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Video: What does degrowth mean to you?


What does degrowth mean to you? By Marc Menningmann

In this video, some of the scientists, activists and ordinary other participants who gathered at last year's Degrowth Conference in Leipzig share their personal understanding of degrowth. It shows how many different facets degrowth can have. Now we have added English subtitles to it which can be activated by clicking on the little green box saying "CC" in the bar at the bottom of the video.

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How to celebrate the 2020 Global Degrowth Day

50 ways to take a break printable

By: Ana Poças

On June 6th we will once more celebrate the Global Degrowth Day (GDD). On this day, like last year, we want to show that there are alternatives to the capitalist growth society and that a good life for all is possible! This time of multiple crisis can be overwhelming, but it is also a crucial moment to re-think how we live and how societies are organized. Degrowth is a powerful tool to e...


Carework as Commons: Towards a Feminist Degrowth Agenda

By: Bengi Akbulut

The debates around post-growth transitions to just socio-ecological futures - while undoubtedly variegated - all emphasize that such a transition will involve a fundamental change in the way we organize economic relations and processes. At a first glance, this implies both a nominal and a structural, change with corresponding shifts in production, labor and consumption patterns. Whereas nominal...


Learning for Life: Participation in the Transformation of a Commons

Logo sakbe quadrat

This article is written by Claudia Gómez-Portugal in the scope of the Stream towards Degrowth. As a Mexican activist and promoter of social change she founded the organization SAKBE – Commons for Social Change and the Free Learning Communities for Life Initiative – and commits herself to developing communication strategies for social change, effective participation, [...]