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Scientific paper


A Social Ecological Economic Perspective on Transformation

Christian Kerschner, Clive Spash

Entry type:
Scientific paper

Year of publication:

Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014


Abstract: This paper is part of the special session called: “Exploring Transformation to a Radical Alternative Gesellschaft: Economy, Ethics, Ecology” (RAGE). All papers in this session will be 10 minutes and presented in the first hour of the session. The paper is a first attempt to map the contributions of Social Ecological Economics (SEE) to research on transformation of society and economy to a radical alternative from the present capitalist systems. The paper reviews the literature on SEE in terms of approaches to and research perspectives on the concept of social transformation. We use the term transformation as indicating a major and substantive re-formation of structure and conduct in society, rather than a transit to an slightly different order (i.e. transition). We focus on the objects, subjects and means for transformation as discussed implicitly or explicitly by the field of SEE

This media entry was a contribution to the special session "Exploring transformation to a radical alternative society (RAGE)" at the 4th International Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014.

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