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The Fourth International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity took place in Leipzig, Germany from September 2nd to 6th 2014. Almost 3000 people took part in the conference. The conference consisted of more than 500 events. You could find keynote speeches, panel discussions, scientific talks, discussion workshops as well as practical workshops and artistic formats. The conference showed the interest that exists for degrowth in Germany and made it possible to tie closer connections between the German and the southern European degrowth debate. Furthermore, links between the degrowth movement and other movements were strengthened, such as the climate justice movement. If you wish to read more about what was discussed at the conference you can stroll through the programme database and the press-review or watch a video of one of the events.

Moreover, you can read the following background information: > What made the conference special? > The host town of Leipzig

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On strategies for socioecological transformation

Flickr daniel friedman

By: Panos Petridis

In a recent post, a group of authors expressed their concerns that degrowth risks being lost in pluralism and argued for the need to co-produce a mix of context-sensitive strategies. I believe this re-stirring of the debate on strategy in the degrowth movement is both relevant and timely. While I agree with many of the authors’ concerns, and proposals, I would here like to propose a somewhat di...


One decade of Degrowth International Conferences: Past, Present and Future

Dialogue in turbulent times

By: The Support Group of the International Degrowth Conferences

This year we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first international degrowth conference in Paris, 18-19 April 2008. This event introduced the originally French activist slogan décroissance into the English-speaking world and international academia as degrowth. This year we celebrate with three conferences: the current one in Malmö, the one in Mexico City from 3 to 7 September and at the Post...


Kitchen for all

Küche für Alle [Kitchen for all] from Marc Menningmann on Vimeo. Next to discussing and presenting, people also ate and cooked on the Degrowth Conference which took place in Leipzig last year. The "Kitchen for all" is a group of People's kitchens which cooked for and with the conference participants to provide food every lunch and dinner.