are very excited that there's now a promising degrowth-iniatiative in India. The Degrowth-India initiative and blog aims at re-politicizing the Indian debate on the much needed socio-ecological transformation. A press-article about the kick-off of the initiative is available here. If you're interested in the further development of the debate, stay tuned in!
Contribution for a dialogue between Degrowth, Human Development and Buen Vivir Over the last 50 years, the mounting evidence of a civilizational or multidimensional crisis has progressively dislocated the (still dominant) industrialist and developmentalist discourse, setting out the imperative of a socio-ecological transition to overcome this crisis. In particular since the turn of the cent...
On the Need for Collaboration Between Social Movements and Activisms By Lucie Bardos Not that long ago, I left North America and arrived fresh and starry-eyed in Lund, Sweden, ready to begin my master’s degree in a program entitled Culture, Power and Sustainability. In my second year, I decided to write my thesis about the Transition Town movement, a social movement out of Great Britain born ...
Ausschreibung von zwei Promotionsstipendien der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Fragen sozial-ökologischer Transformation und sozialer Reproduktion bilden derzeit einen Arbeitsschwerpunkt der Stiftung. Die wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungsgegenstände der zu fördernden Promotionsvorhaben sollten schwerpunktmäßig in Europa bzw. in Lateinamerika liegen und globale Fragen ausgehend von diesen beiden Kontinenten in den Blick nehmen. Denkbare Beispiele wären Komplementaritäten des Ressourcen-Extraktivismus in Lateinamerika mit einer auf [...]