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Welcome to Degrowth India!


http://www.degrowthindiainitiative.org/We are very excited that there's now a promising degrowth-iniatiative in India.  The Degrowth-India initiative and blog aims at re-politicizing the Indian debate on the much needed socio-ecological transformation. A press-article about the kick-off of the initiative is available here. If you're interested in the further development of the debate, stay tuned in!

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The Easy Way Out of Rebound Effects

Rebound effect

By: Blake Alcott

Environmental protection is needed because we take useful things out of nature and put useless or harmful things back in. The resulting depletion and pollution have reached harmful, unsustainable levels. We know that voluntary behaviour change, led by an elite that encourages, fosters and politely ‘nudges’ the masses, won’t do it. Legislated solutions are needed on the principle of ‘I will if y...


Vertrauen zwischen linken Bewegungen schaffen

Tent coloured small

By: Marianne Heinze

Die Anmeldung für das MOVE UTOPIA Zusammen!Treffen! für eine Welt nach Bedürfnissen und Fähigkeiten vom 21.-25.Juni 2017 in Lärz (Mecklenburg) ist ab sofort geöffnet. Wir veröffentlichen ein Interview der Zeitschrift arranca! mit zwei Organisator*innen des Treffens, bei dem  der Zusammenhang zwischen MOVE UTOPIA und der Degrowth-Bewegung im Mittelpunkt steht. Im Juni findet das MOVE UTOP...


Why Sustainable Development and Radical Alternatives are not Compatible

By: Ashish Kothari

By Ashish Kothari, Federico Demaria and Alberto Acosta André Reichel’s very thoughtful piece ‘Retaking sustainable development for degrowth’ raises several very important issues. We start by acknowledging that we and Reichel are clearly on the same page in criticizing current models of ‘growth’ including in its ‘green’ and ‘eco-modernist’ forms. We concur also on the need for the world to move...