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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth and Fracking

By: Brian Davey

The presentation will be about hydraulic fracturing and unconventional oil and gas – developed so far mainly in the USA and Australia but also a possible threat in the UK, Poland, the Ukraine and Latin America. This industry is dependent on high prices as well as easy and cheap credit. Its likely failure will have tremendous implications for the stability of the finance sector. This is importan...

Scientific paper • 2016


The interpretation of degrowth in local policy and planning

By: Katarina Buhr

A significant share of the literature on degrowth focuses on macro-level units of analysis such as the global or national economy, to discuss aspects such as market logics as a central organizing principle in society or the relevance of GDP as a welfare measure or as a barrier for long-term sustainable development on the global scale. Studies on degrowth that focus on the local scale, on the ot...

Scientific paper • 2016


Sustainable Farm Systems? Applying Energy—Landscape Integrated Analysis in past and present Western agricultures

By: Claudio Cattaneo

ELIA (Energy Landscape Integrated Analysis) is a method that combines energy analysis of agroecosystems (energy flows and capacity to store energy within them) with land cover / land use change and so it represents the energy imprint over a landscape. First applied to Vallès County in the Barcelona Region a similar study is here replicated to a new time point and to other ten cases across Euro...

Scientific paper • 2016


Flourishing in low-carbon just futures?

By: Eléonore Fauré

This paper describes how daily life could turn out 2050 in normative scenarios for developments beyond traditional GDP growth for Sweden. Four scenarios have been developed in a previous phase of a transdisciplinary project: 1) collaborative economy, 2) local self-sufficiency, 3) automatization for quality of life, and 4) circular economy in the welfare state. These scenarios all fulfill a GHG-...

Scientific paper • 2016


Social organization strategies for a reduction of energy consumption

By: Raúl Velasco-Fernández

Energy saving and efficiency strategies are generally focused on optimization of devices, end uses appliances or productive machinery. However, their utilization factors are much more crucial when talking about redistributive downscaling of production and consumption in industrialized countries and are usually forgotten. If the utilization factor is usually very high in the production processes...

• 2016


Ausstieg aus der Megamaschine

By: Fabian Scheidler

"Warum sozialökologischer Wandel nicht ohne eine Veränderung der Tiefenstrukturen unserer Wirtschaft zu haben ist: Wer eine Zeitung aufschlägt oder Nachrichten hört, fühlt sich in ein Panoptikum von Katastrophenmeldungen veretzt: hier eine verheerende Dürre, dort ein zerfallender Staat, hier ein Terroranschlag, dort ein Finanz-Crash. Man kann alle diese Ereignisse als unzusammenhängende Einzelp...

Presentation • 2016


THUR_19h // Alliances between Global North and Global South

By: Ashish Kothari, Miriam Lang, Ulrich Brand, Edgardo Lander, Beatriz Rodrígues-Labajos

Panel discussion at the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016. Speakers: Miriam Lang, Edgardo Lander, Ashish Kothari, Beatriz Rodrígues-Labajos, Ulrich Brand Degrowth proposals are largely debated within and for the Global North. Despite strong dynamics and orientations towards economic growth and Western-style developm...

Educational paper • 2016

Text Image

RepairKids Manual - Reparatur im Bildungskontext

By: Kristina Deselaers

reparatur-initiativen.de: RepairKids ist ein Leitfaden für alle Reparatur-Initiativen und Interessierte, die ihr Tätigkeitsfeld gern erweitern möchten und mit Kindern und Jugendlichen zusammen reparieren wollen. Kristina Deselaers, Initiatorin von RepairKids und Repair Café Sasel, hat ihre Erfahrungen in diesem Manual verschriftlicht und wir laden nun gemeinsam ein, das Konzept RepairKids zu er...

Scientific paper • 2016


Permaculture and Degrowth: Paths for an effective collaboration

By: Mildred Gustack Delambre

The main subject of this paper is the path taken by two movements that apparently support the same economical and environmentalist action but don't mandatorily talk with each other in an intimate way. Our aim is to analyze the relations between Permaculture and Degrowth, while considering both movements going towards post-growth proposals. Another goal is to study where the links are and the di...

Scientific paper • 2016


Postwachstum im Wandel/Degrowth in transformation

By: Jana Holz

The Master thesis opens perspectives on the status quo and future development of the German degrowth movement. A movement is understood as a network of actors, ideas and occasions that together form and transform it. In order to do so, a qualitative network analysis is carried out within an exploratory and actor-centered research design. Five actors of the movement that played central roles in ...

