Das Spiel des guten Lebens von Marc Menningmann auf Vimeo Während der Degrowth Konferenz gab es neben Vorträgen, Podiumsdiskussionen und Workshops auch viele unkonventionelle Aktionen. Eine davon war das "Spiel des guten Lebens", bei dem das "Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie" das Thema "Degrowth" mit in die Leipziger Fußgängerzone genommen hat, um mit Passant_Innen ins Gespräch zu kommen.
Contribution for a dialogue between Degrowth, Human Development and Buen Vivir Over the last 50 years, the mounting evidence of a civilizational or multidimensional crisis has progressively dislocated the (still dominant) industrialist and developmentalist discourse, setting out the imperative of a socio-ecological transition to overcome this crisis. In particular since the turn of the cent...
Anthropological thoughts on degrowth Degrowth energizes and interconnects remarkably heterodox thinking and surprisingly heterogeneous action. To advance dialogue among diverse pathways, a recent Journal of Political Ecology issue on “Degrowth, Culture and Power” joins studies of 15 initiatives to forge worlds that prioritize well-being, equity and sustainability rather than expansion. My intr...
Should arguments for degrowth be anthropocentric or ecocentric? And what does this mean in practice? There is an interesting discussion going on, starting with two recent court rulings in New Zealand and India about rivers being granted personal rights. We present an article by Ashish Kothari, Mari Margil and Shrishtee Bajpai, first published for The Guardian. Several geographically-distan...