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Video: Leben im Bauwagen


Leben im Bauwagen von Marc Menningmann auf Vimeo Der Fotograf Nico Baumgarten öffnete während der Degrowth Konferenz in Leipzig seinen Bauwagen für Passant_Innen. Wer wollte, konnte sich einen Eindruck von seiner Lebensweise machen und seine Fotoserie "Welcome Home" anschauen, die sich mit alternativen Wohnformen beschäftigt. Im Film erzählt er, was ihn zu dieser Aktion motiviert hat, und beschreibt die Reaktion der Menschen.

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Degrowth in the US: Thinking smaller where everything is big

By: Sam Bliss

Things are big in the United States of America. Returning home after a year away reacquaints me with big detached single-family homes, big single-occupant vehicles, and big single-species grass lawns. I find wider roads, longer distances, larger supermarkets, and more stuff everywhere. As a student of ecological economics, it makes me a little anxious. Such individualistic extravagance isn’t e...


Re-taking Sustainable Development for Degrowth

By André Reichel In the discourse on degrowth – the deliberate and planned downscaling of production and consumption that increases human well-being and enhances ecological conditions and equity on the planet – the notion of »sustainable development« has sort of a bad rap. In fact, sustainable degrowth is intended to replace sustainable development as the central concept under which ecological...


Only degrowth can be a credible answer to Europe's current refugee situation

By: Dennis Eversberg

By Dennis Eversberg Tens of thousands are currently coming to Europe, hoping for a better future. They are fleeing from war, violence, political persecution and utter despair, and their hope for a better life lets them endure experiences of dire poverty, exclusion, rejection, police repression and much more on their way here. At the same time, many degrowth activists participate in numerous pr...