argues that much of the reorientation work that is necessary to meet the goals of international climate change conventions needs to be carried out locally, in urban and regional settings, and this creates pressure to renew land-use planning practices. It also argues tha...

• 2018


Degrowth: Für eine planetarische Grenzen respektierende solidarische Politik

By: Max Koch

"Versuche, das Wachstum des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) von Umweltindikatoren wie den ökologischen Fußabdrücken von Produktion und Konsumtion sowie Treibhausgasemissionen absolut und auf globalem Niveau zu entkoppeln, sind bis dato gescheitert (Jackson 2017). Das auf Wirtschaftswachstum setzende, energie- und stoffintensive westliche Wohlstandsmodell lässt sich nicht auf den Rest der Erde übert...

Scientific paper • 2018


An Equilibrium Framework for the Analysis of a Degrowth Society With Asymmetric Agents, Sharing and Basic Income

By: TiinaHeikkinen

Degrowth, Dynamic equilibrium, Externalities, Voluntary simplicity, Welfare, Sharing, Collaborative consumption, Basic income

• 2018


Is Degrowth the Only Way to Save the World?

By: Ronald Bailey

Introduction: Unless us folks in rich countries drastically reduce our material living standards and distribute most of what we have to people living in poor countries, the world will come to an end. Or at least that's the stark conclusion of a study published earlier this month in the journal Nature Sustainability. The researchers who wrote it, led by the Leeds University ecological economist ...

Scientific paper • 2018


Business Development in Post-Growth Economies: Challenging Assumptions in the Existing Business Growth Literature

By: Jan Cornelius Zoellick, Thomas Cyron

Existing literature has not specifically examined individual business growth in post-growth economies. This paper challenges dominant assumptions in the business growth literature by considering post-growth economies as an organisational context characterised by natural resource scarcity and an absence of macro-level economic expansion. We investigate conceptually how such a context impacts bus...

• 2018


Utilitarianism made for ‘Hard Times’ in Dickens’ England

By: Anya VerKamp

Comment from Anya VerKamp on the novel "Hard Times" by Charles Dickens. Introduction: Charles Dickens, an author witnessing firsthand the harsh impacts of the industrial revolution, wrote a novel that contains in it some of the themes still present in degrowth discourse today. His novel Hard Times demonstrates the invasion of utilitarianism and its economic implications into human relationsh...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Mujeres en Movimiento en la perspectiva ecofeminista: descrecimiento y economía solidaria en Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil

By: Verônica Maria Bezerra Guimarães, Marise Massen Frainer

El diálogo entre descrecimiento y economía solidaria revela una potencialidad creativa de cambios a nivel local y regional, actuando en la microeconomía por la vía del ecofeminismo. Tal experiencia señala la imposibilidad de que exista libertad, si los medios de producción están enganchados a cualquier forma de explotación, colonización o subordinación del otro, incluidas ahí las mujeres.

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Un criterio para la defensa de los maices originarios como patrimonio biocultural

By: Miguel Esteban, Isreal Ozuna

Con base en reflexiones hechas sobre las diferencias entre los policultivos que permiten la reproducción de los maíces originarios y los monocultivos de maíces transgénicos, se propone un criterio general que nos permita diferenciar entre las prácticas culturales que podemos patrimonializar de aquellas que no. Este criterio es la posibilidad de reproducir la vida en su diversidad biológica y cu...

• 2018


Pós-extrativismo e Decrescimento - Saídas do labirinto capitalista

By: Alberto Acosta, Ulrich Brand

Na Europa — e, agora, também na América Latina — as políticas de austeridade estão fazendo com que a pobreza e a desigualdade voltem a aumentar: o Estado de bem-estar social sucumbe diante do mercado financeiro, enquanto novas fronteiras petrolíferas, mineiras e agropecuárias engolem a vegetação nativa, atropelando os Direitos Humanos e os Direitos da Natureza. Acosta e Brand são categóricos...

Scientific paper • 2018


Framing Social Enterprise as Post-Growth Organising in the Diverse Economy

By: Eeva Houtbeckers

Organising for post-growth society is called for to enable living on our finite planet. While previous research has suggested that social enterprise could be one form of post-growth organising (PGo), these suggestions might not rely on critical studies of social enterprise (SE) or studies exploring everyday practices of SE. This paper asks to what extent can SE practices be considered to be pos...

Scientific paper • 2018


Sustainability, Wellbeing and the Posthuman Turn

By: Thomas S.J. Smith

This book examines how the way we conceive of, or measure, the environment changes the way we interact with it. Thomas Smith posits that environmentalism and sustainable development have become increasingly post-political, characterised by abstraction, and quantification to an unprecedented extent. As such, the book argues that our ways of measuring both the environment, such as through sustain...

Scientific paper • 2018


Structured Diversity: A Practice Theory Approach to Post-Growth Organisations

By: Benedikt Schmid

Innovative forms of organising are a crucial pillar of post-growth transitions. Situated within a growth-based institutional context, actually existing forms of post-growth organising are ambiguous. Divisions across legal structure, market participation and sectoral focus do not suffice to single out post-growth organisations. Instead, this paper develops a more fluid notion which is based on t...

• 2018


From degrowth to de-globalisation

By: Samuel Decker

Introduction: THE rise of far-right globalisation criticism requires a new role for the degrowth movement. ‘Progressive de-globalisation’ could be the counter-project that is urgently needed. After the German and Austrian elections, it becomes clear once more that the rise of the new far-right is not a temporary phenomenon. Neither the difficult Brexit negotiations nor the missteps of Donald T...

• 2018


Politisch aktiv sein und bleiben - Handbuch nachhaltiger Aktivismus

By: Timo Luthmann

Die politischen und persönlichen Herausforderungen nehmen für engagierte Menschen stetig zu. Wie können wir – ohne auszubrennen – mit diesen Umständen klug umgehen? Was macht Aktivist*innen wie auch soziale Bewegungen widerstandsfähiger, kreativer und erfolgreicher? Wie sieht es mit der feinen Balance zwischen individueller Selbstverwirklichung und kollektiver Befreiung aus? Erstmals wird da...

Educational paper • 2018


Degrowth and Environmental Justice Summer School 2018: Video Lecture #1

By: Brototi Roy, Beatriz Rodríguez-Labajos

Course intro (Beatriz Rodríguez-Labajos); and Lecture + Q&A on the topic 'Power Dynamics, Inequalities, and Violence' (Brototi Roy)

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Críticas al desarrollo en tiempos del Antropoceno: enfocues relacionales e imaginarios alternativos desde el Sur

By: Maristella Svampa

Conferencia de la Plenaria del Martes por Maristella Svampa: "Críticas al desarrollo en tiempos del Antropoceno: enfocues relacionales e imaginarios alternativos desde el Sur"

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Will 'Limits to Growth' be the Death of Us?

By: Sophia R. Sanniti

Degrowth's fatal error consists in assuming rationalism and seeing sustainability as an existential dilemma.

• 2018


A humanidade já ultrapassou os limites da resiliência do Planeta

By: José Eustáquio Diniz Alves

A apresentação “Os limites da resiliência do Planeta e o decrescimento demoeconômico”, exposta e debatida no XXI Encontro Nacional de Estudos Populacionais, da ABEP, ocorrido em 25 de setembro de 2018, teve como base uma tese, uma antítese e uma síntese, como mostrado a seguir: Tese: O crescimento demoeconômico no Antropoceno (últimos 250 anos) possibilitou uma grande acumulação de capital e...