Scientific paper • 2016


Needs or wants? Identifying the foundations of a new narrative for the future

By: Antonietta Di Giulio

One of the paradigms of consumerism builds on the assumption of humans having an increasing amount of needs to be satisfied, and a corresponding mechanism is feeding this list. One of the sustainable consumption strategies questions this paradigm asking for a sufficiency approach limiting needs and their satisfaction. This in turn by quite a number of people is perceived to be an attack to qual...

• 2016


Lässt sich Klimapolitik in CO2-Ausstoß bemessen?

By: Camila Moreno, Lili Fuhr, Daniel Speich Chassé

"Bis vor kurzem noch hätten Begriffe wie „CO2-Bilanz“, „CO2-Fußabdruck“ oder „CO2-Ausgleich“ nur fragende Blicke in der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit hervorgerufen. Inzwischen sind sie in aller Munde, ganz unabhängig von der Frage, ob sie den notwendigen Klimaschutzzielen überhaupt dienlich sind oder nicht. „Carbon metrics“ sind das Maß aller Dinge in der internationalen Umweltpolitik...." Arti...

Scientific paper • 2016


Macro-economic modeling of sustainability transitions

By: Kerstin

Established macro-economic models used for economic policy analysis, but also for the evaluation of climate policies, often are neoclassical general equilibrium models. Even though these models are based on comprehensive empirical databases and allow the linking of economic theory with physical resources and different types of environmental impacts, equilibrium models underly severe methodologi...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 – Can technologies help to reduce the physical and human degradation in transition towards a degrowth society?

By: Pasqua L'Abbate

Presentation by Pasqua L'Abbate This article outlines the role that technology has to play in order to enable human beings to move towards a degrowth society. Against the background of the problems we face today, the authors E.E. Schumacher, N.Georgescu-Roegen and others have been re-examined. This work also explains the concepts of entropy and emergy and the “fourth” principle of thermodynami...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - Un-common business sense. Toward a growth-independent transformative management model

By: Jana Gebauer

Presentation by Jana Gebauer Empirical studies on firm size and growth show that the larger proportions of companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), are voluntary or forced non- and slow growers. Yet, the generally unquestioned postulate is that growth is the entrepreneurial raison d’être and an indispensable (societal) obligation for an economic actor. In this spirit, ‘n...

Scientific paper • 2016


Global village – stories from Ukraine

By: oksud518

This research is an exploration of the case studies of social initiatives that are emerging in Ukraine at the time of current crisis. It explores the roots, reasons, motivations of these initiatives as well as its potential to propose alternative tools and mechanisms of living to the broader society. These tools and mechanisms are further explored though degrowth and also sustainability theoret...

Scientific paper • 2015


The material footprint of nations

By: Thomas O. Wiedmann, Heinz Schandl, Manfred Lenzen, Daniel Moran, Sangwon Suh, James West, Keiichiro Kanemoto

Abstract: Metrics on resource productivity currently used by governments suggest that some developed countries have increased the use of natural resources at a slower rate than economic growth (relative decoupling) or have even managed to use fewer resources over time (absolute decoupling). Using the material footprint (MF), a consumption-based indicator of resource use, we find the contrary: A...

• 2015

Grassroots (economic) activism in times of crisis: mapping the redundancy of collective actions

By: Francesca Forno

In the current economic crisis of industrialized society, social movements face two types of challenges: firstly, they are confronting institutions that are less capable of and have no propensity for mediating new socio-economic demands; secondly, they are experiencing difficulties in building strong and lasting bonds of solidarity and cooperation among people. The latter are fundamental resour...

• 2015


The state is subsidizing the dinosaurs – without political struggles this will not change

By: Fabian Scheidler

By Fabian Scheidler In the face of climate change, financial crises and mass poverty, a growing number of people agree that we need a fundamental social-ecological transformation that includes all areas of society. Luckily, a huge variety of concepts and practices for such transformation already exists. These, however, have not yet been able to leave

• 2015


Video: Metamorphosen

By: Corinna Burkhart

Vor gut einem Jahr fand die Vierte Internationale Degrowth Konferenz für Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und Soziale Gerechtigkeit in Leipzig statt. Dazu gibt es ein Jubiläumsvideo des Stückes “Metamorphosen”: Metamorphosen from Marc Menningmann on Vimeo. Zur Eröffnung der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 trat der Klangkünstler Pablo Paolo Kilian mit seinem Stück “Metamorphosen” auf. Visuell begleitet wurde ...